
Wednesday, 27 January 2010

What is a Scrapstore

I have been at the Scrapstore today so I thought I would post some pictures in case some people don't know what a Scrapstore is. We collect stuff from businesses which would normally be thrown into a hole in the ground. We then distribute it to anyone who wants it for crafting purposes. Individuals can come and buy it very cheaply, and teachers collect it for use in their classes.

Today we had a delivery from Hull Scrapstore, they very kindly give us stuff that they have to spare. This is Tracy, she does all the collecting and delivering for Hull.

Lorraine helping to unload, she is our main volunteer, she comes in most days.

This is Bob, Loraines husband, he is helping Tracy.

The main part of the store, we also have a big workshop, office, storeroom, kitchen and toilets.
A display of some of the things that have been made using scrap.

Rolls of fabric donated by a company that makes window blinds.

Vinyl donated by a company that makes lorry curtain sides.

Plastic trays, tubs, and bottles, collected from food manufacturers

Rolls of sticky tape.

Cardboard spools with plastic ends, we can find a use for anything.

Assortment of wood, mostly medium to smaller pieces because we don't have the room to store anything larger.

Rolls of stickers and decorated plastic tapes, some sticky some are not.

Drums of fabric, leather, and foam offcuts.

We also have all kinds of fabrics from the biggest rolls to the smallest of pieces, we have paint, dress patterns, cardboard, zips, wool, absoulutely anything that can be used for something other than what it was intended for. I love rooting around in a Scrapstore, you never know what you will find.


  1. ooh are these just in your area?? would love to visit one if they have one near me in the manchester area

  2. Knithappens - Below is a link to a nationwide list of scrapstores HTH :)

    Ilona - I love, love, love scrapstores, we have something similar near to us (it is a charity that employs adults with special needs)and I love to rummage around and find treasures, I feel like a little kid at Christmas :) I home educate four of our children and get through a lot of scrap! I am so grateful to all staff, and the volunteers - we have had so much fun with our 'finds'.

  3. Are the proceeds for charity or is it a money making enterprise? Just curious because we don't seem to have any in the US. Wish we did!

  4. Hi ladyhawthorne, Scrapstores is a registered national charity, though I don't think it's run by a head office, each branch works independantly. The money they make from sales goes straight back into paying for overheads, rent, electric, etc. There is some funding available through grants, but it's very complicated to apply for it and takes ages.

    Thanks brightandnew for that link I've had a look, there is a branch in Manchester.


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