
Friday, 15 August 2014

A magical place

Imagine a magical place where yellow spotted green flowers grow on twisted turquoise vines. Where flowers float freely in a gentle warm breeze, and flowers of different colours hang from the same stem. Imagine yellow and red flowers growing on tall straight stems, reaching to the sky, searching for a drop of sunlight. 
Imagine a place which is so secret, that no one has ever found it, and no one has ever set foot there. Where the only sound is of butterfly wings, and dragonflies, which hover and dart over over a cool shaded pond.  
Imagine fighting your way through a tangled forest and finding this enchanted place, a place so beautiful it almost takes your breath away. Come with me and enter this magical place.

I love my magical place. It is much better in the flesh, though the colours in the photo's are pretty much the same as the real article. The picture measures 2 feet by 2 feet. All I need to do now is frame it.
Thank you for looking. Toodle pip


  1. Fantastic, well done. The design and the colours are wonderful! Stunning piece of work. I love it. You should be very proud. I would be.

  2. That's brilliant, I hope you will enter it into a show/exhibition

  3. Oh wow Ilona, that truly is magical. I absolutely love it. You must be so thrilled with how it turned out

  4. Love it you did a wonderful job!!

  5. Wow that is beautiful wonder what frame....

  6. What a stunning piece of work and it shows what can be achieved by making best use of recycled materials. I would be proud to hang the collage on my wall and you have really inspired me to try some stash busting! Are you going to stretch and over battens or put it into a frame? Catriona

    1. Hi Catriona. I'm taking it to my uncle's tomorrow for his opinion on how to frame it. As a life long artist he has framed hundreds of his own paintings.

  7. I can't load this - there must be too many pictures for my laptop to deal with.
    Judging by the comments though, it must be pretty special.

  8. It's absolutely lovely; reminds me of Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds! quite sure you envisaged this without taking LSD, though!

  9. Wow - how wonderful! You are so talented - both in vision and execution! Love it!!!

  10. You have out done yourself. It is beautiful. Amazing!

  11. Gorgeous - you have such talent :-)


  12. Beautiful! Love your magical place! The detail is amazing! I see something new in each picture.

  13. I was really looking forward to the end result and it is stunning. You have a very creative mind and the quality of your work is excellent. And we all need a little magic in our lives. Well done and thank you for sharing. Ranee in Minnesota

  14. Magical indeed. Such much work. How many hours do you think it took? It was well worth all the effort! You will get enjoyment every time you look at it.

  15. That is truly beautiful Ilona!! I love it. What a talented and creative lady!


  16. Ilona, you have outdone yourself! It's could sell it quite easily.
    Jane x

  17. Really beautiful Ilona, fabulous work.
    I hope it will be on display in a art exhibition for many to enjoy, do let us know.
    Pam in TX. xx

  18. Brilliant! Very lovely, it turned out so nice!

  19. Fantastic. My favorite piece of all your creative makes.

  20. A magical mystery tour.........Brilliant creation Ilona! I love it! It needs a simple frame, so as not to distract from it's beauty.
    Where will you hang it did you say?
    You should be very proud of your creation! xxx

  21. What a wonder piece of artwork. Every time you look at it you see something different. You have such a fantastic imagination. You have every right to be very proud of your efforts.

  22. That's lovely Ilona! This one is my favourite too :) I bet you're dead chuffed with it :)

  23. Stunning, would that I had a tenth of your talent.

  24. Wow! It is amazing...just amazing! You really do have the knack!

  25. That's lovely! Are you going to hang it in your home or does it have another destiny?

  26. Ilona, that is absolutely beautiful. You are so clever to even have the idea. It is lovely. You must be so proud. Very well done and thank you for showing it to us. Ann x

  27. This is beautiful Ilona, really fab xx

  28. It's a magical, beautiful world you created! Well done.

  29. Thought you'd like to see this:

    1. Thank you, you are so kind. Your blog is great, love arty blogs. Best wishes.

  30. What an amazing creation. Just beautiful! You should be so pleased.

  31. That is pretty cool! I love the beaded insects; such a simple but effective idea!

  32. That is just so beautifull. A very talented lady , you should be so proud of your work, anyone would be honoured to hang that on their wall. well done. I wish I had your talent, you inspire so many of us pensioners to get of our backsides and achieve, thankyou, x jane

  33. It looks amazing - Wow! The design, colours and the intricate detail are absolutely beautiful. Sarah

  34. You are naturally talented at so many things! And an inspiration - I love checking every night to see your adventures. Definitely your best one yet and very professional - hope you will enter it in a craft show. Jenny in Canberra x

  35. This is simply my favourite piece of your artwork ever. Just wonderful!

  36. WOW!!!!!! Absolutely stunning and well worth the wait. Very enchanting

  37. Really beautiful Ilona, it sort of reminds me of India. Worth all the time it took. Are you going to frame it or have it as a wall hanging?

