
Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Fun and games with a friend.

Hello. I had a visitor today. I met blog reader Simplesista about a year ago when I was over in Yorkshire for a few days, so as it was time for a catch up and she had a day off work, she came here. It was great to see her again, we never stopped talking, so much to say. After a cuppa, yes I have got tea bags, and a tour of the garden, we went to the cash and carry so she could grab a few bargains. She is very price conscious so I knew she would appreciate some cheap food with a growing family to feed. 
Back home for lunch, we sat in the garden. She had her pack up, and I made a sandwich, then we went for a walk and had a bimble through the woods. We came across this swing and couldn't resist having a go. 

On the way back up the hill I wondered if Joanna was in, she lives in the 1939 house, and yes she was, so we stopped for a natter. We found her in the garden putting some plants into the ground. She very kindly let us look around her house. I have seen it before, but Simplesista was quite excited to see it in the flesh.

The time went far too quickly, we had a photo outside the summer house just before she left to go home. There is a blur across the middle of it, not sure how that happened. I look like a giant compared to her, she is tiny.

It was great to see her again. Thanks for coming over, SS, I enjoyed the day.

The pressure is off now and I don't have to chase anyone for votes, but blow me down, I did my walk and met someone who didn't know anything about the competition. That's one vote I missed out on, probably missed more. Anyway, all done and dusted so I can relax. It will be a long wait for the results, they won't be revealed until later on in the year. Thank you all for voting.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.


  1. Thank you for a great day and the fab hospitality. I enjoyed every minute of the day, including the strawberries and chocolate you sent me home with. Love my gift of the handmade bag too- you are a very gracious host and the furry family as gorgeous as they look in the photos on the blog,xxxx

  2. It is great to spend time with like minded people isn't it. And your local green space looks really pretty. Do you live in a naturally green area or is it a bit on the thin side.

  3. Looks like a lovely visit. Best to you both!

  4. That looks like you each had fun hanging out together.

  5. What a lovely day you both had. Sometimes I think people have forgotten how to enjoy being together without spending heaps of money on coffees and cake, lunches out, movies and all those other 'exciting' things that have replaced much simpler activities like a walk in the park, sitting in the garden or sharing a home-made lunch. When I get 'exciting' invites to meet up with friends I just see those dollar figures adding up and wonder how I will make ends meet for the rest of the week if I indulge. Don't get me wrong, I like a movie and meals cooked for me but I have to save for these treats. For my friends this is a weekly if not twice weekly evert. It is how people socialise these days. So its lovely to read about the two of you enjoying each others company, sharing and having fun without spending the earth to do it.

  6. It looks like you and Simplesista had a fun day. How nice that she could come for a visit.

    I voted for your summerhouse twice (2 devices). Will the television people be visiting you to film a segment or will that come later if you win the budget category? I am sorry that we cannot watch Shed of the Year here in America but I think there will be clips on their website. Good luck!

  7. Great you got together, good times all round, and a swing!
    I hope you win!

  8. Hi Ilona, it looks like you had a wonderful day with your friend. Your lovely bag arrived in my mailbox yesterday. Thank you so much for this gift. Enjoy your day, Pat xx

  9. Pleased you both had a lovely day, the swing in the lane looked like fun.
    Enjoy the day,
    Hazel c uk

  10. What fun on the swing! It is lovely to meet somebody in the flesh that you have chatted to through the ether. Good luck with the comp.

  11. I went to Waitrose today and picked up their weekend magazine (free). Reading it at home saw a full page picture of ...your shed! Recognised it from your blog of course. I hope you have seen it - your shed looks amazing. Carole

  12. A proper day with a friend. Sounds like a great day was had by all. Lovely pictures for us too. Good luck in the Shed competition I voted ages ago for you!!!!

  13. You look like you were having fun on that swing. Glad you had a good day together.

  14. it looks like ya'll had a great time. Isn't it great to meet friends via blogs and such?


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