
Thursday, 5 May 2016

You owe it to yourself to look after you

Hello. I know I bang on a bit about walking, but it is a topic that has the potential of leading everyone to a better, more fitter and healthier lifestyle. For me it is vitally important that I do the best I can for my body, my love of walking benefits me in so many ways. I feel alive when I am outside striding along. I feel connected to nature. I feel like I am oiling my joints, which need movement to slow up the process of seizing up, if I didn't use them. I cannot think of one negative thing about walking, it is so full of positives. 
I am really chuffed that some of you have taken on the 1000 mile walking challenge, Your mileage updates are heartwarming, I am so proud of you for making the effort. 
No matter where you live in the world you can find a place to walk. It might be from your front door, or at a local park, or along a beach, or around the streets if you live in a city or town. All it takes is that commitment and determination that you are going to do the best for your body. 
I really like this walking map of London. Everyone will recognize this as the Underground map. It has the different lines and the stations, and it also has the times it would take you to walk between the stations. If you use this to get to and from work, wouldn't it be a good idea to get off one station early and walk the rest? When I was in London a few years ago I walked everywhere and didn't use buses or the Underground at all. 

I have found an inspiring video on yooootooob, which you might want to look at. It explains all the benefits of walking, not only for your body fitness now, but also also holding back the ravages of old age, and keeping the mind active as well. Have a look if you need some motivation to keep moving.

There is a web site called Everybody Walk as well. It's American based but the message is the same the world over. Lots of videos to get you out of your seat and walking. Walking benefits everyone.

So there you are. The sun is out and I have things to do today, but you can bet your life there will be a walk in there. My own three mile walk, and I am walking Bella the Labradoodle.

Thanks for popping in. we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.


  1. I laugh whenever a Brit posts a reference from the US. There's usually a disclaimer "It's American, but..." makes me smile. Yes, walking is international and trying to do more myself. I love London tube system but walking the city even more.

    1. Hi. Do a lot of people do that then? Yes it is a bit daft. American people seem to have a more robust and direct way of going about things, we are a bit reserved here. George is very easy to listen to, he tells it like it is without the waffle.

  2. We go into London regularly on the train as its only 25 mins however I hate the tube we walk miles each time we go and I love it. We are off to Samos for six weeks at the end of May which is renowned for its fabulous walks I will up my walking mileage then.

  3. PS fabulous video for some reason it made me quite emotional. I've done my 3 miles this morning I may have to go out again now lol

    1. Yes, he has a very persuasive manner, I almost got up and went out immediately, ha ha.

  4. Walking is the best. Even if you can't go outside for some reason, look on you tube for indoor walking videos. There's is an American fitness lady who does some good ones. Natalie

  5. oh Ilona you are such an inspiration, loved the video, I attempted my longest walk yesterday, only a short walk for beginners, I have a long way to go before I can walk miles, lol. however, Its a new beginning, new adventure.

  6. It's all true! Walking is just about the only exercise I enjoy. If I'm feeling a bit fed up I go for a walk and come back much happier.

  7. I've been ill for the last 6 months, but get out to walk on as many days as I can, even when it would be far easier to curl up in bed with the covers over my head. On those days it feels as though I am walking through treacle but I keep putting one foot in front of the other, even if it is more slowly than I want. It's the only form of exercise I've been able to maintain since becoming ill, so I keep doing it because I don't want to give in to whatever is happening to my body. I've walked 295 miles so far this year.

    1. You're doing very well Scarlet, despite your illness. I admire your spirit of not giving in.

  8. I am currently averaging 11 miles a day and boy oh boy do my legs and hips ache when I get home from work each evening. I am absolutely loving my job though and just like you I walk everywhere. If you get chance to google Fairydell In Middlesbrough you will see what I refer to as 'my office'. I have the great privilege of taking groups out into the woods to enjoy just being outdoors and rediscovering what it feels like to play in the woods. I get to build dens and fish in the lake.... all part of my job.

    1. I am pleased you are enjoying your job. Don't worry about the aching legs, they will get used to it.

  9. Couldn't watch the video, he was simply too annoying.

    Walking is fine. In moderation. As in all things.

  10. Just seen you on Rip-Off Britain! Wowzer, three cheers and all that! The girl done good, as they say! You came across as a very canny shopper and also you are a natural for the telly! You should have your own series, Ilona, on how to save money in general. I really enjoyed it. Of course, people have to be prepared to go shopping in the evening, but that's about the only drawback as far as I an see. Anyone brought up in the 1950s (as I was, I'm just a tad older than you) this is often how our parents shopped in the days of food rationing. They'd go and see what was in the shops and then make a meal from what they could find. Loved seeing you, very well done!
    Margaret P

    1. Hi. Thank you for reporting back on that, you are the first. I have the Catch up window open, as soon as it appears I will watch it.

  11. I've also just watched you on Rip-Off Britain and thought you were an inspiration! You always inspire through your blog and I'm glad you are reaching a wider audience. More power to your elbow!

  12. You have inspired me Ilona! I have completed 16.3 miles since the start of this month! Not bad considering I work full time - sat on my you know what in an office. But, with the lovely weather we have had this week I have been going out for a brisk 20 min walk at lunch time and it soon mounts up. Last month I walked 70.1 miles, the sightseeing we did on holiday helped with that though. I think your blog is really interesting, great fun to read and I look forward to reading about your daily doings :)

  13. Ive been walking since i was 15 loved it then still love it 35 yrs later lol I walk everyday an hour at the least ,before my casual job which is my only source of income, sometimes in the dark in the morning.... On a day off its longer and jog a bit too! I cant watch that video but the word dowdy is one word that has never crossed my mind about you and you certaintly dont look it x

  14. As a yard supervisor at an elementary school I get paid to walk 3 hours a day usually 3 times a week. It doesn't get any better than that!
    Beverley Moore in Calif.


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