
Thursday, 9 July 2015

When you lose a best friend

Hello. Yesterday I had some sad news. One of the dogs I walk went to sleep for the last time. Sorry, I don't like the term put to sleep, or put down, it sounds so cold and without feeling. When the time comes they are helped on their way and drift gently off to sleep. We knew it was coming, although Alfie was keen to go to the park, he was struggling to get there. It was so sad to see him stumble, but the spirit was always willing. The brave lad tried his best to walk with his best friend Ollie. 
This morning I went to the house to take Ollie a walk, because I knew he would be missing his soulmate. There was no one in, I have a key. He came to greet me at the door as normal. I took Rocky in his buggy to see how it worked out walking them together. Ollie is usually a puller, but today he was ever so gentle, walking slowly by the side of the buggy, he knew not to pull. 
We had a lovely slow steady walk in the sunshine, I chose wide footpaths with grass verges so we had plenty of room. Ollie had a little run off lead through the churchyard and enjoyed that, he was such a good boy. Rocky is usually not so keen on the two boys, having been to the house a few times, he found their size a bit overwhelming. Whenever we walked past their house he started running, saying you're not getting me to go in there again. It was so funny to see his little legs speed up. Now I have him in the buggy he doesn't get a choice, ha ha. Anyway, he was fine today, they greeted each other like they were old friends.  
Here is a photo from two years ago, Ollie on the left, Alfie on the right. 
Goodbye Alfie my friend, sleep tight. xxx

Toodle pip


  1. That was a very kind thought , Ilona, to take Rocky over and both dogs out for a walk. I am so happy it worked out well. JanF

  2. Sorry to hear the sad news. However, its just dawned on me - Rocky should do a guest post on the blog!! I'm sure he is a dog with strong opinions!!

  3. What a sad day. I live with an old Labrador, too. They are wonderful dogs.

  4. Sorry to hear you have lost your doggy friend. Run free at the Rainbow bridge Alfie.

  5. Beautiful post, Ilona x x

  6. Love Rocky so much, he is soooo cute!! MrsMoneypenny's idea of a guest post is great! Get your typing paws out Rocky! xx

  7. So sorry to hear of this loss. I'm glad Ollie and Rocky had a gentle walk together. Hugs to you and all of your animal friends.

  8. Sorry to hear about Alfie, bless him x

  9. I'm sorry for your loss. It's one of the hardest thing about having pets - they usually leave us first. They are one of the family, with their own personalities and funny little quirks. I still miss my dog but I know she is no longer in pain. It is so hard watching your dog age quickly. Debbie.

  10. So sorry to hear about Alfie...may he rest in peace.

  11. So sorry to hear about Alfie. Ollie is sure to miss him, but I'm sure it will help that you take him for walkies with other doggy friends.

  12. It is so hard losing a pet friend. It sounds like Alfie had a good life.

  13. It is a sad thing to lose a loved pet. Nice thought to take Ollie for a walk.

  14. Very sad to lose a friend.

  15. It's always so sad to have to say goodbye to an animal friend :(

  16. You are such a sweet/kind person especially to all the animals you meet. I wish the world had more people like you, Ilona.
    Nancy from Northern California

  17. Run free Alfie and say hello to Charlie and Ruby for me. May you all enjoy the sunshine xxx

  18. Hi,so sorry to hear of beautiful Alfie's departure.Glad that lovely little Rocky was able to comfort Alfie's pal.When one of my dogs had to leave us,he left his canine pal behind.It was a real blessing when a friends little dog came to see her and had a gentle little walk with her up until the time that she too had to leave.She was a beautiful but vulnerable old girl and I will love my friends little dog forever for the friendship he gave her at that time.He is now friends with my 'new' rescue dog.I hope the lovely memories of Alfie bring comfort to all of you who loved him.Run free,Alfie and so pleased that you have people who deserve you in you life,beautiful Rocky.You are a true friend to animals,Ilona.

  19. Hello.Looking at the photos with a tear in my eye.Bless you for thinking of the one who must be missing his dear old buddy.An outing for him with you both must have brightened his day.Just so kind of you.Warmest regards,D.

  20. You're a very kind person. Much love. X


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