
Monday, 1 October 2012

Sunlounger for cats

My office window overlooks the back garden, and the cats often spend time in here sunning themselves on the window sill. I usually fold up a piece of fabric or an old curtain to make them a soft bed to lie on, but it always looks messy after they have wriggled about on it. This is an old quilty thingy I made many moons ago, it wants chucking really but I keep washing it and using it again. I think now is the time to make something which looks a bit more neat and tidy. 
I've got some strips of foam which I got from the Scrapstore, it isn't quite long enough so I had to add a short piece to make it the right length. I was going to cover it with a cotton fabric to make a mat but the foam isn't very thick, so I covered it first with a piece cut from an old flannelette bedsheet.
Sew it together leaving the end open, stuff the foam inside and stitch it up.
Then using it as a guide, cut a piece of cotton fabric twice the width, and a bit longer, to allow for the seams. I have used an old curtain which someone gave me about four years ago.
Sew it together inside out and turn the right way, stuff the cushion inside and stitch up the end. Bob's your uncle, job's done, and the pussies have a new mat to lounge on.
Mayze likes it,
And so does Heidi.
It protects the window sill from getting scratched, and it will go in the washing machine when it gets dirty. Another little job done. I need to make another one now for the downstairs window. Toodle pip.


  1. I like the way you reuse most stuff that people would get rid of. Your cats look really comfortable and happy. My old cat (15 years old) likes to use my old fleece as her bed.

  2. How do you stop the cats from leaving wet paw prints all over the place. Bonnie drives me mad. I think she does it on purpose!

  3. I use every last piece of batting and fabric, I hate waste, and my dogs have some colourful beds to say the least. they do not seem bothered.

  4. Oh I LOVE this little sunlounger. Your cats look so contented there.

    What a clever idea!

    Sft x

  5. Hi DUYH. I think you need to make Bonnie a set of bootees, they you can take them off and put her slippers on when she comes back in ;O)

  6. Lucky cats having all these things made for them. Mine already has a choice of things to sleep on but mostly chooses things that are not his. I hope you're not going to chuck the patchworky one, as it looks lovely.

  7. Great idea, what a lovely view your cats have:) My window sills are only 4 inches wide. I would love large sills like yours.

  8. Heidi and Mayze both look chuffed with their new lounger you've made them. Lovely pictures of them both, with their birds eye view of the garden. I'm wondering what has caught Heidi's eye in the garden. Mayze looks so happy dozing there. Cheers, Christy.

  9. such a simple thing but gives lots of pleasure for your cats,


  10. You are so clever

  11. My cat regularly turns his nose up at anything new -- or washed! You cats are very accommodating.

  12. How lovely for your Kitties. I found two of my four squished precariously on our very narrow window sills, catching the heat from the sun and the radiators. I'm amazed they didn't fall off!!

  13. Nice job as always Ilona. I'm glad you kept your old patchwork, I think these home made pieces are all the more appealing when they are well used and well washed. When we went to see the quilt exhibition at the museum, the quilt we all fell in love with, was a faded, tatty one, made from old shirts.

  14. Lucky pussycats.
    Love from Mum

  15. You spoil those cats rotten!


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