
Sunday, 26 June 2011

Sweltering Sunday afternoon

Apparently it's going to be even hotter tomorrow, I was going to go a walk, but I think I'll postpone it till it cools down. I have been down the hill today, first stop though was the church at the top, they have a painting and flowers exhibition on. This was my favourite. It looks like a sheet of black metal fencing, with coloured twine and flowers arranged on it.

This is the front of the church.

And between the pews were display boards with paintings and photographs on them. They haven't had an Open Gardens this year, instead everyone took photo's of their garden to show here.

Outside was a marquee, they were serving cream teas, it looked lovely with people dressed in their Sunday best, sipping tea under the shade of the trees.

Down the hill at the bottom pub, next to the river, was very busy. I unfortunately was too late for the raft race. They had a barrel chucking contest,

and people were queuing up for a boat ride.

They had run out of bread for the barby, and the queues were about twenty minutes to get a drink. I didn't stop long as there was hardly anyone that I knew. I think most of them were from town because there were cars parked everywhere. It was a slow slog back up the hill in the heat. To be honest I would rather stay in my own garden at the weekends when it is hot. I hate crowds. Why anyone wants to go and sit on a beach with millions of others, is beyond me. Give me home comforts every time, the birds twittering, pop inside for a drink anytime I like, the cats lazing under the bushes, lovely.


  1. I'm with you about the crowds Ilona, far rather be at home in the relative cool. Nice photos though :o)

  2. Me too, such a boring old fart - cannot be doing with the pushing,shoving, queue jumping, moaning etc. Not much we have not seen at least once, will go to the local carnival next weekend because it is local, but prefer our own, walking, cycling or just enjoying scenery. Not really antisocial as we do pass the time of day with other like-minded people when we are out and about.

  3. I know what you mean Alison. I am not anti social but I have far more in common with people I meet on my walks and in Youth Hostels. Don't get me wrong, there was a lot of people about yesterday, but they were all local friends who I meet while dog walking and litter picking. It was a lovely village atmosphere. Hours in pubs is not my scene.

  4. I agree with you so much about not wanting to sit on the beach - where we used to live every weekend in the summer would see queues of traffic along the seafront and no room on the beach at all. I can't imagine why people would want to do this to themselves! (However, walking next to the roaring sea in the middle of winter on a lonely beach is one of the best feelings in the world).

  5. You can tell its England by the way you say the 'bottom pub'. We lived in a little village when we were first married and there were 4 pubs in the same road.
    Now the town we live in has so many ,I cant name them all.
    I love beaches and sea swimming but cant stand lolling on the sand getting cooked till I look like leather or finding sand in my picnic.

  6. How delightfully British :-D

  7. I love escaping to the country and avoiding the crowds.

    Just had a great weekend in Norfolk at WELLS NEXT THE SEA YOUTH HOSTEL-WOULD RECOMMEND.

    Sft x


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