
Sunday, 10 August 2014

I love arts and crafts

Hello. It's been a wee bit blustery today, so I've had a lovely day indoors playing with fabric. The picture is coming along nicely. Had to work out how to make the big flower appear to be floating on the pond, sorted it eventually, looks good now. Not much more to do, but I've had an idea for the frame which may take a while to construct. I did think about getting it professionally framed, but I would like to have a go at making it myself.
And for my next project, I need something to take with me to the craft club tomorrow. I want a nice cover for my sewing machine, so I've cut out some squares. These are smaller than the ones I did for the bed quilt. It will be a random patchwork to use up some of the oddments I have. Each square is 6.7cm, minus the seam allowance. I will use the plastic cover that came with the machine as a pattern. 
Oh my, look at Mayze. There are plenty of cat beds around the place, why do they always choose to lie in places where they shouldn't. There is a perfectly good basket with a bed in it on the top shelf. I have made it easy for her to get up there but she is fed up with it now, and camps out anywhere she pleases. Such a cutie.

Thank you for all your comments and emails, they are much appreciated.  Lots of love xxx


  1. Hi Ilona, drooling over your fabric stash. Can't wait to see finished result. Debbie.

  2. Nice colours - much more fun than a boring plastic cover! Cats (and dogs have a knack for making themselves comfortable - and for getting themselves noticed by being where they ought not be! Please keep up your lovely blog my husband and I both enjoy it!

  3. Aha, so there you go again Ilona, making something joyful and bright as well as useful out of what you find at hand right after the nastiness referred to in your last post!
    You have such a wonderful, winning attitude. JanF

  4. Looking forward to seeing your sewing machine cover, Ilona! My little Featherweight is sadly dusty at the moment.
    (And glad to see you don't let a miserable eejit get you down.)

  5. Use the words I a billion times if you wish. It is YOUR blog and life after all. I don't understand such crap, if a person doesn't relate to a blog surely they don't read it, not be rude to the writer. What a sad person, I wonder if you know who they are. They are gutless. My ex husband used to do the same, thinking he was hiding under the cover of anonymity...narcissitic sociopaths everywhere. Your blog is the best thing since (reduced) sliced bread. I know you won't publish this, that is cool, I just wanted to send you my best. Chill all you like, then chill some more.

    1. Sums it all up beautifully. Keep smiling :0)

  6. This picture is intriquing me. .. I can't wait to see it.
    My lot usually get up into the cupboard and climb onto the shelves bringing the lot down, I often go upstairs and a shelf content is on the floor.
    Well done to ignore the nasty comments Ilona, just continue as you are , I for one love your posts.

  7. Wonderful use of your fabric stash, I'm sure your sewing machine cover will be both practical and beautiful.
    I really enjoy reading your blog and your amazing positive attitude is really inspirational.
    AussieCheryl : )

  8. Well I'm not surprised for some reason :) and I must say what a beautiful looking cat ! Fabrics look nice too hehe

  9. You have been quite inspirational to me Ilona. I am not great at saving money, but I do look out for food bargains since following your blog and I spend less money on rubbish. So thanks for that.
    I get some nasty comments on my blog sometimes, always anonymous. These people are either sick in the head or do not have the strength of character to put their name to their comments, or both these things. If we give these trolls any consideration at all, perhaps it should be to pity them and their sad lives.

  10. Mayze is guarding your beautiful stash of fabric for you, Iona! I am looking forward to seeing the cover, too. Love the blog and your great spirit.

  11. Looking forward to the finished picture Ilona, you have such a strong sense of design.
    As for Mr/Mrs Nasty, wonder what a blog should be about if not the you, the writer lol!

  12. You are a breath of fresh air in a very materialistic world. I sense the enjoyment you get from saving money and I love reading your tips. You create your own happiness by having a simple yet rich life. It is rich in what is important - friends, free time, pets, beautiful environment and sharing. Please keep writing!

  13. Sweet puss, mine won't sleep in his bed either, all l can do to keep him out of everyone else's though, naughty rascal :). Look forward to see the finished cover, great fabric combo. Pam

  14. What a fab idea!
    Gonna have a go at that myself.
    Thanks for the inspiration.
    Keep 'em coming.

    Granny G xx

  15. I think that I would be with Mayse, all those stacks of colour are enticing. I am looking forward to seeing your latest creation, each one seems to be better than the last, which is strange because they are all pretty amazing.

  16. I agree with John. You are an inspiration. We all love to read about your daily doings and hear your opinion on anything. I would be proud to have you as my friend.
    Wendy (Wales)

  17. Just had a look at your kittens video. So bloomin cute! Then I watched Rocky swimming in that pond,ha ha. Good job you had him on a long line...little monkey. He didn't look very happy standing on that wall near the Humber Bridge. We used to live in Hull. Heard from relations they had a mini tornado. Lots of damage and trees down, right where we used to live. (They sent video)Been lucky here in Derby. Perhaps a bit protected being at the foot of the Pennines.

  18. Just keep using the delete button on the Troll. He/she is just a waste of space.
    Enjoy reading your blog every day looking forward to seeing the finished picture.

  19. Ilona, I'm looking forward to seeing your pretty sewing machine cover.

    You are an inspiration with your positive attitude, kindness and healthy living. I love reading your blog.

  20. So much fabric

  21. Ignore and delete the nasty, smile at the happy.
    Be like the cat and ignore what others want you to do and do what makes you feel happy or right or just.
    Looking forward to the finished cover!

  22. Cats choose where THEY want to sleep don't they. If we make it an easy option for them they seem to lose all interest. Ours made himself a bed out of one of the puppy pads we have down on the floor for the new puppy by raking it all in towards himself nest-like .... and she had already used it once!!


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