
Thursday, 25 February 2016

Sunning ourselves on a dog walk

Hello, back again. This was my dinner yesterday. I went to town in the afternoon and then went to Tesco. I was too early for the 90% off mark down, but managed to get some veg and salad with quite a good reduction. While I was there I decided to pop across the road to the new Marks and Sparks to check out if they reduce anything. I found a few items, but not a massive amount of savings, the sprouts were worth having and a plastic box of super wholefood salad, which you can see in the middle of this pile of spinach.
It has different beans in it among other stuff,  but it took me ages to eat it. I kept finding small hard bits in it and had to keep picking them out of my mouth. I couldn't tell what it was, but they looked like small pieces of plastic. I don't suppose it was, but it was such a nuisance as it took me ages to eat the meal, and even then I gave up with it and picked the beans out. 
I've had the other half of it tonight in much the same meal as below, with the addition of two boiled eggs and some sliced beetroot. This time I didn't empty the salad onto the plate, I just picked through it and ate all the beans. I discovered that the hard bits are broccoli stalks and pomegranate seeds. If you wear false teeth I wouldn't recommend buying this. I paid 90p for it, but I reckon the real price is about £3. Most of Marks's food is very nice, but there is no way I could afford to shop in there. 
I had a lovely walk with my friend Helen, her dog Henry, and a friends dog, Guinness. We had a big bowl of hot veggie soup before we went, hot in the sense of temperature and spicy, she puts chilies in hers. Although I took Rocky with me, he stayed in her house because he can't walk that far and that fast. He was happy to stay on his bed for half an hour. Although it was sunny I put a thick jacket on, there was a chill in the air.

If you look at the horizon on this pic, you can just about make out the Humber Bridge. I zoomed in as much as I could. It's about five miles away. 
When we got back to the house, I took Rocky a walk on his own before we set off back. He likes visiting his friend Henry, but is not keen on two bouncy labradors sniffing around him. Stretched out on his bed at home is his favourite place.

Naughty me didn't do a walk last night, so I must get out now. Thanks for popping in. Catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Lovely pictures. Thank you. It is cold so I admire you.

  2. You look so fit and healthy, a fantastic advert for what you teach - and I am learning fast! x

  3. I agree the photos are lovely, you certainly live in a beautiful part of the country. Yes M&S are expensive but the quality is good and not much difference in price with Tescis and Sainsbury, I always look for the yellow stickers when I am in there and have tried some lovely food with a good reduction, but I never buy meat for that is expensive .

    Hope you had a good walk.
    Hazel c uk

  4. Today you were shopping in the afternoon yet the Burton piece says "I only shop in the evenings"

    Do you make it up as you go along?!

    1. Go away troll, you are pathetic.

    2. My friend is a part-time cleaner. The workers in the places where he cleans are always throwing away food into the bins. He fishes it out and brings it to me - absolutely nothing wrong with it. After Christmas, there was some packed meat. As we are vegetarians, we passed it onto two people who were parked up at the end of my road in their Romany caravan (complete with horses, dogs and chickens). They ate it along with their doggies. Natalie

    3. Anonymous, you clearly have nothing better to do with your life. I could almost feel sorry for you........ almost but not quite. Not brave enough to post your name though?

    4. I'm brave, I'm Peter Pan. That ok for you?

    5. That is fine for me... Peter Pan never grew up.....

    6. Diddums! Shame! Is no one paying attention to you on your blog dear Trolly Dolly? Are you a teensie weensie upset because our Ilona has been in the media lately and you haven't? You just can't take anyone getting more attention than you can you? There are a few of us here who know exactly who you are sweetie.

      As for Ilona's lifestyle - she has a fantastic life and is worth 100 of you any day!

      Linda xxx

    7. Confirmation that I have received a question. Sorry, I can't answer it.

  5. I can see where pomegranate seeds would be baffling if not expected - they are a mixed blessing as a food item, I think! ;)

  6. Lovely photos...sorry your meal was so annoying. Best to you.

  7. Poor, nameless troll in need of something to chew over. Give the dear soul your cast-off pomegranite seeds and broccoli stalks.... The spat-out ones!

    1. Broccoli and pomegranates, yum! But not from Ilonas mouth thanks, she doesn't use toothpaste.

  8. Hi IIona, some people need to get a life (above anon)

    Have a good day IIona I am of to my card making class this morning.
    Hazel c uk

  9. Do some people not understand an exception to the rule! No one wants to live their life with rules set in stone. Nothing wrong with being spontanious.

  10. Thank you for your comments regarding Anon. The troll camp has been quiet for a while, but all this media attention I have been getting has triggered off a bout of extreme jealousy. Nit picking and sarcasm has taken over from rude and nasty comments about my appearance and my home.

    Don't worry yourselves dear readers, OCD is a terrible affliction, and I expect many more negative comments to come winging my way. Most of them get zapped at birth, but I might publish one or two, just for the entertainment value.

    1. Jealous? Darling what do you have that we could be jealous about? Chats on the radio so that people can laugh at you (AT you not with you) and a cold home that makes Rockys arthritis worse. (And you pretending to be an animal lover?) I don't think so.

    2. OCD? Obsessive compulsion disorder? What on earth has posting a comment to do with OCD? If we had that we'd be off obsessively checking we've turned the gas off and lining up the cups in the cupboard etc. Get your facts right love.

      Signing off now, better things to do. Farewell, I'll leave your other nice commenters to keep you company. I'm off to other more truthful and compassionate blogs when I return. Compassion = keeping your dog comfortable and warm in his old age, poor lad must be freezing when you leave him home in the cold then no heat when you get back. Bye Love, fare thee well I won't miss coming here.

