
Wednesday, 7 January 2015

L O L :o)

Hello again. I was thinking about the laughs we had yesterday, we were all in a jovial mood and we bounced jokes off one another. Whatever topics we chatted about one of us always twisted it around to create another chuckle, or in some cases a real humdinger of a belly laugh. I like people like that, those you feel comfortable with, those who you can be yourself with and not have to put on a show. It makes life a lot more relaxed and easy going if you can say, here is me, take me or leave me, it's up to you. 
Today I am showing you this awful picture of myself. Years ago when I was a teenager, I would not have dreamt of letting anyone see me in this state. Before I stepped out of the door I had to put on a show for the world, where I looked presentable, fashionable, and as attractive as I could make myself with a bottle of  foundation cream and a paint box. 
Look at me now, the older I get the braver I get.  
I am now able to show the real me to the world, someone who is able to laugh at myself, and not take life too seriously. I don't worry about what other people think of me, because I like me as I am, and before you like anyone else, you have to like yourself first. Yes that might seem self centred and smug, but I would rather be happy, than be a miserable old grouch.

My message is simple, look for the fun in your life, laugh at your mistakes, laugh when you make an almighty cock up, and don't be afraid of making yourself look silly. Now go and look in the mirror, and bluddy well laugh.

Have a fun day. Toodle pip.


  1. The world would be a better place Ilona if there were more people like you xx

  2. Oh Ilona, you do make me smile! Good for you! It's great to feel comfortable in your own skin and not take life too seriously.

  3. that's one of the things I like about you Ilona, no airs and graces. Having met you, you are exactly how you come across on your blog.

    1. I remember when I first met you half way down the street as you came to meet me. I knew straight away, yep, like her.

  4. I like you the way you are too Ilona, I can't be doing with phoney people. As for laughing, I come from a jolly family who laugh at everything, it's the only way. It has certainly got us through some very tough times over the last few years.
    What's that saying 'laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you get a wet face :)'

  5. What a nut! too funny. No false pride at all, very comfortable person to be around.

  6. What beautiful teeth you have!
    I love being with people who make me laugh.

    1. Hi, Thanks, I try, there's a bridge and a couple of crowns in there :o))

  7. Laughter is the best tonic in the world and its FREE !

  8. Danneke looking in, ~~~ Ilona is that the Queen Elizabeth the Firsts Virginal look you are portraying with the face cream??? hehehe. Like you I am what I am, and I do like myself when I am looking in the mirror. Hope all is wel with Rocky and all the kitties

  9. I agree that the older you get the more accepting I become of me and the easier it is! I would not have dreamt letting anyone see me without make up, without my contact lenses rather than glasses and in my pj's. Well, I have let people see me like that now.

    I agree that you have great teeth by the way.

    I don't however think you have to like yourself to like others. Some people like themselves far too much and have no time for others at all. In fact I used to like other people a lot more than I did myself but now it is the reverse. I used to be kinder, nicer and more involved with others when thinking less of myself and being less kind to myself. I have become more cynical over time too.

  10. Yes, I love friends like that. Your white face looks like a clown mask, did you realise?!

    1. Hi. I hadn't thought of it like that. It was Clinique foaming cleanser, spread on and rinse off, a friend gave it to me. I caught my reflection in the mirror and thought, good grief look at that, then laughed.

    2. Well, I thought it suited your clowning style. I like clowning too!

  11. I always enjoy your posts Ilona... very wise and always honest and to the point. Luv the picture. Cheers, Jo (in Oz)

  12. Great advice! We laugh a lot in our house. I believe it is the best medicine. I tend to gravitate towards funny people and wary of people who take life too seriously or need to put on a front. You make me laugh, I get your humour! Debbie

  13. The new make up does not suit you!
    (But I did laugh!!)

  14. If you are comfortable with who you are then you have no need to put on an act for other people. You can't lie to yourself.
    I also read...The important things in life are not...things.

  15. Spot on as usual and thanks for the chuckle!

  16. LOL, well done! I didn't "get" the whole "no make-up selfie" thing last year - I look the same with or without?!!
    (my granny, who is 98, ends every statement/conversation/goodbye with a laugh, she's brilliant!!)

  17. You can see that your healthy lifestyle has certainly paid off. Natalie

  18. At first glance I thought "Ilona looks very pale, needs more sun". Then I saw your pic from a different angle on the laptop and realised you had gone for a Geisha look. As I've said before, you have no alternative agenda, you are just you and that's why people love your blog.

    Linda xx

  19. Oh my what a waste! That's Clinique, expensive stuff. You've put it on with a trowel! It's their foaming cleanser, foaming! you only use a little and massage it onto your skin with a little water, it foams and cleanses your skin. Not meant to be ladled on like a face mask!

    1. For goodness sake get a grip, it's a fun post.
      Watch my lips....I DON'T CARE

  20. In our eyes you are a star whatever you say or do!
    Wendy (Wales)


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