
Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Natural beauty

During these cold days, I am not in a hurry to go out very early, except if I have a days walking planned. Mostly I have a leisurely start, up between 7.30 amd 8am, sit at the dining room table overlooking the garden, eating my breakfast, listening to the radio, and planning my days activities. Ahhh, the joys of retirement :-)

The sun always comes up over the back from the left hand side and travels across behind the row of silver birch in the next garden, then after lunch time moves around the side of the house to the front. In the summer I have to close one of the curtains as I sit there and daydream, as it is too bright. This morning the sun was cheekily peeping out from behind some very moody clouds drifting along in the breeze. I just had to capture the image.

Fabulous, isn't it! How often do we take these things for granted. The sun will rise, it will move across the sky, and it will disappear over the horizon. How often do we dismiss these sights as normal and carry on with what we were doing, and how often do we look but don't see?

It only takes a minute for a stunning view like this to reveal itself, and in another minute it will be gone forever. How amazing is that! And if we weren't paying attention, if we were so engrossed in our own little world, wrapped up in our own worries and anxieties, we would have missed out on many beautiful sights that present themselves every minute of every day.

The best part is that we don't have to go anywhere to appreciate natural beauty, it is all around us. We only have to open our eyes.


  1. you are so very right.
    Take care,

  2. A beautiful picture to go with a wonderful post.

  3. A lovely photo, thoese clouds look really moody but the blue sky looks very inviting. We've had stormy clouds and rain all morning here and sunshine this afternoon.


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