    3. Ha ha, troll, you always fall for it. Pop back again when you find time, maybe tonight eh!

    4. Urgh. I hope your troll isn't in charge of educating our children. Lord preserve us.

    5. Frugal in the valley finally get it bottom- dweller.

    6. Bottom line is...if you don't like what you read, then why are you here? No-one is forcing you troll to click to the page, so it is obviously a conscious choice. Therefore I question...what is your objective peppering the comments with slander, innuendo and downright nastiness? One can only surmise you are turning this hatred on someone else because of your own shortcomings.. Because of how you truly feel about yourself. I may be wrong...but I would dearly love to know your motives. Please answer that! Oh you can't, you tell us you've jumped ship...Francesca in Oz.

    7. Dear Troll,

      I figured out who you are by some of your words, and I am an American who use to read yours.... Oh my. Shameful truly. I can see through your jealously and your actions. Love yourself and for goodness sakes realize how many of us love Ilona, for exactly who she is. I use to have a blog, and huge media social account stopped for awhile due to life. Got to get going again so I can sign in with....hehe

      Love to you Ilona.

      Angel xoxox
      PS my son and I have been walking have done 10 miles so far. I know I know, have to get going.
      hugs xoxoxoxox

  11. I wonder if trolls have ever heard the expression if you haven't anything nice to say then say nothing!

  12. your lifestyle is not for me icould not be cold but I do buy yellow stickers if I see them and save where ican I also like walking let them say what they like ithink your blog is fun & love the word bimble a new one on me keep up the good work. Kath

  13. Oh my goodness Ilona....What an idiot that troll is!
    Obviously hasn't anything better to do. You have to feel sorry for him/her. Only people with very sad and lonely lives would stoop so low to be nasty.
    If they don't like what you write or your lifestyle, then they shouldn't read!
    Keep up the good work! X

  14. I agree with funbrum. If you don't like it, don't read it! I think Ilona lives the life she WANTs to live. She answers to no one and pleases herself. Rock on Ilona!

  15. There's always someone isn't there - Live and let live! We love you Ilona and more power to your pension which was well earned. My Mum is 86 and still pennypinching, as fit as a flea and loves picking up bargains for me. I just hope I can keep on being frugal and well till I am her age.

  16. Ha Ha, that ole troll again! I had been wondering if your recent media presence might set her off. I am certain you were not entirely surprised either!

  17. The troll's comments say more about her than they do about you. It is not normal to invest so much vitriol over a blog that is the personal reflections of another persons life. She must be a very sad and insecure person who can only feel worthwhile by putting other people down and ridiculing them. How sad, what a poverty stricken life she must lead.

    1. Frugal in the valley says......well put!

  18. I most definitely am not OCD, but I like my glasses and cups to line up in the cupboard...we all have our quirks, LOL. I can live in a mess, but those cups and glasses better line up! I wish I knew the identity of the troll and if she has a blog--I'd head over there sometime when I needed a laugh. The comment about the cold house and Rocky's arthritis was a low blow, and something I'd seriously doubt.

  19. Does have a point about the old dog in a cold house though.

  20. Hi Ilona, it's frugal n the valley here...sorry about the anon bit...I just couldn't help adding my bit to the troll thing,

    It's truly not normal for someone who seems to have such an aversion to everything you do, to spend SO MUCH TIME, in fact any time at all on being such a bitch. I feel like I am reading stuff a third grader would bully with.

    Surely if she or he doesn't like you, they just steer clear? The emotion of anger is the most immature of all? It don't do as I want you to so I am going to throw a hissy fit!

    Surely an adult has better things to do than to spend time on something they don't like and belittle?

    I have had to give up writing two of my blogs because of a troll-ex. It is now with a lawyer.

    I strongly recommend you could screen shot all this online bullying, just for future reference. This has helped me a lot.

    Do you l ow this sad, pathetic fool? I am guessing that it they are STALKING you whilst you shop, who cares what time of day...then they are to some extent.

    You make my trip online worthwhile Ilona, it's a shame this poor, immature and time wasting excuse for an adult doesn't do the same.

    1. Frugal in the Valley I completely agree with you-it is most definitely NOT normal.If you don't like what a blogger says or writes about ...DON'T READ IT ...its a free country!! Move on Idiot! Honestly I cannot believe how rude some people are.
      Ilona I think your lifestyle is remarkable and an inspiration to many, certainly to me! Keep writing and sharing and ignore the trolls!

  21. Frugal in the valley says... Golly you believe everything you read do you? Don't you know even journalists put what they like? or perhaps you've been stalking Ilona...omg...can you hear my laughter twelve thousand kilometres away?

  22. Troll! Troll!
    I'd like to say.
    Amuse yourself
    And go away.

    No-one's impressed
    With thoughts in your head.
    So have an early night
    And get yourself to bed.

    Tomorrow you'll feel better,
    As nice as pie again.
    Or are you always like this?
    It must be a dreadful strain.

    I don't envy your family,
    Or friends, if any at all.
    Is that why you do it
    On your own and feeling small.

    Don't mess with Ilona,
    There's nothing you can say.
    She has her friends and supporters,
    Much more than you any day.

    Joan (Wales)

  23. I think Ilona is brill, she brightens my day and I love her outlook on life.
    Troll if you've got not got anything better to do that make nasty comments to genuine good people then what a sad pathetic person you are.

  24. Lovely photos Ilona but really sorry to hear your troll is back. This kind of cyber bullying is unacceptable and needs addressing. If this person is in a position of responsibility they need reporting to the professional body they affiliated with. Take care. Kristel.

  25. Haha! Oh dear...I haven't commented for a long time Ilona, but I do pop in to catch up when I can. This just takes the cake. Yes....just have a good laugh at this little troll with a stone heart. Sue. (Maa)


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