
Friday, 11 December 2015

When is a tree not a tree.

Hello. I bet you are wondering what this stuff is doing on my kitchen floor. I have an idea. The wood is from a dismantled paste table. It had been in the garage for a long time and the top was sagging badly so I took it apart and salvaged any bits that might be useful. The roll of green mesh you've seen before.  
Saw the wood into smaller pieces, and nail them together with small tacks. I didn't have a plan, just see what fits. S'pose I could have put the horizontal bars the same distance apart, but it didn't matter. Bet you can guess what it is going to be now.

 I decided to ditch the green mesh idea and looked for a piece of green fabric. Luckily I have this long sleeved T shirt bought from Age UK shop for £1, and as you can see it has been butchered for a previous project. I cut the other sleeve off and the roll neck.

The tree shape fits inside nicely, all I did was to pull it tight and tack it to the back, so it's fully covered.

Next to decorate the alternative Christmas Tree. It was just a matter of tacking these puff balls onto it mixing the colours, and top it with a glittery silver plastic flower. 
By this time the light wasn't so good, a big storm came over. Not a good photo. I wrapped some brown felt around the trunk, and planted it into one of those metal fence post holders that you can buy from the DIY shop. I bought it years ago, didn't put a fence up, everything comes in useful eventually. I've put some glass marbles inside the base to steady it and add more weight, and wrapped it in tin foil.

Have you guessed what the puff balls are? Yep, pan scrubbers. I found them in the £1 shop about a year ago, was drawn to their bright colours, thought I could make something with them.

 The storm's blown over and there is just about enough daylight to get another picture.

I love my alternative Christmas Tree, now where shall I put it. It was easy to make, only took an hour or so. If you wanted to make something similar you could make it smaller and use colourful buttons for the decoration. Put your thinking caps on. There are more ideas for unusual trees in this article in The Mail.

Happy Christmas Crafting. Thanks for popping in. Catch you soon. Toodle pip


  1. What a brillant idea! The tree looks fabulous. It is always good to think outside the box.

  2. that tree is amazing, its perfect!!!

  3. Hi.Great idea,and very cheery!I like yours for interior use and the mesh roll would be good for one that is for exterior use.The scrubbies can take the weather too.Would be very nice for events, displays,classroom or home,I think.You are so creative.Bye for now,thank you for sharing,D.

  4. As we say here, your tree is bonza mate !( translation great, terrific) AussieCheryl : )

  5. Your tree is so cute!!! Great idea and resourcefulness.

  6. I love it too and wish I dared.

  7. Your alternative Christmas tree looks great! I'd suggest putting it on the table where you have your sewing machine and computer so that you can enjoy it throughout the day.

  8. You are so creative! I love your tree. Debbie

  9. Too dang cute! Your creativity is amazing! :)

  10. I love it! Anyone who wants a tree can simply make one using things they have.

  11. Well, you are a wonder! Lovely!

  12. Brilliant Ilona, as always! Happy Xmas xx

  13. Brilliant idea, you never fail to delight and amaze Ilona. xxx

  14. Wonderful tree and as always good to see innovative use of things that would be thrown away. You are inspirational Ilona. Kristel


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