
Wednesday, 5 December 2012

I'm a tele catchup on the computer addict ;o)

Here it is, the cheapest, quickest, pan of veggie stew ever. Take one 10p bag of prepared root vegetables, dump in large pan. Add shake of turmeric, black pepper, veg stock cube, one chopped up leek. Add the magic ingredient, a tub of home made mushy pea soup. Simmer for ten minutes. Take off heat and stir in a few pieces of garlicky cheddar cheese, and two spoons of cous cous. Stand for five minutes and it's ready. There's enough for three or four servings, but I scoffed half of it tonight, and I'll eat the rest tomorrow. It was deeeeelishus.
It's been trying to snow here today, not settled yet, but who knows what will happen during the night. Probably be white over in the morning. Two dog walks done today, I decided to stay on tarmac and walk around the streets. It's like a mud bath on the tracks around here, best to avoid in the winter, not much fun for the dogs though, can't let them off lead so much.

I've just been watching the third episode of a drama/comedy on the BBC, it's called Last Tango in Halifax. Is anyone watching it? The main actors are Anne Reid, Derek Jacobi, and Sarah Lancashire. The acting is superb. It's about an elderly couple who meet up again after 60 years. They were childhood sweethearts but went their separate ways. Both are widowed, now they want to get married. There are a lot of twists and turns in the story, it is getting quite exciting. If you haven't seen it you can catch up on the BBC iplayer.
This is also on yootoob. I see that someone from Ontario has commented on it, so I think it maybe available to our overseas readers. Give it a try. I'll put the link here and hope it works.

One of my favourite programmes is back again, An Island Parish, again on the iplayer. The first series was about the Isles of Scilly, then there was a series about the Isle of Barra off the West Coast of Scotland, now it is about Sark, one of the Channel Islands. The original storyteller died halfway through the last series, but this new chappie does the job very well with his softly spoken gentle voice. Another good programme to snuggle under the duvet and watch.

Right, I'm off to watch the Christmas edition of Super Scrimpers, it's on Channel 4. here's the link if you want to watch it.
They rang me up a few months back and asked me if I had any money saving tips for Christmas, with the view of me going on the programme. I said, yes I have, don't do Christmas, ha ha. I don't think that is what they had in mind, as I wasn't invited to appear. Oooops, never mind. Toodle pip.


  1. your stew looks smashing. I like this "chuck it in" kind of cooking!

  2. In Canada we can't watch the BBC program (but they let us listen to the BBC radio if we wish). I can watch the Youtube video. I wish I could watch Superscrimpers but they blocked that too darn it!

  3. I think superscrimpers went downhill after the first series, what little I saw of the last seemed patronizing to me. Your dinner sounds great, just the mix up that appeals to me, I have a great many spices and herbs they make a feast out of next to nothing.

  4. Have watched all 3 episodes of Last Tango in Halifax and really enjoying it, it seems to be getting 'darker' each week but so brilliant to have a drama series on that has nothing to do with murder, police, etc etc.

    Planning to catch the Superscrimpers do Xmas, thought last years was rubbish though - they challenged a family to do Xmas lunch for JUST £50 lol, don't think I've ever spent more than about £20 and that is to feed about 10 people.....

  5. I love veg. stews and yours sounds very tasty. I've never thought of adding garlicky cheese. We are really enjoying "Last Tango in Halifax" too - such good acting. Best wishes, Anne (South West)

  6. Just finished watching Super Scrimpers. Don't bother Kate, it's nothing special, in fact I fell asleep halfway through it.

    1. Superscrimpers isn't the same without you Ilona, I remember your tip about the toothbrushes and the boy's pants haha! Now its all about making a hairband out of some ribbon or some other tat!


  7. I wasnt impressed with superscrimpers either but am eternally grateful to them for introducing me to you Ilona, you talk much more sense than any one on there x

  8. Your veggie stew looks delicious and super easy...will definitely give it a try. I think I will also try the mushy peas....they have potential for stews and soups.
    Thanks for the heads up on Last Tango in Halifax.

  9. like the look of that veggie stew...


  10. Thanks for imbedding that Halifax link...just watched all three episodes! I still haven't found a way to watch An Island Parish, though. Wish Netflix could get it!

  11. Ilona,
    They asked you for tips! They did not ask you what you did at Christmas. You could have given them good tips.

    I started that video but did not have the hour to watch it.

