
Monday, 8 September 2014

What a hoot ;o))



  1. Loved the Vid. cheers for sharing and your furry friend. Please tell me, what breed is the cheeky chappie?

    1. Not sure mishy. I call him a scruffy terrier.

  2. The were-wolves round your part look a bit tame. I was hoping it would be Rocky when I saw his shadow. He's very obedient isn't he?

  3. That was so wonderful, I had to play it twice! About half way through the first time, my cat started to react and she is still looking at me as if to say, What WAS that? :-)

  4. Lovely to hear them, I could listen to owls all night long.

    I half expected your shadow to wave at us!

    Linda xx

  5. You made my morning. I love the pup at the end.

  6. What does it mean? The house is clean, pussy cats 'en pension', bus pass dusted off, lots of photos........yes, another lovely jaunt by MQ taking us with her. Have a nice holiday and let us know of your adventures. x

  7. This was so peaceful. The village looks charming and the little dog is so dear! Thank you for this. Jan F

  8. Great recording. That's a male tawny (possibly two?) and I just heard the female tawny come in towards the end. We have quite a few tawny owls around me, they often wake me in the middle of the night, especially those females!

  9. I loved hearing the owls. Was that sweet Rocky with you?

    I live in a suburban area, not many owls. But one day I stopped at a shopping center and saw an owl perched on the roof. I excitedly told my mother. It was a few days later that I realized the owl was a fake put there by the shopping center owner I guess to scare away the birds or something!

    Safe travels on your bus trip, Ilona.

  10. Beautiful sounds!

    What time of night was it? The sky looks like the sun had just set.

    1. It was about 8pm, by the clock on the tower.

  11. I love to listen to them. We have them in some trees opposite our house and often go out to listen . Not so good when they are perched on top of the roof at 2am in the morning ! It looks very peaceful where you were and was that your guard dog lol. He looks handsome.

    Sue R

  12. Hi Ilona, thank you for that, how lovely. I live in London, don't hear many owls round where i live (lots of parakeets in the day time though!). Whenever I go home to my mum's I listen out for the local owls - I love hearing them.

  13. Brilliant, the icing on the cake was seeing that gorgeous little chappie Rocky♥♥♥

  14. Brilliant little film, that graveyard is almost like Midsomer ........just before the Murder!!

    I love the grand finale, Rocky is a wonderful little dog.


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