    1. Hi Bri, I am going to frame it. Taking it to my uncle's tomorrow to ask his advice, he has framed hundreds of his own paintings.

  38. SUPERB! Creative craftsmanship at its best!

  39. Fabulous in the true sense of the word...a piece to meditate with! Calm your mind after the frazzling of creating it! The snippets you have shown did not do it justice.

  40. Simply gorgeous!
    It is full of vibrancy, color, and depth of emotion; yet exudes peace.
    You are very creative and talented.

  41. WOW! For somebody who is so down to earth and practical I never would have imagined that you had such an enormously talented, artistic and creative side to you. I mean I know you are talented and artistic but SO fanciful and magical ...I am amazed. It is a beautiful piece of work!

  42. Your artwork is absolutely beautiful and so unique. I love all the beaded dragonflies and the sequins above the fish. There is so much to look at, so loved all the close-up pics.
    Wendy (Wales)

  43. Beautiful work. Looks like a Gauguin, very vibrant, well done

  44. Wow, it is really beautiful! You are so talented and creative.

  45. It is absolutely stunning ilona I love it xxx

  46. Wonderful, Ilona. I love everything about it.

    Joan (Wales)

  47. Fantastic Ilona! It must be displayed so many people can see it in real life as well as us lot who follow you! JanF

  48. This is so beautiful! You are truly an artist.

  49. Your imagination and creativity are more than amazing!

  50. Beautiful just beautiful

    Sue R

  51. Wow! Beautiful!

  52. Its amazing! Hope you will exhibit it. Debbie

  53. From Margie in Toronto - WOW! You are a true artist Ilona - it is just amazing!

  54. Absolutely gorgeous Ilona♥ Just had to call hubby in from the other room so I could show him this beautiful piece of art, he thought it was amazing as well:) Linda xx

  55. Absolutely stunning - you should be proud x

  56. Beautiful, as usual! You are amazing!

  57. Absolutely beautiful Ilona. I would love to have this hanging on my walls - I would drift off into the magic of it whenever I wanted to escape :-) Debbie - Far North Qld

  58. Beautiful, stunning and amazing! I hope you plan on showing this piece at the next artist gathering.
    A true talent Miss Ilona.

  59. Of all the pieces you've exhibited here, I think this one is my favorite! The bead work on the big red Lilly in the pond as well as on the dragonflies is wonderful and I just love the way you made the pond water. I really loved your crocheted rock pond project and this one seems to compliment it beautifully. Thank you for sharing it!

  60. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. I must get off my arse and create something on my holiday!!!

  61. This is gorgeous, you are very artistically talented. I find your blog very motivating, it's the only one I read every day without fail.

  62. beautiful !


  63. Ilona, what a stunningly beautiful piece of art you have created. The detail is incredible and overall it is full of fun. thank you so much for sharing it.

    Michelle downunder in Wellington, NZ

  64. I'm blown away! It's awesome. Tricia x

  65. Your description at the begining of the post of your beautiful work is awesome too. Its like a lovely poem.
    well done you.

  66. Danneke here~~~~ *******and blown away with the art work, it is so beautiful, Are you showing it in some art exhibition, it has to be a top prize. I will make a huge price if sold at one of the swanky galleries down south, could mean a couple of good holidays for you and even a big donation for the cats fund. Well done

  67. that is absolutely beautiful x

  68. This is absolutely beautiful, you have surpassed yourself. This is your best piece of work to date, you HAVE to enter it into a competition or art show somewhere just to let lots of people appreciate it.

  69. Hi hun,
    Catching up on your posts - I've been away.Your artwork is absoloutly beautiful :) You are soo talented - I wouldn't know where to start! Everyone is right you must enter it into a competition. *hugs* Sue

  70. Ilona, your picture is incredibly beautiful...much more than I did an excellent job!!

  71. When I saw the teaser of the yellow and red (?) flowers added over the water I though you had ruined it. Now, seeing the whole picture, I see how much they needed to be there and what an excellent color choice you made. They balance the picture. Great great job!


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