
Thursday, 1 June 2017

Calling all walkers, report here please.

Hello. My visit to Hull yesterday. First I drove to Barton to have a look at the exhibitions in the Ropewalk Galleries. One was closed due to installing new exhibits, the other was a series of paintings which illustrated Spurn Point, didn't like them much at all, and of course the prices were ridiculous. .

Then I caught the bus to Hull. The fountains in the city centre were advertised as something special, I was expecting them to be arty, colourful, and maybe a bit showy with background music. Like dancing fountains. Don't know where I got that idea from. Nope, It was a splash pad, with jets of water coming up out of the ground and lots of little children having fun playing guess which one is going to spurt next, and let's see what happens if I put my foot on this one. It was a gloriously hot day, ideal for a splash about, kids and mums alike were enjoying it. I remember seeing the fountains in Bradford five years ago and they were shooting up as high as the buildings. Maybe that's why I thought these would be the same. Sorry, no pictures, it is frowned upon to take photo's of small children in their underwear in a public place.

Next stop the Ferens Art Gallery to see the pictures from the Sea of Hull, you may remember that everyone was painted blue and photo's were taken at various locations in the city centre. I was hoping to see more pictures than what had already been shown on the internet. There were two that I hadn't seen before, a lot of naked people were photographed on the Humber Bank with the bridge in the background. They weren't blue, just their own naked skin in the buff. The blue ones I had already seen, albeit in a smaller screen size. Have a look at this report in the Hull Daily Mail on the opening day.

Also part of the Skin exhibition are several nude sculptures by Ron Mueck, some of them larger than life, some in miniature, all of them perfect in every detail. They are so lifelike you have to get up close to see where every hair has been inserted into the model. I was not allowed to take any photo's in the gallery, but if you check out this BBC webpage, there is a picture of the Wild Man. The man is a giant perched on a giant stool, the top of my head came up to his nipples. The rest of the exhibition was fascinating, nude lifelike bodies of different sizes.

I wasn't long in Hull, the bus journey took ages because of the heavy traffic. I picked up a few yellow stickers at Tesco in Barton. A nice cauliflower for 48p marked down from £2, TWO CHUFFIN POUNDS, good grief. Bags of salad leaves for 16p.

The duvet has been deconstructed, and is now three separate pieces, now to start sewing.

Hands up anyone who uses resealable packs as they are supposed to? I find that they are such a faff to get the two sides to stick together that I don't bother. I cut them off completely, fold over, and seal with a clothes peg. Simple. To the manufacturers, get rid of them and knock a couple of pence off the price.

Here's a thought, are young people losing their observational skills? I presented this at the checkout at Wilko, girl scanned it and held out her hand asking for 50p. Hey girl, open your eyes, what does it stay there? I do despair, no wonder the tills are being replaced by self serve, brains are no longer required to be a checkout assistant.

Now to the most important part of today's post, THE WALKING GROUP CHECK IN REMINDER. Come on, are you a bragger, or a fessing up participant, ha ha. Have you broken all records with your walking, or have you failed to get up off your bum? I am a bit of both. I will get on with it when I feel like it, or I can say stuff it, I'll not bother today. I am able to ease up a bit on the three mile daily walks because I have clocked up a few extra miles on longer walks. It's like a deposit account, today I have 570 miles in the bank. On the other hand, if I take my eye off the ball for too long there is a possibility that I might fall behind. I can't let that happen.

So how are you doing? Let us know so we can admire your stamina or give you a kick up the bum to get on with it. Only joking, don't get too hung up about the numbers, just do as much as you can. It needs to be enjoyable, not a slog.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. We nipped over to Hull to see the Skin exhibition a couple of weeks ago, well worth the trip it was just fantastic, those models are amazing!

    1. Hi. Yes, the Skin exhibits were amazing. Such detail. It made me think they were so much better that the awful waxworks of Madame Tussaud.

  2. Yes the fountains in Bradford are pretty impressive, they change colour when it's dark and they get them to do very fancy things when they have an event on. They are more impressive in the winter events, the dark is a better backdrop for fountain fancyness I think. I haven't been tracking my walks for this challenge but I'm doing ok, Fitbit says! I'm collecting things for my stall at work (we raise money for school events!) and this year I'm not doing very well with items to donate. Have I reached a state of utter declutteredness where I have nothing left to declutter?! Xxxx

    1. Hi SS. Actually I don't have a lot of my own clutter, people keep giving me theirs, ha ha. Perhaps you have some friends who can find something for you.

    2. Yes I've put the call out, hopefully things will turn up. I'm sure I'll have plenty on the day, I usually do. Hope you are well,xxxx

  3. 484 (Dutch) kilometres so far, enjoying every step. Makes me very happy and a little proud. What a wanderful and wonderful challenge this is.
    Thanks Ilona, you are great inspiration and support.


