
Friday, 1 April 2016

Happy Birthday, Susan


  1. Wow! I haven't listened to Susan Boyle for a long time; As you always say, "That's blooming lovely"!

  2. Not something I would buy but loved listening to it and watching it 'full screen' - just like watching it on the tv :) Thanks for sharing.

  3. First of all let me say I Love Susan Boyle! But, did I miss something in that song because it sounded to me like a "victim" song. Example: "I'm nothing without you" etc. Strong, independent women are not victims. Just sayin..... Shirley

    1. Hello Shirley. Susan has a very strong Catholic faith, and is an active member of her church, her faith gives her strength. The song is about re affirming her connection with her Lord. She is looking for answers to her questions, searching for the security of His love, telling Him of her needs and what she wants from the relationship.

      I don't see this as being a victim.

      You can read the words of the song here. Copy and paste into your address bar.

      It's a very powerful song. Very difficult to choose my favourite Susan song, they are all so good, but the emotion in the music and lyrics, and the filming in black and white, puts it way ahead of the others, in my opinion. She looks relaxed working in a studio, and the orchestration is superb.

    2. Thank you for explaining the words to me. I really wanted to "get it right." Now it makes complete sense to me. Reading the lyrics certainly helped. Again, thank you. Shirley

  4. What a beautiful song about faith and grace. Thank you for sharing this, my heart needed to hear it! Jan

  5. Wonderful orchestration, wonderful singing and wonderful words, thank you for sharing, made my day!

  6. Wow very moving, I lived it. Happy birthday susan


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