
Saturday, 3 October 2015

Spooky goings on

Hello. I've been out in search of ghosts tonight. Helen rang and asked if I wanted to come on the Ghost Walk event in her village. I thought, ok, why not, let's give it a go. I turned up at the pub car park at the start time, armed with a torch and wearing sturdy boots. It was a good turn out, lots of people had come to support it. The storyteller was a right character, we all listened to his tales of ghostly goings on. 
 We followed him up the High Street.

Gathered around the old water pump there was another spooky story, and the handle on the pump mysteriously moved all by itself. Obviously some jiggery pokery going on there. .

Crossing the road, we all trouped past the bus shelter, into the pitch black down a footpath through a field of corn on the cob. We were surrounded by plants which were six feet tall, very scary. 
Helen was playing her Stewards roll, bringing up the rear and watching the traffic. All donations gratefully received in the bucket please.

A bit of fun for a Saturday night. The storyteller was very entertaining. Anyone else been on a Ghost Walk? Do they have them in the USA, or anywhere else in the world?

Catch you soon, have a nice Sunday. Toodle pip


  1. Never heard of a Ghost Walk in the USofA. Usually we sit around a camp fire, trying the scare the bejesus out of each other with our tales.

    1. My sister, niece and I enjoyed several Ghost Walks in New Orleans. Creep but fun. Savannah offers them as well. The best part is you get to hear the history of the buildings and things that happen in the area. The creepiest one was in the cemetery. eek! :)

  2. never been on one....sounds fun. They do them in Derby ,as you probably know.Richard Felix used to do ghost walks up Friargate, The Old Bell and even underneath the old greyhound stadium, which once was a prison. Plenty spooky places round here,whoooooo.

  3. Hi Ilona, No, I've never heard of a ghost walk here in the US. Maybe they have them but I never heard of them. Sounds like fun! I love stuff like that. What were the donations for?

    1. Hi. The Ghost Walk was one of several events in the village this week, as part of the Winteringham Arts Festival. All money raised goes towards the Festival next year. It's only a small village, and the event was very small when it started several years ago. It has grown and is now quite popular. It gets bigger and better each year, a great achievement for a small village.

  4. I went for a ghost walk in Sydney harbour at The Rocks . It was spooky but a very interesting slice of Sydney history thrown in.

  5. We've been on a ghost walk at an old fort. ( Oooooh, it was spooky. Very well done,and the guys had plenty of time at the end to answer all our questions. A great history lesson to boot!
    Jane x

  6. From Margie in Toronto - looks like lots of fun Ilona. We do have a few ghost walks or haunted walks here in Toronto and of course some are added during Halloween. I've never been - always meant to - so I've book marked a couple and will see if I can rustle up a few friends for next weekend. It will be Canadian Thanksgiving weekend so a Monday holiday and an ideal time to get folks together. We have a choice - the Distillery district - the University of Toronto - The Museum and general one taking in an old cemetery.

  7. yes we do have them in our small town,, not yet though, in a few weeks, we don't have the beautiful old buildings you do though,,

  8. I went on one at Port Arthur in Tasmania ( I live in Tasmania ). Very spooky old penal colony with a more recent macabre history too. At one point a huge and I mean ginormous owl landed right in the middle of the crowd. It was very atmospheric and scary, I swear I could hear the wailing of prisoners long-since gone.

  9. They do have them in the USA.
    I have not attended any, but did go to a museum ghost story telling event one year.
    Lots of fun.

  10. I have been on one in Zürich, like yours, the storyteller was very good. However, no pump handle moving on this one!

  11. I have been on one in York which was good fun. I didn't think they took place outside large cities. glad you had a good time,

  12. Sounds scary indeed. I believe there is one in Bergen, or so I have been told. Pam

  13. Went on a ghost walk in Whitby once. that was good. Nothing in my neck of the woods though.

  14. What a great idea for raising money. We went on a ghost tour in Edinburgh which took us under the city through the vaults (which pretty much looked like a series of cellars). The history was entertaining but we were disappointed with how non-scary it was. It was more of a historical walk with a few lame ghost stories shoe-horned in. It was a laugh though and we got some funny pictures for the album. Debbie

  15. They have numerous ones here in Philadelphia - including a walk through an old abandoned prison! However these are run as a profit making enterprise, not as a charity event.

  16. When we were in London several years ago we went on a "Jack the Ripper" walk at night. Very interesting and our tour guide, Steve, was amazing! So much fun....I would love to go on one in a village.

  17. The 90 minute ones with the Red Coats in Exeter are good and totally free! x

  18. I love Ghost Walks. ;) They are creepy but fun. We have enjoyed several in our trips out and about. New Orleans, Savannah, and Charleston. You get to hear about all the history of the town. We've never seen a Ghost yet. :D

  19. My house is haunted. Friends often sense our little visitor when they come round. The kids have all seen them too x

  20. Hi.Sounds fun and all for a good cause,Ilona.A town ,which was very close to where we lived held a museum and street ghost walk every year over the autumn.Not too cold then.The heritage house where I worked was indeed inhabited by several presences and we have had visitors run out in fright on a bright Sunday afternoon in the summer when nary a Halloween spooky decoration was in sight.At that time, a staff member became very communicative and encouraged the "spirits".We as staff experienced many uncanny and peculiar experiences over the years.The boss finally had a word with her.We had to do cleansings just to get the place back to where it could be happily worked in again,and visitors could enjoy it. .A lot of mischief occurred.Also the shops and gardens staff were also were constantly having to repair and clean up after the poltergeist activity i.e.goods flying off the shelves before their very eyes and unexplained goings on by sensible people.Hmmm.The old house we live in now has it's quirks and those sensitive to it have remarked on that.Spiritual cleansing has remedied that ...Sounds" kookoo" but is true for us.Bye for now,D.

  21. My township has a Haunted Township tour every year; it goes to some of the old cemeteries and some of the places that are supposed to be haunted and one of the high schools has students from the drama club dress up and pretend to be ghosts of colonial time residents. Lots of fun. Patti in New Jersey

  22. Where I live in Florida they have a cemetery walk every year around Halloween. My daughter and I went one year and loved it. People dressed up in old costumes pop out from behind some of the tombs and explain who they are; (people who lived and died in that era in Florida and are buried there.) It was at night and a bit spooky. Maggie from Florida

  23. I love a ghost walk! I proposed to my hubby at an Elizabethan manor in Alcester, and took him to a ghost walk in Stratford upon Avon in the evening!

  24. Best ghost tour I've been on was in Boston! It was a bus/walk tour. We'd bus from one historic cemetery to the next, getting off the bus and walking through the cemeteries, while our guide told us spooky "true" stories, with quite a bit of history thrown in. The guides enthusiasm was contagious! The guides, the driver, and even the ticket sales person were all in costume too. We took several bus tours in Boston, the haunted tour was the best!


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