
Thursday, 15 September 2011

Just pants :o)

Now I know you are all envious of my colourful boys pants, these were purchased many years ago to save money. They come in packs of four or five, they last ages, years in fact so I don't need to buy any more till they fall apart.

Well some of my earlier pairs, are indeed looking a bit tatty so they are ready for throwing. They have served me well, but even this Meanqueen does have some standards, ha ha. So, out go five of my oldest and baggiest pairs of kecks to be used as dusters, and in comes five pairs of brand spanking new 100% cotton, size small (32in), pants. Here they are as modelled by myself.

How much did they cost? Our Matalan store is closing down due to it's relocation to another part of town, and they are selling off everything at half price. I had a good mooch round to see if there was anything I absolutely must have, there wasn't apart from these new pants. So, reduced from £5 to £2.50, they come out at 50p per pair, what a bargain. Make a note of the date on this post and come back in five or more years time, and I'll let you know if they are still going strong :o)


  1. Go Illona! Just have to put my 2 cents worth in and say that carpet and wallpaper combo there is REALLY SOMETHING! And I know you wouldn't give 2 hoots which makes it even funnier, LOL.

  2. I did n't look at the carpet or wall paper, I was too busy looking at THAT BODY, what a teriffic flat stomach on a 60+ all that walking is certainly keeping you in trim......

  3. I agree with silversewer ^ that's a great body you've got there Ilona. You wouldn't catch me modelling underwear on my blog!

  4. Ilona, ever thought of catalogue modelling?... you'd make a mint!
    Jane x

  5. Oooooh, thank you for the compliments. No air brushing here :o)

  6. Blimey I thought that pic was from a catalogue!

  7. Oh for a flat stomach. Note to self - must walk more. Comfy pants help too.
    Love from Mum

  8. Haha....I LOVE all these comments!!

    The photo's brilliant too. If you could get away with doing all that walking across the countryside in just your pants and top, you'd get a lovely sun tan to show off that fantastic body even more!!

    You go girl.....

    Sue xx

  9. I didn't know there was a Matalan in Scunthorpe. Where abouts is it?

  10. Hi LBM, it's just off Queensway, close to the Morrisons roundabout, on the left just before the roundabout. Not for much longer though, they are moving into the old DIY store at Skippindale. Maybe that's why they are moving, because nobody can find them.

  11. Absolutely fantastic Ilona, your healthy eating certanly has paid off by that fab figure so jealous! I am going to give the boy pants a go and see how I go, probably more comfy than some of the ladies ones.

  12. I kept thinking, "Okay, where is she? I only see the ad." Gee, you are in shape for walking. I don't understand the boy shorts comments. You really wear underwear meant for men? We have "boy shorts" panties for men. So, which are you referring to? If you walked around the countryside in that outfit, you would get more than an allover tan.

  13. Wow Ilona what a superb body you have, those legs, flat stomach all that walking certainly pay off. What a fantastic bargain:) Linda xx

  14. Looks like the walking and healthy eating have sure done the trick for you...I agree with the others, you're in great shape for any age!

  15. Hot bod !! I still am not sure about the boys knickers and not sure whether I would get into them. 50p is an excellent price though - you can definitely spot a bargin.

  16. I think they look quite smart.
    A lot of women's pants seem to be cotton only where it matters and the rest polyester or some such thing.
    Great Tennis player legs!

  17. Great pair of pins you've got, shown off perfectly in your new pants. When I get underwear for my boys, they prefer the boxers or trunks. Maybe give them a try next time you need new ones, they'd keep your legs warm in Winter time. ;-) Cheers, Christy.

  18. Glad you like my pants, ha ha. Yes PP, these are men's underwear, labelled 5 pack Slip Brief. I have the small size, 32 inch, but they go up to XXL 41 - 43 inch. I'm not sure I fancy boxer shorts, I like my undercarriage to be well and truly snug with elastic round the legs ;O)

    Yes I have a flat stomach, probably because some of my bits have been removed, ha ha.

  19. LOL...I don't know how men can stand all the floppy undercarriage in any kind of underwear. I do understand because floppy underwear on me are just not that appealing. No, I could not stand boxers.

  20. Are the pants still going strong? Still catching up and loving every minute! Lin x


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