
Saturday, 27 September 2014

Get off me chuffin taters!

Hello. My teenage delinquent Heidi cat strikes again. She is always on the lookout for a new place to sleep, I never know where I am going to find her next. Oh my, in the corner of the worktop I have some baskets for the fruit and veg, she has decided she rather likes to curl up and doze on the potatoes, next to the bananas, apples, and onions. Can't be that comfortable, all the lumps and bumps, even though they are wrapped in a tea towel. 
Old boy Bugsy has been sunbathing by the back door. He doesn't come down stairs very often now, preferring to spend his time in the bedroom. I have had to cut lumps out of his fur which was starting to get a bit matted. He doesn't wash himself as much as he used to. He isn't keen on me grooming him either, so I have been tidying him up bit by bit while he has been eating. His coat is looking a lot better now.
I had a busy morning this morning, washed the bedding, cleaned the kitchen, washed my hair, and took Mishka for a walk. Her usual dog walker is having a few days off, so I stepped in to fill the gap. She is a big girl, Greyhound/German Shepherd cross. Quite easy to walk, if you don't mind going at 90 miles an hour, ha ha. Keep a look out for any cats, though, she nearly dragged me through a hedge when she caught sight of one in someone's front garden. Oh, and be prepared to dive out of the way when she lunges forward to give you a big sloppy kiss full on the face. She can leap six foot into the air without warning.

This afternoon I went back to The Ropewalk at Barton to the Open Studios event, to visit the artists that I missed last week. I took a friend with me from the craft club. We had an interesting time, really enjoyed it.

Afterwards we popped in Tesco next door, I wanted some yogurt. I wasn't planning on doing any shopping till next week, but when I saw the lady with the yellow sticker machine I had to see what she was marking down. Here is my shopping list, I spent £6.32.

Tomatoes reduced 59p
2 tubs houmous reduced 60p
4 pack small yogurts reduced 25p
Pack chicken pieces reduced 86p for the cats
Tub cottage cheese reduced 30p
Small cheesecake reduced 18p
Multipack dips reduced 59p
Value plain yogurt 45p
Box Tesco cat food pouches £2.50
So the cats food cost more than my food, ha ha.

I've found quite a good web site for all you textile artists out there. It's a place for art enthusiasts to be inspired, learn from the best, promote their work, and communicate with like-minded creatives. Check out   There is an interesting article on how to write an art blog, the tips and advice could be applied to any blog really. It covers attention grabbing titles, identifying your target audience, adding depth to the post, and encouraging interaction. Here is a quote from the site.

The comments section of your blog is the perfect place to have conversations with your audience. How do you get them to leave comments? Ask them. Calls to action (Leave a comment to let me know what you think about…) are the most effective way of inviting your readers to be active participants in your blog, rather than passive bystanders.
Asking for their opinion is also a great way of making them feel valued; and you should value them – they can offer incredible insights and feedback that will help you grow as a blogger, artist and person! But try to make it a win/win; think about what’s in it for them!
Read the full article here.

So, I've got to ask you a question. Erm.....Did you have a busy day or an easy day today? Now that's not too difficult is it. Answers in a comment please, but only if you feel like it. You don't have to if you don't want to, or can't be @rsed, but it would be nice if you did, because I like reading them, if I have time. If I don't have time I won't bother reading them. Oh please yourself, I'll leave it up to you.

Thank you for popping in. Hope you have a nice Sunday.
Toodle pip


  1. Busy! We are at parents weekend at my sons university. Lots of fun and so good to see him. Your dog walking sounds familiar. It's all good until the cats or the bunnies run by!

  2. Well, I mowed the grass and made some leek soup (two activities not related!) and felt a bit sad because Leicester City lost. Think we're weatherproofing the shed tomorrow, more nice weather forecast so no excuse not to!

  3. I do so enjoy reading your blog - it's a highlight of my daily blog reading.
    Had a busy day as we are packing to move. Our two Golden Retrievers are none too happy either as their house is being changed and, right now, their daily routine upset.

  4. Thanks for asking, after being unwell for about 18 months I am now turning corner back to being my old healthy me and I have walked about 6miles this afternoon, I could never had done that 4 months ago. I will not take my usual good health for granted again. Am sure having 5 veggie days a week help. Enjoy your weekend and give the puddy cat's a cuddle from me.