    1. And I'm proud of you as well. Walk with a smile on your face because you know it is good for your body.

  4. The self-seal packets are absolute rubbish - they rarely self-seal in my experience, we do exactly the same, use a peg. A few months ago we bought 2 items in a shop: value £19.99 and £5.00; the tills had a gremlin visiting so the very young shop assistant disappeared for a short while and returned with a CALCULATOR!! I'm laughing now, but at the time all I could think was 'what do they teach them at school these days?' Lovely weather here in the Midlands. Amanda

    1. I thinl< they teach them what to me is similar to very complicated algebra x

  5. I'm not sure if I am in your wall<ing Group but I would like! to report in.I have only done my usual I imagine-40 miles during May.Total this year so far 200 miles.I have wall<end into the village a few times but not included that.When I finally do go on holiday I shall be wall<king double as the dogs don't have the garden there.Hope my legs hold up as I've still not got my appointment to see the neuroligst.I don't mind a nal<ed person as long as they are painted ,as the gold muscle man was during on TV during the 60s x

    1. Hi. I don't think you joined up in January, but no matter, you are in now. Keep reporting in with your mileage on the first of every month.

  6. 90 miles this month! Very pleased to be recovered from injury and illness and getting back on track. 324 miles to date, but I am determined to make up the shortfall and complete the 1000 miles in 2017 challenge. Thank you so much for the kick up the bum Ilona which made me decide to join in and get fitter.

    1. I have every faith in you Jools. Seven more months to go, plenty of time, you will do it, I'm sure.

  7. I did 139 miles in May, thanks to fine weather and a walking holiday. Now if I only could keep this up . . .

    1. Wow Hilde, you must have some miles in the bank now. Keep it up but don't kill yourself :o)

  8. 122 miles this month.Total 437 - thrilled to bits.xx

    1. And so you should be, Alice. That's fantastic.

  9. 86 miles this month, Ilona. Hoping to do better during June now we're having some nice weather.

    1. Good for you Helen. No excuses now, long daylight hours and hopefully not much rain.

  10. Hello Ilona.
    We have done a total of 501 miles so far this year.
    We are stock piling a bit as we are sure to have some off days soon.
    When you are out walking on holiday do you ever get ticks and if so how do you deal with them?
    If not do you wear any protective clothing? Sue

    1. Hi. I had a tick once, on my back. Not sure how it got there, but I suspect Rocky picked it up. We had been walking near a wood which has deer in it. I think it must have jumped from him to me. I went straight to the doctors when I discovered it, they removed it for me, and sent it away to be analysed. I went back a few days later because I was concerned that I might have a bullseye rash, which is an indication of an infection. They gave me a course of antibiotics as a precaution. It cleared up and I never heard about the results of the tick tests so I presumed it was ok.

      I don't wear protective clothing in the summer because I hate feeling hot and sweaty. I wear shorts and/or a skirt. If I'm walking in the winter and it's cold I wear normal trousers.

      I keep meaning to get a tick twister but forget to buy one. You have to be careful how you remove them, don't just pull at the body because that traumatizes them and they regurgitate the contents of their mouth into your skin. Also attacking them with any liquids or creams to make them let go will have the same effect. Google it, plenty of information out there.

    2. PS. Well done on the miles.

  11. They have ticl<s where I go in Dorset .I always am well covered and brush myself and use a repellant when I remember.You need to be careful as Lyme disease is possible from a bite.I never risl< shorts or sl<irt.On my dogs I use a green hool< from the vets and twist them off and put sudorem on x

    1. Thanks flis and well done on your mileage. Sue

  12. Hi mileage in May was better than all the previous biking was respectable at 195 miles. I walk 3 miles before I work for four days then I ride bikes two day for rest! I should double up on my walk 3 miles before work and then try to get another couple of miles after work (I have no excuse why I haven't yet...I get off work at 3:45 for goodness sake!) All I can claim is the Florida summer is upon us with 90 degree temps and 90% humidity!!! But since I am so acclimated to the weather, I really have NO EXCUSE!!! Let me go give myself a swift kick up the backside!

    1. Hi. I think I would be indoors in that hot climate. You do well to bike and walk. Keep it up.

  13. 71 this month and 341 in total. Quite pleased with that but there is always room for improvement.
    Tricia and Lucy x

    1. Still a good mileage, maybe squeeze a few extra miles in if you have time.

  14. I prefer check-out assistants to self service, but I always take a minute to pick out the most efficient looking assistant. I don't think it's a job that requires a lot of brains; common sense is more important. Unfortunately some folk just don't have any. Karen

  15. Hi Ilona
    60 miles this month running total 470 miles .
    Shelly x

    1. Fantastic Shelly. It's great that you are sticking with it. Go girl.

  16. Whilst I haven't joined your walking club, I do have a Fitbit and by 18th April (having got the Fitbit in September) I had walked the length of New Zealand, which is 1,593 Km. I average 14,225 steps a day. As I have asthma I try to do my best to keep fit and active, so am having a blip at the moment.

    As for the zip lock packets, whilst I don't mind them, I usually put anything opened into glass storage jars to keep it fresher.

    Those fountains in Hull sound to have been Health and Safetied, but great fun on a hot day, especially for the little ones.

