
Thursday, 12 March 2009

Tale of two dogs.

I had a visitor this morning, two in fact, Henry brought his owner Helen to see me, he is a lively little fella, jumping all over the place, he was so excited. I quickly picked up the cats food dishes before the cheeky chappie got his nose into them. The poor cats scattered as this bundle of fun dashed around the house. This is Henry, a gorgeous Labrador puppy.

We decided to collect Ben from his house and take the two of them for a walk together. Ben is 12 years old, so he is a bit of a steady plodder, very easy to walk, he likes to stroll along sniffing out all the other doggy smells in the grass verges.

Henry had other ideas, he was chasing up and down trying to get Ben to play, he was having none of it. We walked down the hill, and along the lane where we took their leads off. Then we went past the fishing pond and turned right along the river bank, keeping well away from the water, as neither of us fancied diving in to pull the little scamp out.

I'm not sure Ben enjoyed it very much as he likes to do his own thing. I have noticed just lately he is a little bit deaf and his sight is not so good, he is also a bit unsteady on his back legs at times. But we have lovely walks together. I can't understand people who think dog walking is a chore, they are lovely companions and give so much love in return for a warm place to sleep, and food in their bellies. Ben is on my desktop every time I switch my computer on, he's my best friend.

Daily spend - Tesco £34.23. big shop, used voucher

1 comment:

  1. People who have never had a dog for a friend just dont understand... Fergus is my first dog and I am half a century old and I dont know how I managed before him... except that I still love the cats!!


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