
Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Another bed is made.

Hello. It's been a lovely day for pottering in the garden. Bugsy loves to sunbathe, I lay an old towel out for him by the back door. It's sheltered from any wind, a smashing little sun trap..  
More work on the raised bed next to the sunhouse. I have removed a lot of the compost and shrunk the bed. The first layer of bricks are going down, using a long piece of wood as a guide to a straight line.

Now it is three bricks high. I leveled the compost, and filled it back up to the height of the bricks, and scattered grass seed around the outside, and forgot to take a photo. I think I am going to have more than enough bricks to do the other two raised beds, so I'm thinking I will remove the collapsed pallet decking and replace it with bricks. There should be enough for that job. I want to get the beds finished first so I can plant them up. I have bought some seeds and bulbs and I might treat myself to some plants from a small garden centre I know. I also have some plants in pots which can be replanted into the beds. Should look good when it's finished.

Dinner tonight. I fancied a change from vegetables so I started off a chopped onion in oil, then added some Quorn chunks and sweetcorn, and water. Simmered for 15 minutes. The turmeric has turned it yellow, it's got garlic powder and veg granules in it. Served on a bed of couscous. There's enough for tomorrow as well.

Lets hope the weather holds out for tomorrow so I can get on with the garden. It's nice to be able to stay outdoors for longer. A late walk tonight, waiting ten minutes to let my dinner go down.

Thank you for popping in. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip


  1. Your raised bed looks good! What are you planning to plant in it?

  2. Bugsy looks comfy glad he got a bit of sunbathing done. You are getting on good with your raised bed. I did a similar thing last spring in my small back yard I had loads of pots everywhere to "soften" the flags.
    But leaves and dirt got trapped in between them, so I got two lengths of rough wood sawed one in half nailed them then put them on top of some left over bricks and now I have a little garden against the wall. Looks pretty didn't have to buy any plants or muck just bunged all the plants etc in. Lots of little bits of greenery starting to show again hooray!
    Hope you get a nice day tomorrow for sunbathing and digging :).

  3. Bugsy is such a handsome fellow!

  4. Lovely photo of Bugsy. Looking forward to seeing the finished raised beds.

  5. Bugsy is a beautiful cat. The garden beds look great , you will have so much fun planting them.

  6. ahh...Bugsy is a real Bagpuss. (and, Ilona loved him.) Do you remember how the little rhyme went ?

  7. Cracking beds Ilona, I can just see them now filled with veg. Love little Bugsy on his towel.

    1. Hi Briony. I am planting mainly flowers and small plants, heather, conifers, herbs, and bulbs. I am fed up of doing battle with the slugs so I am choosing varieties that they won't eat.

    2. Ilona, good luck with the planting; do you not have problems with rabbits? I live in rural surroundings and after planting for a couple of hours had the whole lot dug up and 'away with' by the next morning; the creatures left their 'out the back door' deposits. I have since been advised to plant garlic bulbs around the vegetable patch as the pesky bandits don't like them. Amanda

    3. Ilona, just to clarify, I mentioned vegetables but my understanding and experience is rabbits eat bulbs, flowers and plants. Amanda

    4. Hello Amanda. No rabbits in our gardens. Only seen hedgehogs and frogs. And tons of slugs.

    5. Definitely no rabbits :o)

  8. Your dinner looks delicious! Might have to try it myself, sure I have done quorn chunks in the freezer. And just bought some couscous (I had never had until two weeks ago. Now I'm a convert!) so it would only cost me the price of the turmeric. Wonder if the kids would eat it (sans the onion and sweetcorn! Eldest is autistic and has lots of food sensory issues.)

    1. Hi Dino. You don't have to use turmeric, you can use any spice you have, a mild curry would be nice. Yes, couscous is very versatile, takes a minute to prepares, and can be eaten hot or cold. My recipes are all made up and don't have to be followed to the letter. You could use peas instead of sweetcorn. You could microwave a potato instead of the couscous.

    2. Now curry powder/paste I have!

  9. Good day's work Ilona- it all looks super! JanF

  10. Bugsy looks so serene! Your beds look great...can't wait to see them planted.

  11. Hi IIona, you have been busy they are looking good. Wish I had some of your energy.

    Enjoy the day,
    hazel c uk

  12. The raised bed is looking great. Off topic again, I have been working through your long walks and really enjoying them. I had only the last one to do "Humber bridge to Penrith" but the links don't work on this one. They are in black instead of blue like the rest of them, don't know if that has anything to do with it. I was disappointed as I only had this last one to do to catch up. Don't know if you are able to sort this. Sorry if I am being a pain.

    Loved the walks though. Loved the photos of the limestone pavement, viaducts, bridges, cathedrals and animals and scenery along the way not to mention Pudditat. You have great determination in your walks in sometimes dreadful weather conditions.

    1. Thanks. Will see to it later. Going outside now.

    2. Hi Carol. It's fixed now. I know what happened. Blogger changed the format for adding links, and I hadn't noticed when I posted that. I did it the same way as I always did. You can carry on now. In fact you have just reminded me, there is another walk I have yet to add. I must get my finger out and catch up.

  13. Ilona that was a good programme of Jo Brands long walk and your bit was fantastic, lovely clear pictures and chat came over clear. I love the pictures of the furry friends relaxing, surprising what a bit of sunshine can do.


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