  5. You are funny...! Now I'm left wondering if just because I can be @rsed to comment whether this compels you to be the same and read it....oh, quite confusing!!!

    As for the odd sleeping habits of cats I never fail to be amazed but know there is no value in pondering the 'why' question because the answer is always 'just because' with cats. The old boy is fair looking like a tatty puss but he's obviously loving his sun puddle. There is something so lovely about an old cat especially one you've grown older alongside. An old friend is always a privilege.

    My day has been spent resting, doing some absolutely essential shopping and visiting my mum. My shopping was significantly dearer than yours sadly but I did get £8 off with a coupon - do I still qualify as slightly frugal? Laughing that the cat food was dearer than yours, my cat food/litter bill each month scares me and makes me realise I'll be working till I drop to finance their lifestyle.

    Thought to ponder-how come when you have no milk or bread in the house the only thing you crave is a pile of hot buttered toast and a big milky coffee.....?

    Feel free to read this, or not as the mood takes you!

  6. had a busy but easy and very enjoyable day. Had to get a bit of shopping at our local shops and had a quick peak at the FarmersMarket in the community centre. Very pricey so nothing bought. Quick cuppa at home them went to the Coffee morning and table top sale at the Leisure village. Got three Wasgij puzzles for £3 - bargain!. Home for lunch and then spent a couple of hours picking 5lbs of blackberries and a handful of sloes down on the Rope Walk. Loads of chatty dog walkers and about four dads with toddlers on the back of bicycles. One poor guy had toddler on the back and three other under 10's on cycles and a rather impish Jack Russell who, whilst normally very biddable decided today was the day to play the clown. Home to cook dinner and then a lovely sit in front of the telly watching Strictly. Bed is now hollering my name very loudly.

  7. A bit if a lazy day blogging, hanging with my daughter and pup while husband at work, listened to Viviana from podcasts while doing laundry, and made a delicious cucumber and onion salad that is in the fridge mitigating for supper. Not sure what we'll have with it but I could be happy with just that.

  8. I'm a lurker so thought I would say something seeing as you asked so nicely!
    I kept busy yesterday with this & that can't remember what as that was another day!

  9. Easy day, wish I had a busy day to look forward to. My adult children have moved away, my close friend has died and I feel lonely. I am still working and everyone seems so young nowadays . Trying to save for retirement / a small House / flat , my partner disappeared with the money awhile ago. I am lucky to live in a great country (aus) and have the capacity to earn and to have reasonable health.
    Love your blog and you have really been an inspiration to me over the last year, thank you,

  10. Oh yes...busy.
    I washed the windows...not easy if you know our house. Cleaned out the pigeons..did a big clean...the rest of the day was spent cutting up a tree we felled..then stacking the logs it made..I ache all over,but we have free firewood!
    Jane x

  11. From Margie in Toronto - well my day was a bit of both - it was full (so busy) but easy because it was mostly socializing.
    Language class for 2 hours until noon - followed by lunch at the pub with my classmates. A couple of easy errands and then off to another pub for an evening with another group of friends - just home. I know that makes me sound like a lush but I actually only had one glass of wine and then stuck to gingerale and tea. It was a chance to chat, catch up with some out of town friends and do some fundraising since the evening event was for charity.

  12. Hi Ilona, love reading your blog and do it every day, it's Sunday here (Aus) and I've just come back from the Boyanup Farmers Market, bought hemp oil soap, olive oil soap, and natural jarrah honey (small jar of course) - all in my budget and all made by the stall holders (and their bees!). Nice and sunny for a change so I'll follow your example and do some washing. Have a great day.

  13. Your yellow sticker posts are always my favourite,well and your beautiful photo's from your walks. No my day has not been as busy as yours but am trying to get sheets and blankets dry between showers.
    Ruth Western Australia

  14. I walked seven kilometers with my dogs and made wontons with my kid. A perfect day.

  15. My Saturday was busy but easy too. I lazed around for awhile and made and received a few phone calls. After I had a late shower I took a walk to the library to return some books . Then I stopped to have a bite to eat and get started on reading a new book. After that I went to the pharmacy where I spent a bunch of money buying much needed (marked down) items. I had brought along coupons where I get $ off and accumulate points. At the end of my chops I accumulated $30+ in future savings. I now have $175 (Canadian) to do a future shop. I will make my list carefully and stock up on things I need that are usually expensive (tp, laundry soap, etc.). I arrived home to do about 3 loads of laundry (washing and folding). I am happy with what I accomplished. Tomorrow will be church and relaxing to rest up for the week ahead.

