
Friday, 18 March 2016

An English country garden

Hello. Nothing done in the garden today, it was too darn cold. Instead I have spent some money in a small Garden Centre. I don't like the big ones, they have too many add on's, loads of stuff for sale that have nothing to do with gardens. I don't want a drink in a coffee shop, or to buy anything for the house. 
This small one is a family affair, they live in the house next door, and grow their own in massive greenhouses. I prefer this set up because I can ask questions and they are really helpful. I know very little about flowers, can't remember any names, so it's a case of suck it and see for me. 
Janet came with me but wasn't tempted to buy anything, she already has a well stocked garden. I however spent £28 on these plants. Not a lot really for four beds, but mixed in with a few plants I have in pots, and some seeds I bought in the £1 shop, I should have enough. I can always top it up later on if I come across some bargains. 
These are what I bought a few weeks back from the £1 shop. The 50 bumper pack is the same as I had last year, I planted them in five tubs, there is such a lot for £1.
These multi pack seeds are also £1 each, let's see what we get from them this summer. Worth a try.

I did two jobs in one journey and took another load to the tip. I couldn't resist having a nose in a woman's car to see what she was throwing away. Nothing exciting, a lot of crockery oddments. I asked her if she takes anything to charity shops, she said she didn't have time.

Of course there was the usual visit to the small Tesco as we were passing, I got a bit lucky, four packs of mixed prepared veg at 15p per bag, which I am eating now, and a cheap melon, and reduced mushrooms. Always worth a look.

I had a phone call tonight from a journalist wanting to write a story about me for a magazine. This was on the cards ages ago, but didn't go ahead. I thought it was because I refused to sign an exclusivity contract. I could hardly hear what she was saying, she spoke all breathless and feathery if you know what I mean. I decided not to bother, the moment has past now, it is history.

What did you think of the Jo Brand Documentary? It was interesting to see how she got on after I left her. I'm not sure if they followed the Trans Pennine Trail to the letter, but some of it was grueling, and she was struggling. I don't know if it has given any other middle aged over weight ladies inspiration to have a go. I would imagine it has put quite a few off. She did it at the wrong time of the year, but I don't suppose she had any choice in the matter. At least she got off her bum and did it.

For those who haven't see it, here is the documentary. You catch a glimpse of me following her as she goes over the bridge, three minutes into it. I have a speaking part at four minutes. It's available for 29 days on iplayer, after that it might turn up on yoootoooob. I'm not sure if our oversees readers can get it.

We are at the weekend again, time flies, make the most of it. I hope you have a good one. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I don't think she followed the TransPennine trail all the way but we saw lots of places we recognised from cycling it quite a few times. The weather was appalling but bless her she stuck to it.

  2. Looks like you have got a nice selection of plants etc to plant in your new beds, they spread out so you don't have to jam pack them in at first.
    It's been cold here too in the north east but I do love this time of year a few little plants are starting to grow that always make me happy.
    I know what you mean about the big garden centres I must admit I do enjoy raking about in them looking at all the stuff but none of the staff have much time to give advice
    I had a quick look at the documentary with Jo Brand I "speed watched" it she did well given her general condition. I hope it give her encouragement to lose weight.
    I thought you looked well Ilona. Have a lovely weekend with the "kids". X

  3. Just watched the start of Jo's walk - I love your bit in it! :) x

  4. Can't see the Jo Brand documentary it in the US, but I'll hope for it to show up later on YT.
    I followed every day of her Hell of a Walk, and I have tremendous respect for Jo carrying on. I think it was very inspiring - not to inspire "any other middle aged over weight ladies" to do the exact same thing, because, frankly, that route, in that time-frame, at that time of year, was madness - as are so many of the Comic Relief and Sports Relief challenges.
    But in terms of inspiring ordinary people to face personal challenges and just keep putting one foot in front of the other despite physical limitations or pain or hurdles to be overcome...well, I think Jo's example would be hard to beat. Truly awesome.

