
Saturday, 14 May 2011

Saturday in Perth

Hiya, I'm going to skip a day here and post yesterdays photo's another time. There are quite a lot of the Royal Yacht Britannia, which will take ages to post so it's best I do that when I am connected to the mains. So today I have moved on to Perth. I left the hostel at 8.15am and arrived at Perth Racecourse just before ten. I arranged to meet Kate here, one of my readers, and we are going to look round the knitting show. Kate is a keen knitter and is also meeting some people she speaks to on a knitting forum.

This might give you a giggle. My salad leaves are starting to grow and I thought if I leave them behind they are not going to get watered, so why not bring them with me, so here they are in the back of my car. I can water them and eat them as I go along, good idea eh!

I had a stroke of luck while queuing to pay for my entry ticket to the show. A woman approached me and gave me a spare ticket she had, she didn't need it. How fabulous is that, and how kind of her, she definately picked the right person to give it to, ha ha.

Anyway, I've had a lovely day with Kate and her husband Dave, you couldn't meet nicer people. Thank you for the company. There was lots of stands to see, and a fashion show, I think Dave enjoyed it as well.

So where am I sleeping for the night, the camp site right next door to the Racecourse. So convenient, not the cheapest place but it has all the facilities you need, and I did save £6 on the ticket. You can't beat this camping lark, lovely weather, a can of cider, and I have already been chatting with my neighbours who have a lovely little dog. People are so friendly here.

Off to Crianlarich tomorrow.


  1. Looks like you are having a great time! Glad you were able to meet some blogging and camping friends ;-)

  2. Glad you are having such a good time. I did laugh at your salad leaves, I did somehting similar myself once :-D
    I have always found people to be friendly when camping, I think theres some kind of "blitz spirit" that comes out when people are away from their home comforts and "making do".
    Looks like you are having great weather too.

  3. Your lettuce gives a whole new meaning to 'fast-' foods. I think I am enjoying your travels almost as much as you are!!
    Jane x

  4. Sounds like you're having a great time. I had a laugh at your mobile greenhouse!

  5. Hello, Auntie Ilona, looks like your having a great time, wish i was there with you, it looks like great fun and very relaxing, just what i could do with, any way, carry on camping, see you soon adamx

  6. You're making me homesick as I used to live about half an hour away from Perth, and used to go there often! Am enjoying your travels along with you and loving reading all about it. Love the travelling salad leaves - fab idea!!

  7. Travels with my Lettuce - a new title for a book!

  8. Glad your having a lovely time :0) campings great fun! we often just camp in the garden..its an adventure for the the mobile greenhouse too! enjoy the rest of your holidays..keep smiling :0)

  9. If you ever visit our Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA, then we could meet up too.
    Not this week though, I have grass to mow.


  10. Glad you are having such a good time. Waste not want not re lettuce! Lol!

  11. Ilona, I've nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award; you can read about it on my blog.

  12. Well, I suppose if it's OK to talk to your plants, the next logical step is to take them on a sight-seeing holiday in Scotland. :)

  13. I would like to see a photo of your salad leaves on Ben Nevis, and the Cuillins please :O))

  14. You look so contented by your tent.

    Good for you Ilona, you're having a wonderful time.

    Sft x

  15. It was really good to meet you at last Ilona, and we did have a giggle - you didn't put on your blog what we had to say to make us smile for the camera (it wasn't cheese!!!!)
    David is pretty shattered, driven 750 miles and been surrounded by women for 48 hours - I just think he is lucky :-) The 'fashion' show was something else LOL Enjoy the rest of your trip x

  16. what fun...the queen of all she surveys! love that tent!


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