  16. I had an incredibly hard and emotional day today dropping daughter off at university, packing and unloading the car, getting her settled and leaving her there knowing no one and then last night being awake at 3am having virtual tea and toast with her after I knew shed been out having her first big drinking session and party there and not knowing whether she was ok, sick, had eaten or whatever, I have a lump in my stomach the size of an elephant ahhhh the joys of being a parent.

  17. A busy day! It was our Guild of Weavers. Spinners & Dyers' Open Day down in our county town, and I was making drop-spindles with the kids, and in fact some adults too, and helping them get the hang of spinning. The point was to show people you don't need a lot of money (£300+ for a new spinning wheel) & space to spin your own yarn, you can do it with a stick and a stone with a hole in, or 46p-worth of wooden toy-making supplies as we were doing. A spindle is a lot more portable & convenient than a spinning wheel, too; my favourite-ever spinning session, I was sitting on some rocks with my feet dangling in the Mediterranean sea! I hardly stopped for breath all day & was absolutely hoarse by the end of it. Then back home, cooked supper for 6 without even a cuppa first, and a lengthy session dealing with some tricky family business before collapsing into a very welcome relaxing bath.

  18. we had a fab busy enjoyable activity filled day! a boys day out!

  19. Love news of your cat family!

  20. We certainly 'value' you!
    Luv Granny G x

  21. Love your blog and sense of humor, if you read this comment. :D
    Sweet kitties. Mine love to lay on clean clothes.
    Busy day here as we went to my son's marching band competition.

  22. Fairly busy but in a good way, not too hectic. Yesterday the kids and I went to an interesting program at the Nature center near us, they were having a Fall Festival. We had a good time, enjoyed some treats and all. Came home to a pot of homemade veggie bean soup for dinner. Now today I have a day to myself which I will use to do some cooking, some cleaning and a bit of resting, probably reading my book as well. A quiet Sunday helps me to prepare my house and myself for the week ahead.

  23. Lovely old Bugsy has my heart bless him.
    You asked what I've done today, well, I've tramped around a large car boot and then come home and had forty winks, I'm now up and running again until the motor wears down. lol
    Thanks for the tip of the website, going to peruse later.

  24. I wondered why people asked questions at the end of their blog posts - dim me! What did I do Saturday? Listened to our son in the morning participating in the progs on Radio Kent - as he always does. Got out my sewing machine - the one which hates me - stitched on one of my needlefelted backgrounds before hand decorating. Gently removed a green caterpillar from mouth of one of the cats - made a change from worms, bees and hover flies. Must have eaten - obviously not memorable - and definitely didn't do any housework.

  25. Love seeing photos of your cats♥ Busy weekend but the icing on top of the cake was talking to my sister in the UK for over 2 hours♥ Our phone rates are so cheap here, it will cost about $2, mind you everything else is so flaming expensive:( Hope you've had a wonderful Sunday Ilona? Monday morning here and what a beautiful morning it is:) Linda xx

  26. Easy day, thanks for asking! I enjoy reading your blog, you do it so well. I am being lazy today, but will be busy catching up tomorrow.

  27. Hello Ilona, Pleased to be able to have a chance to comment - along with John Grey's Going Gently, yours is the first blog I turn to every morning for a dash of sanity and a dollop of humour to keep me going! Stick with it, girl, we all love you, admire what you write and what you do. (And as for your nasty troll, tell him to go where the sun don't shone. Moron and a very sad case)

    Today was a hectic day, actually - Sunday usually is. We have just moved house and are working hard getting the place sorted. Currently decorating the spare room (which was an eleven yeat old princess's bedroom, was gunmetal grey, fuschia pink with two black and white walls of New York scenes, which make our teeth ache and were an insult to the eyes! Husband has made a start with Farrow and Ball Borrowed Light, a pale sky blue. Putting up three Ikea bookcases for our books and vintage jigsaws. I was in the garden annihilating overgrown beds. We certainly earnt our roast beed and a glass of wine in the evening. Hope you had a good weekend too! Lizziewoodwose

  28. Easy one. Planned to go to The Ropewalk- might has seen you there!. Went to a Wildfowl centre instead. Lovely sunny day to celebrate our anniversary.


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