
Thursday, 4 October 2012

One job leads to another and another

Aye up me ducks, I'm a bit late tonight due to me doing some ironing, yes you heard right, I actually switched the iron on. Needed to iron these curtains which I washed today. It was a lovely sunny morning so I thought I would do some spring cleaning, I took the curtains down in the living room and proceeded to clean the windows.  
Then I decided to move some wooden shelving which is full of crafty materials, to the spare room upstairs, because I am fed up of looking at it. Then I had to get the Dyson out because I found a load of dead flies on the carpet underneath the sideboard. Must have dropped off the window sill.
The back window in the living room is the only wooden framed single glazed window in the house. Don't know why the previous owners didn't replace that one when they had all the others changed. Anyway, the frame looked as if it could do with a lick of paint so I had a look in the shed and lo and behold I found a part used tin of white gloss, just the job. About two inches left in the bottom, that's if there is any at all under that thick skin on the top.  
Oooh, yes there should be enough here, don't know how long I've had it, must be about ten years since I last did any painting. By the way, I didn't buy that copy of the Times newspaper, I erm borrowed it out of a recycling bin, ha ha.
The sunshine through the glass was making me quite hot. Looks like the outside could do with painting as well, another flippin job to do.
A friend gave me these orangey browny curtains, they were brand new. She had cut the bottoms off because they were too long, then she couldn't be bothered to hem them up. So I got a pair of brand new curtains for nothing. I just ran them through the machine along the bottoms.
Looking at the other windows in the street I noticed that everyone puts the lining to the outside. All the windows look the same, a bit boring I think. I decided to hang these with the best side on the outside, they are not lined. Brightens the windows up a bit.
The reason for my curtain day today is that it's time to get the extra sets of curtains down out of the cupboards, and hang two sets on one rail to give an extra thickness. It will help to keep the place warm. Here you can see I have hung the newly washed and ironed curtain back up, but this time have put it back to back with the other one, so the lining is sandwiched in the middle. That way it looks nice in the room, and the passers by get to see something different.
I haven't hung the curtains in the back window yet as the paint is not dry. That's another job to do tomorrow. I don't know, you start one job and find a whole lot more needs doing, and I hate housework.

It looks as though I have someone coming to film me next week, something to do with a programme for Channel 4, not sure exactly what it's about. It's only for research at this stage, don't know if it will come to anything, should be interesting though. Might as well, could be fun.

Bye the way, I still don't like the new dashboard. Have you noticed that when you want to read the comments and click on them, they are never up to date. You click on the view blog and find there are actually more comments than is stated. It would be easy to miss some. It's a flippin pain.
Sleep tight, don't let the bugs bite, toodle pip.


  1. Nothing like line dried washing. Should be a good weekend, I think I'll get my bedroom curtains washed. Look what you started!

  2. I am slowly getting to grips with the new dashboard. I notice that I cannot access some blogs at the first attempt. It was a smashing day here too.

  3. Gorgeous day here as well...I think our temps are going to drop at the weekend..someone mentioned snow/rain mix (AAAAARGH!)
    Jane x

  4. You might think about putting some bubble wrap on the single pane window. Just apply it (cut to size) flat side down to a damp window. Lets in light, but keeps out the cold/warm. Also supplies privacy. Might not work with the cats, but maybe on the top pane?

    Ours has been up for about a year and works quite well.
    Leslie from New Orleans

  5. I have those worky worky days quite task always leads to another and then another and another and on and on it goes till the day is done.

  6. Love to see washing on a line.

    Gill in Canada

  7. I though the reason you put the lining outwards was to prevent the expensive bit, the curtain material, from fading in the light so that lasts longer and you then just have to replace the cheap lining. Love the size of brush you use for painting with.

    1. Yes the sun will fade the curtains very quickly if pattern left on outside.

      Midlands annie

  8. Hi, I bought some unlined curtains and just doubled them up with an old pair rather than buy lining. I have huge picture windows downstairs so it would have been expensive to line them properly. I hear that some people use cheap fleece blankets from the Swedish store to line curtains.

  9. Good point about the sun fading the curtains, I never thought of that. I will leave them up untill the spring, then change them. Curtains are quite a good cheap price at the charity shops, I would never buy new curtains. Hanging cheap blankets is a good idea.

    I have some bubble wrap but as you say, I would have to leave the bottom section free as that is where the cats like to lie in the sun.

  10. There is nothing as good as the smell of fresh washing dried on the clothes line Ilona. :)

  11. It's always the same, you start a job and before you know it one thing leads to another.There is always something to clean/repair.

  12. Our weather was lovely this week, but I didn't think to do any heavy washing. :)

    Spealing of the dashboard, I just started a blog to chart my allotment progress, and I find this dashboard rather difficult. Maybe its just my brain ! Anyway, I'll persevere.

  13. Oops, I meant to say "speaking of the dashboard". It definitely is my brain !


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