
Sunday, 7 November 2010

Customising a charity shop bag

I wanted a shoulder bag to take to London with me. Not too big and not too small, so that I could carry a few bits and bobs around with me, like sandwiches, snacks, a drink, small umbrella, maps, etc. I like shoulder bags, I feel safer if the strap is across my body and I can grip the bag in front of me. Best to be careful if you are walking in busy places. I don't put my valuables in my bag though, they go in a body belt strapped to my waist underneath my clothes.

Anyway, I found this bag which is just the right size, in a charity shop for £1. It looks a bit plain so I thought I would jazz it up a bit. It needs some decoration to make it different from everybody elses bag. The colour is dark blue by the way, a couple of shades darker than this photo.

So here is the finished article. The cats face was on the front of a tee shirt which went all baggy and wore out. I cut it out to fit the front exactly, adding a bit to turn under to make a neat edge. I sewed it on by hand with very tiny stitches.

Then I cut the three letters out of coloured vinyl, and attached them with running stitch in matching cotton.

I am well chuffed with it.


  1. That is lovely. Well done. I hope you enjoy your trip to London

  2. So you should be, that is such fun!

  3. Amazing amazing you have real talent MQ x

  4. Another funtabulous bag, my dear!!!
    Have a great time in London!!

  5. Awww it's just gorgeous, you are so talented. I would certainly buy a bag like that if I ever saw one:) Hope you have a fantastic time in the big smoke♥ Linda xx

  6. What a brilliant idea! Love the result!
    Jille x

  7. What a great bag! Hope you enjoy your trip :o)

  8. I love it! Such an original bag. Have a fab time! x

  9. Hi Ilona! A lovely creation, so neatly made,a very professional finish! Have a super break! :)

  10. Clever gal! I'm biased as I already like cats too!
    You're so practical and hugely informative, thanks for sharing, there is hope for me yet I think!
    Have a great time in London. I'd love to spend a day or two in the V&A day!

    Sandie XX

  11. That is so cute!
    You really should open up a shop!


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