
Friday, 9 July 2010

A little Felix bag

Well I couldn't leave the pink pouches out, could I? I thought these would look nice on their own so I made a smaller bag. Twelve pouches, six back and front, with a 1.5inch gusset. I have used the tougher fabric from the gazebo roof to join the two sides, and made the lining and handles from a softer fabric. Luckily they are the same shade of blue so match perfectly.

I would have preferred to put a zip in the top, but I didn't have the right size or colour, and it would have been very awkward to put it through the machine. So I have compromised with black velcro dots. This should work fine because the bag is quite deep so if it is not stuffed full, the contents should not fall out.

It is 10.5 inches square, not a shopping bag, but a handy size for everyday bits and pieces.

Two rows of stitching round the top so the handles are firmly attached.

Quite cute, don't you think. I need to think of something else to make now, as I can't stop washing and saving the pouches, ha ha.


  1. They really are fab. I saw some recycled packaging bags in a local shop recently and they were criminally expensive, shopping totes for about £17 !!!
    Twiggy x

  2. Oh just gorgeous, wish you had an ebay store.... I would certainly love to own one of your recycled felix bags♥

  3. wow, what a great idea, maybe peg bags next?
    £17 !! erm Twiggy have you forgotten, I make Morsbags shopping totes and they are FREE!
    Josie x

  4. what about a button and loop fastening? is that possible?
    Josie x

  5. Oh that's great. You could join lots of pouches and sandwich them together with wadding to make a damp proof picnic rug, perhaps? Told daughter's cat he must change to Felix, the pouches he has aren't so attractive. He's not convinced..

  6. I think you should open an Etsy shop and sell them!

  7. Yes Josie, I could have put a button and loop fastening on it, but I didn't want to stitch through the pussy cat face :o( Peg bags are a definate possibility.

    You could indeed make a damp proof picnic rug out of them, Jee. Whiskas pouches come in lovely colours, does daughters cat like those?

    Sorry I'm not ready to sell anything, I need them for my display on Sunday in a craft tent, and at the end of the month at the Arts Centre. I want people to see them and perhaps have a go themselves. Please copy them if you wish.

  8. Your bags are fabulous Ilona. When you are ready they would certainly sell quick and earn you a few extra bob in your pocket. I'm waiting for the gold felix bag lmao. Has anyone every actually had one of these and won the prize??


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