
Sunday, 16 September 2012

Sweet dreams my friends

Now come on boys, settle down, move over so I can get in.

Goodnight Rocky. Goodnight Auntie.

Goodnight Henry. Goodnight mum.

Goodnight boys.


  1. This little post has made me feel very happy.

  2. Goodnight Mary Ellen, goodnight John Boy...

    How lovely to see the dogs so relaxed and "at home".

  3. I'm glad John, the doggies make me feel very happy.

  4. My cat burrows down under the bedclothes, using his nose, then reverses and ends up with just his head outside covers.

  5. Awww eh that warms the cockles of your heart doesn't it♥♥♥ Night night boys and of course Ilona xxx

  6. How sweet. Does Henry belong to you? (he called you Mum)

  7. What lovely pics, bless you ... I have a soft spot for Rocky. Barbara x

  8. Hi Anne, No Henry belongs to my friend, he calls me Auntie. Rocky calls me Mum, but he isn't mine either. I have three cats, no dogs.

  9. Absolutely charming Ilona, we too have a soft spot for Rocky but Henry Choc-Lab is so handsome. We love having dogs on the bed too.
    Wendy (Wales)

  10. I'm afraid we are strict Mummy and Daddy and we don't allow the dogs or cats on our bed (except for the odd cuddle when they need it), but then again we don't get in their lovely comfy little beds either, so it's equal.

    Nice to see your little 'adoptees' looking so comfy though.

    Sue xx

  11. So nice of you to let the boys in for a nap...seeing Rocky and how well you care for him always makes me smile...having a big heart is a million time more important than a fat wallet...hugs

  12. You have such adorable children, be they feline or canine. :)

  13. What a georgeous photo. I get to share my bed with the 2 cats and I am forever washing hairy bed linen!!

  14. Hehe what a cutie shot of Rocky. By the way, are Rocky's owners looking after him any better? Have they mowed their lawns also?!


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