  5. We can't watch it in Canada. It says that iplayer is only available in the UK due to "rights agreements".

  6. Thanks fir the lovely video Ilona it was a joy to watch. Your assortment of flowers for the garden will look lovely later on. I was going to garden yesterday but it was bitterly cold again.
    Enjoy the weekend.
    Hazel c uk

  7. Your beds are going to look amazing. They should be a blaze of colour.

    I have just finished your last long walk. I have so enjoyed the virtual walks along side you. Scary moment when you fainted though. You should try not to push yourself so hard. I have low blood pressure (and suspect you may have too) and have fainted while walking in heat (abroad, many years ago) so think the comments may right about getting a bit dehydrated.

    You did have some dreadful weather at times but also some lovely weather and the sights were breathtaking. I know it's old news now but I still want to say well done you!

  8. watched jo brands walk thought it was really good, did think she needed to get fitter though before starting, if shed had something serious happen it would have spoiled the intention of her programme really. it was interesting how she got grumpy and inside herself when tired, that's me as well. Yes could have picked a better time to go. Lovely how everyone turned out for her and cheered her on. Julie T

  9. Hello Ilona, I am 'Someone from the Netherlands', I watched the docu on BBC 1, we get that in the Netherlands as well as BBC 2, some Belgian Tv and German channels as well, I recognised you as I am reading your blog since I read an article about you in the DM online wich I sometimes look into. I economise on my small income and it is really great to get inspiration from other people who do the same and blog about it. I do not blog myself as I think I am not interesting enough or just shy I suppose. But luckily you are not as you even posted a photo of yourself in the bath hahaha. It was nice to see you on the telly and I enjoyed the programme I hope it will give me the push to get of my bum and do some walking myself. Greatings from 'Someone in the Netherlands.

    1. Juist als je zelf denkt niet interessant genoeg, of te verlegen te zijn om te bloggen, moet je er fijn aan beginnen. Kom op! Kop op! Niet te kinderachtig over jezelf denken.

  10. Thanks for sharing Jo's link - I missed it the other night so just finished watching it now - It sure was 'one hell of a walk'!! Your colour plant selection is right up my street - I'll look forward to seeing them in bloom, later in the year :)

  11. Have just seen you on Jo Brand's programme! Watched it on 'catch up' this morning. Don't know how she managed it - I'm her age and not at all overweight, but couldn't do that. How's your walking going? Don't you have any knee or hip problems?!! If not, how not?!!! Linda J

    1. Hello Linda. I don't have any knee or hip problems. No aches and pains. I'm not sure why not. I was always able to climb up on top of my loads when I did roping and sheeting. I stopped jumping off the trailer though and climbed down instead, ha ha.

    2. Maybe I should have been an HGV driver then!! By the way, have just been looking at your raised beds with the bricks. Have you cemented them or just put them together? Looking good whatever you've done. Off to walk my little dog, aching knees, hips or not!! Linda J

  12. "I asked her if she takes anything to charity shops, she said she didn't have time." Ooh that sort of comment really riles me!!!! I've been taking stuff to charity shops and to recycling banks ever since I can remember, often with four children in tow. Everyone can find time if they want to. It's just a question of getting organized. Well done you for asking her the question!

  13. Well I'm a "middle aged overweight lady" and she's inspired me! I thought she was very courageous to take it on and a real inspiration. My walking boots have come out of hibernation. Not surprised she got grumpy about the hangers on, most of them would just be out to get themselves on the telly.

  14. I love your selection of flowers. The garden will be stunning by the time the summer arrives. Just think how much pleasure you will get from it and how worthwhile all your hard work will have been.

  15. Tried to watch but no go in the USA. The only thing I know about Jo Brand is that she once appeared on the old TV show "What Not to Wear" where the two hosts of the show said they got stuck dressing her for the red carpet of some event. It was kind of funny but sad in a way because they felt like they couldn't dress her properly because of her weight. I know she's a funny lady and I guess it was all set up but I felt a little bad for her. Like all your plants. They are going to look pretty and colorful. Arlene from US

  16. Watched Jo Brand on iplayer. I thought she did well, considering. I was pleased to spot you. Well done!


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