  17. 105 miles in May. Total to date 378 miles. Odette

  18. I managed 81 this month not a bad score as I was stuck inside Invivilating exams during last weeks baking heat in a stifling hot hall and just couldn't stand the thought of a walk when I got home.All I wanted to do was sit somewhere cool and drink gallons of water.

    1. I've been invigilating at 2 schools for several years -really enjoyable x

  19. Only 25 this month. Life got in the way.

  20. Just 80 miles this month Ilona.

  21. I have a lot of posts to catch up on Ilona, but will post my miles for now - I have managed 54 which is a slight increase for me. Rather than go every day which I do struggle to commit to, I am mostly walking in 4-5 mile chunks. I was all set to do a 10 miler one day but had to turn for home as was caught in torrential rain without a coat. Will try and do a ten mile walk this month, something to aim for:)

  22. Hi Ilona
    My total up to 31st May is 453 miles, sorry Ii didn't update last month
    Hazel Dxb

  23. 114 this month-pleased with myself as I didn't do so well last month. Thanks for doing this Ilona!
    Jules x

  24. May - 95 miles. Natalie

  25. Almost made 3 a day this month 87 in total think thats 434 pleased with that. Well done everyone keep it up xx

  26. 157 miles for May. I checked back on last month's figures, it looks like the cooler weather has helped me!
    Michele from Australia

  27. Yes, I find those resealable bags a nightmare. They don't work and I get frustrated and do exactly what you do. The other packaging nightmare is those plastic cartons of hummus or fresh soup with the stupid 1/2"bits of plastic under the lid that you are supposed to snap off to enable you to open the carton. They don't work, except to cut your finger!!!!

  28. My Jenny was one of the 'bluey's' and really enjoyed taking part. It took her ages to get the blue paint off (with my help, on the 'hard to reach' places) haha. We enjoyed the visit to the Feren's and those nude sculptures by Ron Mueck were fantastic! Have a lovely weekend :)

  29. I did 41.46 miles in May, for a total of 92.72 miles since March 5. I was on track to make my May goal of 45 miles until 5 days of illness interfered at the last end, so I am boldly planning on 50 miles in June. I love reading about everyone's successes--so motivating!

    Regarding the resealable bags, I use your method. I don't know why the manufacturers even bother with the press strips--they must know that they don't work.

  30. I do deserve the kick up the bum as I'm only at 121 miles grand total since Jan. 1. Despite that, somehow, I've lost 12 pounds in the same period. Will try to do better this month.

    Never use the self-serve checkouts or cash machines either. I stand in line at the checkout, in the post office and the bank. I worry that self-serve is taking away too many jobs. In time there will be new jobs that we can't even imagine but for now I see a lot of people who still need to work. Not all of the current workforce may have the training or interest/ability for the new jobs either. I'm retired and have plenty of time so I don't mind standing in line to be served. :) Joan, Michigan

  31. My total for May is 460km. Just 90km this month.

  32. 387 miles to date. Not brilliant but I'm doing a long walk this weekend :)

  33. Walking update month May 2017 = 152
    Total since January 2017 = 499 miles
    I do love this goal on so many levels! Thanks for the incentive to keep moving.
    Sonja, North Carolina

  34. Love hearing about Hull and its cultural year. It seems to be the place to visit at the moment and I only wish we lived closer.

    My mileage for May is 143 making a total of 585 for the year. We've been blessed with good walking weather lately; bright and sunny but not too hot. Had some long days out on Dartmoor and still doing plenty of walking into the local town to do our shopping. Happy June walking everyone. Sarah (Cornwall)

  35. Hi Ilona, greetings from Spain. Apart from a few days dedicated to decorating, Wences managed to walk 241 miles during the month of May bringing his total to 1038 miles. He has lost a bit of weight as he is on a healthy eating mode and has planted over 30 lettice on our balcony garden.

    1. Well done Wences, you might be on the leader board, that's a very high mileage.

  36. Sorry not a comment on walking miles but did anyone see Melania Trump's jacket in the papers

    At a cost of £38,550 it reminded me of Ilona's craft work?


  37. Hi Ilona, I only managed 106.4 this month bringing my total this year to 704.3.
    Amanda in Atlanta.

  38. yorkshire lass2 June 2017 at 15:33

    95 miles in May, 439.5 so far this year. I am very pleased with that.

  39. Still only managing about 2 miles a day but better than nothing total 302

  40. Some good results here, you are all doing so well. I'm proud of you.

    1. You should be proud of yourself for having the idea and then goading us all into it.
      I'm so grateful that you've given us the means of recording it again this year.

  41. Hi Ilona, as many have said, thank you again for this! I am doing much better than last year and love walking every day...some days are one mile, some days are five, but I keep on pushing. This month was 115, so my May Year to date total is 497! I think we need a name for this crowd you have organized...are we a flock? A bevy? Surely we need a name ;)

    1. What about-Meanqueen's Merry Moving Meanies ? x

  42. Hi my May miles are 128, total to date 600. Keep plodding on.

  43. I walked 62.6 miles in May - 319.2 year to date. Hoping to walk more in June as my hip is better.
    Margaret in Maryland

  44. Late reporting again. 😐 Did 70 km for a total of 352.


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