
Saturday, 6 February 2010

Trying something

Trying something


  1. I am so glad you are back.. Missed your blog but luckily for us you then posted a few to make up for it. I feel so happy!! Love your holiday snaps.

  2. Thank you Justine. I didn't realise at the time but I have posted the Grinton pictures in medium, I meant to post them in large size. But they can be enlarged by clicking on them, then they are too large and you have to scroll sideways to see them all, which I don't like. I posted the three above to see what happens to them when you click on them. Nothing, they wont enlarge, I wonder why? Perhaps it's multiple postings of the same photo that wont allow enlargement.

    I can either change all the previous photos to large, as I originally intended, or leave them and people can enlarge them if they wish. It would be a laborious job to change the size, but there must be a quicker solution through HTML. I will have to investigate. There is nothing worse than trying to squint your eyes to see all the detail.

  3. Done it. Changed the smallest to the biggest by changing the sizes in HTML. Ilona

  4. Still playing. Deleted two of the photos above, but the remaining one will not enlarge, need to suss this out. Ilona


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