
Thursday, 23 February 2012

Yorkshire Sculpture Park (the rest of it)

Right, here we go again, part two of your virtual tour. The artist who created this installation is Polish born Magdalena Abakanowicz, it's called Ten Seated Figures. You can see more of her work on her website. 
Sophie Ryder is the artist who created this sculpture out of wire mesh. It is a human body with the head of a hare. You can see more of her work here.
There is an old glasshouse....
Full of huge bushes. The flowers are not fully opened yet, I bet it will be stunning in a months time.
A water feature in a recess.
A huge sculpture made up of slices of a tree trunk, like sliced bread, individually carved and stacked on top of each other.
Here we have a group of quirky looking trees, constructed from iron tubing, sprouting all manor of objects you will find around the house. I really like this installation.
Bretton Hall is a college which stands in the middle of the park. There is no access to the general public, so it's not a place you can look around. Looks lovely from the outside though.
I continued my walk around the lake and came across the Shell Grotto. It's like an igloo built of stone, covered in creeping ivy.
Inside looking up into the roof you can see some of the shells which were used to decorate it many years ago.
This is the Cascade Bridge between the lower and upper lake.
I carried on walking up a long stretch of field edge towards the Longside Gallery. Although this gallery is closed at the moment while they install a new exhibition, I want to see two more artworks further on.

This is called Basket, by Winter/Horbelt, a German artist. It's a two storey steel pavilion set on a high ridge overlooking the Longside Valley. It is supposed to provide shelter and spectacular views across the landscape. There wasn't much shelter however, as it is constructed of mesh steel panels and the wind blows straight through. It is also fully enclosed so the views are slightly obstructed. nevertheless it is an interesting piece to explore, the inside being full of dead ends, a bit like a maze.
One view looking across to the college from outside the Basket.
The second installation I wanted to see is Andy Goldsworthy's Hanging Trees. Along the edge of the park is a drystone wall, and Andy has built three enclosures of huge bath size proportions incorporating the original walls, and suspended three old tree trunks horizontally within them.
This one is my favourite, it looks like the limbs of a human form suspended in mid air.
The holes which accommodate the branches have been cut to perfection, there is no evidence of them on the outside.
There is a longish trek through woodland down the seventy one steps of Oxley bank,  to the Dam Head bridge. There is a lot of landscape work going on, on the other side of the bridge. It will have waterfalls, it's going to look lovely when it's finished.
By this time the park was closing so I made my way back to the exit, and back to the car. It was a very enjoyable day out, a place to visit again when the new exhibitions have opened in the Longside Gallery and the Underground Gallery, both of which are closed untill next month. Thank you for tagging along with me, I hope you have enjoyed your virtual visit to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, a lovely day out and it cost nothing except the petrol to get there.


  1. I have enjoyed the virtual tour, thank you! Great photos and as I said yesterday, you have inspired me to get there soon!

  2. Thank you for the trip out Ilona, I really enjoyed it :0)

  3. One of the things I like about blogging is taking these virtual tours with blog friends!
    Jane x

  4. Thank you Ilona, a perfectly illustrated tour. I can't claim to like all of the sculptures but some I do.

  5. lovely virtual visit, some great photo's , not been to the Sculpture park for ages.

    Josie x

  6. What an amazing place and beautifully documented. I like the sculpture of the lady with the bad hare day best!

    Thanks to your post I think this will have to go on my Bucket List.

    Linda xx

  7. Hope you're not thinking of putting one of those trees in your front garden, lol. It would cause a bit of a stir wouldn't it?
    Love these sculptures, especially the hare.

  8. I've enjoyed my tour immensely. Thank you.
    Love from Mum

  9. Yes very enjoyable. Thank you.

  10. I've loved your tour. I keep meaning to go to YSP again as I haven't been for a few years. It will be cheaper next time too, now I know about your parking place.

  11. What a great place to have a look around, amazing sculptures; I liked the big hare. Lovely views as well. The sculpture made up of slices of tree trunk looks like a wooden puzzle that my son has, but on a much bigger scale. Was at a place with sculptures many moons ago, Grizedale Forest, in the Lake District, not free though. Thanks for posting up all your jaunts and photos on your blog, enjoy browsing through them. Cheers, Christy.


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