
Sunday, 19 February 2012

Kitty Cats in the garden

A straight hedge that's starting to get straggly bugs me, I've just got to get my shears out and tidy it up. The hedge divides the garden up nicely, this side is the lawn and shrubs, the other side is the veg garden.   

That's better. It's been a lovely sunny day here, time to start thinking about what needs doing in the garden. Tidying the raised beds and digging in the compost is the next job, then it wont be long before it's time to start sowing seeds. The potatoes are chitting nicely on the window sill. I will be growing some veg again this year, as it saves quite a lot of money. It will be the usual things that I know will grow without too much mollycodling. Potatoes, beans, peas, courgettes, salad leaves, and carrots.

The cats are out in the sun today, Mayze is her usual mischevious self, climbing on the garage roof. Hey look at me mum, up here, ha ha.

Bugsy prefers to sunbathe.

And here we have a visitor, it's Micky on the prowl for food again.

Hey Missus, please can you spare a morsel for a hungry cat. Micky, you are always hungry, don't come to me with your sob stories. Oh alright then, come on in.

Mayze has other ideas, oh no you don't this is my patch, and you can skidaddle.

Lily was fast asleep in bed while all this was going on, he missed out on the fun.

I've made some more yogurt today, this time using Soya milk, I'll let you know how it turns out, it will be ready at 11pm tonight.

The maps are printed for my visit to Sherwood Forest at the end of the week. If there is anyone in the Edwinstowe area not far from new Ollerton, I shall be at the hostel on Friday night, and walking in the area on Friday and Saturday. I wonder if I shall see Robin Hood. Ha ha.

Here is the theme song from this popular programme, I remember it well do you? All sing along now, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, riding through the glen.......


  1. You made a neat job of the hedge. Want to come and clip my bush in my front garden?
    You`re right, it`s soon time for seed starting.
    I`ve got my seed potatoes on the go, too.
    Your cats look like they truely welcomed this sunshine. I know how tghey feel. I can`t wait for warmer weather either. Talking of warmer days. I`ve been making yoghurt, too. I love yoghurts in the morning for my breakfast. Cold winter mornings don`t much encourage you to eat a cold yoghurt, though. Hope you have fun in Sherwood Forrest.

  2. I don't think you need the cross trainer, after you cut that hedge by hand!
    and yes, I loved Robin Hood on TV, do you also remember William Tell, with that wonderful theme music?

  3. oh wow the nostalga of the Robin Hood music, I remember watching this on a neighbours tv in England before we came out to Australia (many many years ago) looking forward to hearing about your walk through the forrest. Just reading kath;s comment above, I too remember William Tell, more great music.

  4. Great song, great programme. (William Tell aswell.)
    Love from Mum

  5. on a hot tin roof!
    Jane x

  6. Ilona, I've just been looking at your photos page. They are absolutely phenomenal! Have you thought about entering any in a competition? I'm sure you'd do well!

  7. I remember it very well...used to sing along while "riding" the back of the sofa!

  8. you made a lovely job of the hedge. Can't wait to see all the photos of your next trip.

    Gill in Canada

  9. Hi Bryallen, thank you for your complimentary remarks about my photographs. I have sent a few of them to Countryfile magazine, but I think they must get thousands so mine might be sitting in a file somewhere. It would be nice to enter a competition, but I'm not sure where to find them. Must google 'photographic competitions'.

  10. Wow MQ - what a neat job ! did you use electric hedge trimmers ? hope so, you'd still be at it now I think if you'd used hand shears !
    Pics of cats are lovely - I lurve Mickey ! such a characterful face !
    Sadly mine can't go out ! well not exactly true, I have a sort of cattery/avery type structure that they can access through the cat flap in the conservatory, so they do get fresh air, but I feel so guilty when they can't walk around the garden.
    When I had to downsize, I came to a modern type property from a smallholding, it's on a main road with a bus stop right outside the door (lots of culture shock probs for me!) anyway my cats have no road sense whatsoever, they're only used to the odd tractor going up and down a track, and I just know they'd be straight under the first car that came along and I certainly couldn't live with that - so I've done my best - at least I know they are alive.
    Robin Hood music took me right back to my Mom's living room with a tiny TV in a wooden case (would be worth a fortune now!) - but 'riding' on the back of the sofa would definately not be allowed.

  11. Hi Wean. No electric hedge trimmer here, all done with hand shears, costs nowt. I do have the luxury of an electric lawnmower though, there is too much to push a hand mower over, and as I don't like the job much I need to do it quickly so power assisted is appreciated.

    My friend has a cattery type structure as you describe, her 12 cats are happy with it. Sometimes you just have to have compromises for the protection of your furry family members.

  12. MQ - I grovel at your feet !
    I am not worthy !!

  13. What a nice memory hearing the theme song from "Robin Hood." The show was on Sunday nights and my sister and I had to go to bed directly after the program ended. Richard Greene was so handsome, but I secretly rooted for the Sheriff of Nottingham. Regards from across the pond to you and your kitties!

    Best wishes from Best Bun.

  14. The Robin Hood theme tune always reminds me of a friend's wedding. She'd asked the vicar if she could walk down the aisle to the theme from 'Robin Hood', meaning the Bryan Adams tune 'Everything I Do'. The vicar, being of an older vintage, thought she meant the original theme, so she walked down the aisle to 'Robin Hood, Robin Hood, riding though the glen'! Luckily, she has a fine sense of humour!


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