    About three years ago, I called my third-grade boyfriend. I had the urge in February to call him, but I waited until Sept. His wife had just died, unknown to me, when I had the strong urge in Feb. He was shocked to know I remembered for over 55 years--Ted Clark. He still had a note I wrote him when I was eight. I was surprised at that. We hit it off very well and talked for a few more times. Then, he wanted nothing to do with talking to me when I told him I had BA and MA and was a teacher. He said he was only an electrician. That was sad. Gee, I could really use an electrician! I love sappy stories.

    1. That's sad PP. Electricians are highly skilled. Maybe you could call him up and ask him to fix something for you. Don't give up, try and get him back.

    2. Considering I talked to him 3 years ago, I imagine he has remarried. Men usually remarry faster than women after the death of a spouse. However, I did decide to call him again tomorrow and ask him to help me with electrical work. Half the outlets and all the ceiling lights died on Sunday. AND, I have no heat. I can rent a room in a motel for him if he will come here.

      I consider a man with a trade just as worthy a partner as a person with degrees. Accomplishment counts. It was sad he felt so inferior or unworthy. I was very impressed that he was an electrician. He ASKED me what I had been doing. I did not volunteer like it was the most important thing about me.

      Everyb body keep your fingers crossed.

    3. Sometimes it works to play the helpless female. Asking someone to help is a compliment. Scheming bitch aren't I. I did it myself once, and it worked :o) Good luck.

  12. Oh Ilona! Thanks so much for sharing the link to the Last Tango in Halifax! What a wonderful programme. I live in NZ so hope I can get to watch the continuing series. We don't have enough British programmes in our country - sad because my husband & I both love them - they are far superior to any other.

    From Deejay in NZ

    1. Hi Deejay. You should be able to see it all on yootoob. The first three episodes are on, hopefully the rest will follow. Thank goodness for yootoob, the place to watch old and recent tv programmes for free.

  13. Soup/stew looks rather yummy! I'm glad you mentioned last tango in Halifax as I missed it this week so will need to catch up. Have a great day x

  14. I'm enjoying "Last Tango..." I do hope it has a happy ending though! I fear one of the two older characters may die before the wedding!! I hope I will see the last episodes when I'm in the UK.

  15. Love Last Tango In Halifax. Your soup looks delicious. As a non-vegetarian one of my fave's in pea and ham soup made with a bacon knuckle and canned mushy peas. Bacon knuckles used to be a few pence each not so many years ago, now, like tuna, corned beef and baked beans, these 'cheap' ingredients have shot up in price.

  16. I just finished watching the episode and thank you so much! It's delightful. We have so few tv shows of this quality here in the States. I watch PBS and catch as many of this type shows as I can but they are the ones from the 70's. This show is just lovely!

  17. Hi, I'm still with you, catching up every few days. Love the soup, my favourite kind of winter warmer, also cheap as chips (only have chips occasionally, haha!). Not really up with the TV programmes, have managed the last 10 or 12 years only watching the news and weather, if at all, so can't comment. Weather here in the Outer hebrides is chilly but not fully wintry, a few sleety showers and snow on the hills.
    All the best, and a Happy Xmas!

    1. Hi Albedo, nice to see you again. Hope the weather is kind to you up north. Look after yourself. Lots of love.

  18. Hi Ilona, it's a shame you did were not on superscrimpers xmas special, we could have done with some sensible frugal ideas. I think the most helpful one on there was to cut down your own xmas tree from the garden and kill your own game, not too helpful when you live in a terraced house in london!

  19. Hello Ilona, thank you for another wonderful recipe, I write them all down in a book, every recipe from your blog, so I really appreciate it. As well as saving money I am losing a steady pund a week in weight, as you advised me, and I've now gone down two dress sizes. Your recipes are quick, easy, cheap and healthy, they tick all my boxes!

    We have the same taste in TV, I am loving all the same programmes as you, especially Last Tango!

    Loving your daily writings, so inspiring, thank you so much xx

    1. Thank you Jayne. I will keep on writing then, even though I might not have much to say sometimes. I always worry about being boring.

  20. I am glad I clicked on you link to "Last Tango" as I like Derek Jacobi but now I am addicted! It reminds me slightly of the old sitcom with Judi Dench ("As Time Goes By"?) but with much more interesting and developed characters. I think I'll have to wait now for the weekly episodes to be posted - sigh. :o)

    1. Glad you like it Mrs Armstrong. I'm guessing that the whole series will be on yootoob. Keep looking for it. Yes, it's the sort of story you want to follow because you want to know what happens next.


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