
Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Sock it to me

I thought I would share this little money saving tip with you. Isn't it a pain when you wear holes in the heels of your socks and they no longer cushion your feet any more. These thick wooly socks are very comfy inside my walking boots, and I don't want to chuck them out. There is still a lot of wear left in them. The second hole where my thumb is sticking through is the result of Henry choc lab having a thoroughly good nibble at it.

What you need to do is put the sock on the other way round so the holes are at the top of your foot and not underneath. I do remember how to darn socks, but if you darn a hole underneath the heel they are never as comfortable, and they soon wear out again.

The next step is to fold over the excess sock so the hole cannot be seen. You could actually put some stitches in to hold it permanently in place, but I can't be bothered.

Then when you put your boot on and lace it up, all the tattyness is hidden inside, and it is just as comfy again. I reckon you could double the life of your socks if you do this, thus saving a lot of money.

I have just eaten my lunch, two crumpets, and scrambled eggs on a bed of raw spinach. Luverly jubberly. Some fresh strawberries for after, which I found in my front porch. I have a strong suspicion that they were left there by my friends Janet and Paul. Thank you, they are so sweet. The strawberries are as well ;o)


  1. Pretty plate. I am starving! I am fasting for blood work later this morning. So, I could not look at the picture for very long. My feet would not agree to wear socks with the heel up. I have picky feet. But, I do wear socks beyond what anyone else would. If I like a pair, if wear them with holes and my heels A friend threatened to kidnap my socks and buy new for me. But, I like my

  2. Hi PP. What is 'blood work', please? Thanks.

  3. Good idea with the socks, I will tell beloved as he always has holey socks, given up darning them. Lunch looks very tasty x

  4. Hi! Blood work is what we in N America call blood tests.
    Jane x

  5. Thank you Jane. I had a blood test two weeks ago, didn't have to fast for it though.

  6. I went to the doctor's office and the nurse took three vials of blood from my arm to do tests to see how I am doing with cholesterol, blood sugar level, etc. I was digging in my purse right after the blood was drawn, looking for my granola bar I had brought for the occassion. My knees were weak! The nurse gave me a pack of cheese crackers, but I still feel woozy from the fast. I have always had hypoglycemia problems but not diabetic.

  7. Ilona! Them aint crumpets, them is pikelets! :O))

    Guess who?

  8. Oh but they are crumpets! Pikelets (or Poiklets in Midland speak) are shallower with a different texture.

  9. I hope you feel better now, PP. I feel whoosy if I don't have anything to eat for a while, it's horrible.

    Now what have I started, it says crumpets on the packet, but I remember having something similar when I was a kid, and mum calling them pikelets. Come on then anonymous, reveal yourself. Wracking my brains to guess your identity, will need a few more clues, ha ha.

  10. Definately pikelets, but I notice they are called crumpets in different parts of the country. Yummy, I like mine with butter and marmite.
    Dont you find the socks uncomfortable with the heel on the top of your foot?

  11. Crumpets are thick and fat, pikelets are flat and thin. Both are tasty but my favourite is pikelet..yum yum

  12. I say Crumpets.

    And I wear my socks upside down as well, when they get holes in the heels. The rest is still good so why not aye.


  13. Yep, they are crumpets. I smiled when I saw the picture, what you really needed was a cherry tomato cut in half, one bit on each CRUMPET to make eyes. It would have made a great smiley face. Can you tell I love to cook for grandchildren. Must admit its the kind of thing I do for myself too (61 going on 5 thats me)LOL.

  14. so resourceful!! love the colorful plate too, MQ!

  15. It has to be pikelets, I was born in Coventry, crumpets were 'posh'.
    Jane x

  16. I'd call those pikelets at home, but crumpets in Tesco, because as you say, that's what it says on the packet.


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