
Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Come to the Cabaret

Good morning. I'm checking in early today, I want to get on with stuff.

I've been asked to take part in a feature in my home town newspaper, the Burton Daily Mail. It's a questions and answers thingy, so I've pinched it for my blog post today.

Hobbies?  Textile art, walking, dog walking, blogging, sewing, pottering in the garden, my pets. 

Favourite film/tv – why?  Funny Girl. Love the music and the sentiments, 'What good is sitting alone in your room, come hear the music play. Life is a Cabaret old chum, come to the Cabaret.' I felt inspired by Sally Bowles. 

Favourite food and why?  Brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach, eat tons of it. It's easy to cook, I love the taste and it's good for me. 

Most embarrassing moment?  Standing up in front of a room of 200 Rotary Club men to give a talk. I was the last speaker of the evening following a famous footballer, it was 11pm, I was tired and froze. 

Ultimate ambition in life?  To sell all my possessions and spend all the money I have. I came into this world with nothing, and that's how I hope to go out. 

If you ruled the world?  There isn't one person on this planet who could put things right. I wish I could solve all the worlds problems, but I can't. All I can do is to be kind to people, and hope they pass it on. 

Pet hate?  I have no space for hate in my life, hate is a destructive emotion. I get a bit miffed though when our beautiful country is being trashed by litter dropping and fly tipping. Such scant regard for the place we call home, it's very sad. 

Favourite belonging and why?  My computer. It's like having a library at my fingertips. It keeps me in touch with the world. 

Dream holiday destination and why?  There isn't one place. I would be happy to visit lots of places within the UK, a tour in a camper van would be nice. So much to see on this island, I have no need to travel further. 

Dead or alive – who would your ideal guest at a dinner party be and why?  My mother, Martha Elizabeth Helen Brand. I didn't tell her enough how much I loved her. She passed away far too early. I wish I could tell her what a good job she did of bringing me up, and how grateful I am. 

What would you do with £1 million?  I would buy myself a nice house, nothing too big, and a new car. I would gift some to family, and my favourite charities, and I would love to put a wad of £20 notes in my pocket and discretely pass them to random strangers. The smile on someone's face would give me great joy.

These are the first answers that came into my head, you can add your own thoughts if you like.

Thanks very much for popping in. It's nice to see a lot of new people commenting, not only those who have recently found the blog, but also those who have been reading for a long time and are now commenting for the first time. Catch up soon. Toodle pip.


  1. I loved reading this. Thanks.
    J x

  2. Thanks for posting Ilona. I learned something new about you today!

  3. Good answers. Althoug "hate" is a very strong word, anything concerned with animal cruelty really really upsets me and I seem to dwell on these sort of things for days. So I can honestly say that in these instances "hate" does crop up for me.

    1. Yes, the animal cruelty wasn't on my mind when I quickly jotted the answers down. You are right, people who inflict cruelty on animals are the lowest of the low. I have to protect myself by not reading, listening, or watching anything to do with it. It's not days with me, it's weeks, months, and even years later when I can pull a particular story from the back of my mind. I empathize with you.

    2. I admit, it's longer than days for me, but I didn't want to say. It is in fact a long, long time that such things affect me.

  4. THAT VIDEO - Just.Wow.!!
    (Hope you don't mind, I HAD to share it on my blog today!!)

    1. Yoootooob videos are for everyone to share. There is another version which she did years later and it still has that charismatic appeal.

  5. In brief, my hobbies are my dog (lost the other one a year ago), reading - especially history, and nature. Favourite film - 'Tootsie' from the 1980s with Dustin Hoffman; favourite foods - raspberries, melon and salmon. Pet hate - LITTER - no excuse for it on the pavements or roads, it's absolutely disgraceful. Amanda

    1. I agree with you about Tootsie, Amanda. Another great film. I love Dustin Hoffman.

  6. This was such fun. You have a good heart. Wishing you a wonderful day!

  7. I'm with Joy...This was the best read!

  8. An interesting set if questions and answers quite a few I would choose the answers.

    Hope you have had a good day and wait to here what you have been doing.

    Hazel c uk

  9. (Crescendo) "When I go, I'm goin' like Elsie!" Don't forget how Elsie went (flat on her back, LOL).
    I loved your Q&As, too.

  10. I have heard the song before but hadn't listened properly to the lyrics which is surprising because I am very much a lyric person and love a story song. Graham Norten has a spot "tune with a tale" on his radio show which I like and often find these are records I have. I followed the story this time and get why you like it. Life is short, get out there and enjoy it and make the most of what you have got. I like the variety of clips you put on your blog. Each one has made me smile.

  11. P.S. Brussel sprouts as a favourite has lost me though. I don't mind them at Christmas but they would never be on my list of favourites. Each to their own.

  12. I really enjoyed learning more about you. It brought tears to my eyes to read about how you would have your mother as your dinner guest of choice. I too lost my mother early (in an accident) and I would so much like to see her again and tell her how much she meant to me and what an impact she made on my life, even today.
    I love your blog. :-)

    1. Thank you for sharing your story, Jennifer. I have a few of my mothers possessions which I cherish. I expect you have too. They are always with us even though they are no longer on this earth.

  13. Great answers to some interesting questions Ilona.

  14. That's a surprise that you would buy yourself a nice house, you've given the impression that possessions don't matter to you and that so long as you've a roof over your head you're happy with what you've got.

    Your comment was quite an eye opener.

    1. Well there you are then, you learn something new every day.

  15. I don't comment often but wanted to say I really enjoyed this. Brought tears to my eyes that you would choose your mom. I have always known you are a lovely lady. :)

  16. I wanted to comment yesterday on your lovely fiber arts picture. It's stunning. I love brussel sprouts, too and I enjoy reading your blog. You sound like a very, dear person. My best to you, Pat

  17. "So much to see on this island" YES!!!!!!!!!!

  18. I totally agree with your food preferences. They seem like really healthy way to live. Healthy food, healthy emotions... you are on right way

  19. Love the Cabaret link - Liza was amazing in it. I think she was as charismatic and talented as her mother in many ways.

  20. Great answers! Love the one about your mum too :) touching.


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