
Sunday, 17 July 2016

Shed of the Year is coming.

Hello. Not long now to wait for Cuprinol Shed of the Year coming on the telly. 
It will start on Friday 29th July at 8pm on Channel 4. There will be four programmes over four weeks. Each programme will feature two of the eight categories, four sheds in each category. At the end of each programme two winners will be announced.

My summer house/beach hut will be on the last programme scheduled to go out on Friday the 19th of August, so we have a bit longer to wait. At the very end of the last programme the overall winner of Shed of the Year will be announced.

If you watch all the programmes you will see me popping up in the audience, this is what I was wearing.

During the four weeks I will be publishing some of the photo's I have of the two filming sessions, so watch this space. It was fun to do, lots of fun ahead, not long now to see the results.

Enjoy your Sunday. Thanks for popping in. Thanks for all your comments on the health post, worth going back for another look because new comments came in this morning.
Toodle pip


  1. I've written that down and set a reminder so I don't miss it! I'm not much of a tv watcher so I don't want it let pass me by. I know it's easy enough to watch on catch up but I want to watch it as it happens. I'm really looking forward to seeing all the sheds actually- I'm very rock n roll like that!

  2. I am sooooo looking forward to this, Ilona! I love this prog and the added interest this year will be you and your shed!!! I will put this on my calendar now! There is so little to watch right now, it will be lovely to have this to look forward to. Even the Open (golf championship) is on Sky which we do not have (nor would have, I don't believe in paying for most things which are repeats anyway, with the exception of live sport) so I can't even watch that in real time, only the highlights and I used to love watch that, actually sitting in our own summerhouse with the small TV in there.
    Margaret P

  3. One of my favourite programs, up there with Sewing Bee. I look forward to seeing you.

  4. Does this mean the contestants already know the winners?

  5. ohh Ilona , I am so excited for you. I do hope you win.

  6. I know that those of us outside the UK will not be able to watch. But I'm looking forward to seeing your photos and hearing what it was like to participate in the program. Plus, I'm going to be on the lookout for clips on the Channel 4 website. I believe everyone can watch the clips.

  7. Have put it on the calender. Such a hard secret to keep for so long esoecially if you are the winner which I hope so.

    Enjoy the sunshine.
    Hazel c uk

  8. looking forward to the series and of course here's hoping you win!

  9. I have a soft spot for that shed as it was the inspiration for the poem I wrote after watching you build it. I know you know who won, but I'm hoping it was you. The series is set to record.

    Joan (Wales)

  10. Well I think you have won for sure, but I'll wait for confirmation from you after the programme.

    1. You can guess all you like, I aint sayin.

  11. I really hope you've won Ilona as your shed is such an inspiration. Kristel

  12. My daughter's and I will be watching they love your blog too.

  13. I love shed of the year! And me and Mr S were totally in awe of your summer house project. We will definitely be watching that. Well done!

  14. Looking forward to watching this series. I must say you're very good at keeping schtum ;-)


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