
Wednesday, 19 August 2015

My rules

I've drafted a new set of rules for my happy, hassle free, and simple life. These rules supersede any previous rules. Rules can be changed over a period of time, these reflect my  lifestyle and circumstances.

1. If I don't want to do something, I won't.
2. If I want to do something, I will.
3. I will get out of bed at whatever time I choose in the morning.
4. If I don't want to get out of bed, I won't.
5. I will go to bed at whatever time I choose.
6  If I want to stay up all night, I will.
7. I will eat what I like, when I like.
8. I will wear whatever I feel comfortable in, regardless of whether it is in fashion or not.
9. I will spend my money on whatever I want to spend it on.
10. I will be honest with people. Liars always get found out.
11. I will avoid anyone I don't like.
12. I will value my true friends, those that take me as I am.
13. I will not put on any airs and graces for the benefit of others. I don't need to prove anything.
14. I will respect the people who respect me.
15. I will not worry about things I cannot change.
16. I have a right to say no.
17. I will not start an argument, nor will I join in with one. No point.
18. I will be kind to all animals. I will not eat them.
19. I will be grateful for what I have, and not wish for anything more.
20. I will be thankful for every new day.

This will do for a starters.
Toodle pip.


  1. What a fabulous list! What a wonderful world it would be if everyone lived like that.

  2. Seems reasonable (!) I agree with it all (Although I do tend to eat other species...) (Often with onions and spices)

    1. You have your rules, Mike. I know you are a decent chap having met you.

  3. That's a brilliant list. I only wish I could join you in the first 6... work rather spoils those for me ;)

    1. You will do eventually, Louise. My list now is very different to when I was working. One has to earn a crust to pay for ones needs. Eventually there are fewer needs, and so the money doesn't matter.

  4. Can number 21 be along the lines of " I will keep blogging"

  5. What a list! I particularly like the last one. And perhaps no.12. Debbie x

  6. reading through your post Ilona,your rules mean the opposite. They actually mean you have no rules. As you say ,you can please yourself what you do . Most people aren't able to do that. It sounds to me like maybe someone has been unkind to you, prompting you to write this post.( and some of your previous post) If this is the case ,take your own advice and ignore them. Plenty of people on here like to read your usually cheerful blog. I apologise in advance if I am wrong. I won't mind if you don't publish this.

    1. You haven't said anything offensive there Caz, but maybe you have over complicated my words. I deliberately kept it simple. The past is past, and gone.

    2. Well said Ilona

  7. Hi.Your positive,kind,independant,nature is reflected in your very personal and honest list that we can all take inspiration from,Ilona.Thank you for sharing it.have a good one,D.

  8. Lovely. You know yourself well.

  9. I'm glad you've built in the bit about rules can be broken....good clear guidelines by which to live I'd say.

  10. A very good set of principles to live by .

  11. Impressive list, Iiona(my rules are very similar to yours:)

  12. I love number 15 but I'm not always so good at following it! I will keep trying though, if I cracked it other things would fall into place with much less angst. Great list!

  13. Brilliant rules, and ones I mostly follow. Although if I got up when I wanted to I would have three very disgruntled doggies, so I have to surface when they need to go out for a wee ;-)

  14. I agree with absolutely everything. Iiona for PM! xxx

  15. I would just add that I will be grateful for every day of good health. I'm quite sure you do that already Ilona, but sometimes I get fed up with my ageing body and forget how lucky I am that I can still do as much as I can!

  16. I'm stealing your rules. I would do well to remember them!


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