
Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Not really 'free'

What a flippin pain, I have now received an email from Photobucket saying I am almost up to my free limit. I have 747 photo's on there. When you start with these photo hosting sites there is no mention of any limits untill you have uploaded some photo's. They advertise it as free hosting, suck you in, then when you are hooked they blast you with prices. I think that's all a bit underhanded and misleading. I'm gonna have to think about what to do next, I'm going out.


  1. why not self-host?? then theres no need to deal with crap like photobucket.

  2. Try - 100% Unlimited Free image hosting been going since 2004 and only takes 60 seconds to signup.

  3. I always think the best way to sort a problem is to get out side for a tad and let nature calm the mind.

  4. I dont have photos but have you thought about flickr?

  5. I re-size the photos I want to use in a particular post, save them to the desktop then upload them into the blog from there. Where does Photobucket fit in?

  6. I didn't know blogspot had a photo limit. yikes!!

  7. Flickr only allows about 200 images for free after that you have to pay - only a small amount - but they can and do delete accounts if you break their rules and you lose all your photos.

  8. I was unaware the Photobucket charged a fee, I thought it was totally free, I'm sorry if I misled you Ilona.

  9. Hi Albedo. When you save photo's to your desktop and you upload them to your blog, they go via Picasa, a photo hosting site. They don't go direct to your blog. Photobucket is also a photo hosting site, I have been using it to upload to forums. There are other similar hosting sites you can use.

    My friends over at walking forum tell me that it is the bandwidth I am close to exceeding with photobucket. That is the number of times my photo's are viewed over the web, and not the amount of photo's I have stored. There is a limit on free monthly bandwidth you can have, go over it and you need to pay. If you don't your photo's might be blocked untill the 1st of the following month. I have posted a lot on Down the Lane forum and Walking forum, two very popular forums viewed by tens of thousands of visitors.

    I have just opened a second photobucket account to get me by, but I think I shall be paying Picasa to upgrade, it's not much and the easiest option.

    Kitty I don't know how to self host, maybe that is something to look into.

    Thanks for the link to, and the suggestion of Flckr, two more hosting sites.

  10. I just take my photos from 'Pictures' on my computer. Will they be going through Picasa do you think? I've never seen any mention of it.

  11. Yes they are, LBM. Taken from the Blogger support pages.

    'Images and photo's that are uploaded through Blogger get stored in your Picasa Web Albums, which are part of your Google account. The number of images you can upload is therefore dependant on the amount of space you are using on Picasa Web Albums. To find out how much space you have available, please see these instructions.'

    You need to go to the Blogger help to click on the links. As far as I know Picasa do not have a bandwidth limit like Photobucket, so it doesn't matter how many people view your photo's.

  12. Well you learn something new every day don't you?

    I've found my album and it says I've used 46% which seems a lot considering I've only been blogging since November. As I was searching the help, I'm sure I read that if your photos are less than a certain size they don't count but I can't find it now.


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