
Friday, 8 July 2011

Good idea?

Life is becoming a little bit mundane, I am in need of an adventure. I have an idea. I am going to a party in, guess where, Blackpool, ha ha, yes I am going there again. My friend Carol's sister, Shirley, who is also my friend, is having a 60th birthday party. She was 60 in November but she cannot officially retire until the 23rd of July because of the government moving the goal posts, so she is having her party on that day.

Last time I went over Lancashire way I combined it with a visit to Yorkshire, it seems such a waste to go straight there and back, keeping in mind that I am only going for the party and will not be looking round Blackpool again. So what can I do this time to add a bit of interest, and get my money's worth.

I know.......I will walk back home. I have been wanting to do a long distance walk for ages but couldn't make my mind up which one to tackle. This is the perfect opportunity, I will do my own Coast to Coast, Blackpool to Hull, that way I can get the bus home when I am finished :o)

I have roughly guessed it will be about 115 miles, but I will check the exact distance when I have worked out the route. I reckon the prettier way to go will be Longridge, Skipton, Wetherby and York, thus missing the big towns and cities.

I will have to get public transport to Blackpool and as I will have all day to get there I will look at bus timetables so I can use the bus pass. It goes without saying I will aim to keep the cost down. I will have to pay for accommodation because I will not be carrying a tent etc. Some will be pre booked hostels or camping barns, but some days I will just look for a B & B.

I've only two weeks to organise this, I'll keep you updated when I have more details. Good eh! Brilliant idea!


  1. Fabulous! How long will it take?
    Jane x

  2. Gutsy Lady. Wish I could join you. It sounds great fun!

  3. What a great idea!
    I wonder if any of your readers live along the route and could join you for a section?

  4. My friend has recently started to think about retiring. I am going to point her in the direction of your blog. You are such an inspiration.What a great idea for an adventure.

  5. The grass doesn't grow under your feet does it Ilona! Hope the plans fall into place easily.

  6. How exciting! I hope it all works out well.

  7. Have a good walk home!

    Your friend is lucky... my "goalposts" have moved nearly three years...about five years to go now :-(

  8. Most people would go to the party and sleep off a big hangover on the bus home. How much more exciting to do it your way!! Fantastic idea - hope you have a great time.

  9. What a fantastic idea! Will you get a bus to somewhere more scenic out of Blackpool.

    Wish I could join you part of the way but with the trapped nerve in my leg, I'd be hopping along.

  10. Brilliant idea!!

    I can't wait to see your itinerary.

  11. oh, my, I am so excited for you. can't wait to journey with you. I won't get as much exercise, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it nonetheless!!

  12. Sounds fantastic - great with your bus pass to. I would like to do the Pilgrims Way (Winchester to Cantebury) about 115 miles. I usually walk about six miles a day but if I do the Way I plan on walking about 10 -12.
    I am a bit older than you and not in quite such good shape !

  13. What a fantastic adventure Ilona - I shall look forward to sharing it with you :-)

  14. A good idea?? *splutter* You are bark raving I know it for sure LMAO.


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