
Thursday, 29 June 2017

Let sleeping cats lie, and cheap food.

Hello. I told you a lie yesterday when I said I'm not going anywhere, no money spent. It was true up until about 6pm when I suddenly thought it would be a good time to go on a yellow sticker hunt. Because I hadn't been out all day in the rain, I guessed that a lot of other people wouldn't have bothered to move from their comfy chairs either, and there would be lots of food unsold. 
So after a quick scoff, I braved the pouring rain, dodged the floods, and got my arse down to Tesco for ten past seven. Straight to the reduced veg and fruit, not much on offer, a bit disappointing. I headed for the bread and picked up two multiseeded loaves for 20p each, and a packet of pancakes for 18p, then meandered to put a few other essentials in my trolley. I kept glancing back to the veg to see if there was any sign that an assistant might appear with a trolley load of goodies that he had freshly stickered up. 
Hovering around the veg thinking I might have to pay full price, I spotted a lady I know, also hovering. Good job I chatted to her because she told me that she had seen a lot of plastic crates of food being taken through to the warehouse, and was expecting them to appear back on the shelves soon. 
We waited, and chatted. The shop was fairly quiet so we hoped we would be lucky, and we were. 
WHOOOPEEEE. I was right, a rainy day is the best time to go yellow sticker shopping. This lot is worth £26.59 full price, I paid £6.94. So what did I get. Sliced melon. Blueberries. Bags of prepared salad. Three pots of Houmous. Strawberries. Potato salad. Caesar pasta salad. Large flat mushrooms. Button mushrooms. Sliced butternut squash. Bread and pancakes. Most of this I can eat straight from the fridge, so money saved on not cooking. It's salad and fruit all the way now.

The rain has kept the cats indoors. I did have the back door open several times to give them the opportunity to go out if they wanted to. One look at the rain coming down, and on the ground, and they looked at me as if to say, not on your flaming nelly. I didn't see Garcia all day yesterday so I assume he must have felt the same and decided to stay in his own house.

Mayze found herself a snooze spot right in the middle of my crafting bits and bobs on the dining room table. Didn't look very comfortable but she must have thought it was. She stayed there for a couple of hours.

Still raining today, they've had breakfast, quick five minutes outside, and back indoors to bed. Heidi has rediscovered how comfortable it is among my fabric stash. Think she has given up with the bathroom.

I removed a duvet from my bed and put it to one side until I find a place for it in the cupboards. Seems Mayze has claimed it for her bed.

Thanks for all your comments yesterday, I do enjoy reading them. Another day of sewing I think. I've not been walking in the rain, just as well that I got a few extra miles in last month. We're almost at the halfway stage of the challenge, so, Walking Group members, your check in day is on the first of July on Saturday. Let's compare notes and see how everyone is doing. I want some big miles please.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. You got the pot of gold of the rainbow Ilona with all those sunny yellow stickers x

  2. A brilliant haul, it shows it's worth chatting to other yellow sticker hunters :-)

    Cats are so funny with their sleeping arrangements aren't they, Ginger is currently favouring a fleecy blanket that I left folded on the table, before that it was the new oven box, prior to that it as the smallest dog bed ... and just before that it was his actual bed which is now very out of favour!!

  3. Now the pollen season is largely over (for me anyway), I am able to walk regularly again and have clocked up several miles a day the past 3 days.

    We live 10 miles from our nearest Big Shops, so never get a chance to pop out and get any yellow-stickered stuff. We do have a very good greengrocery dealer near town though, and I can buy big trays of fruit and veg at £1 a hit (fruit generally 7 lbs weight, and tomatoes etc ditto). Then I fill the freezer or make chutney etc.

    Cats know the best places to be!

    BTW, how long will Hummous last? I never get around to finishing a big pot and believe them when they say to chuck when opened 3 days or so. Will it be OK?

    1. I've found hummous lasts for ages (cos of the lemon juice in it I assume?). I occasionally freeze it also and it defrosts fine - this week I discovered that you can freeze cheese as well!

    2. Yes, houmous lasts ages. I'll eat the three pots in a week. It can be used in cooking. By the way, I spell houmous exactly as it is on the packaging.

    3. Hi Ilona, what a bargain again! I read in the Guardian online today that the houmous organic from Tesco is the best buy, this is from the test panel. It got 8/10. Did you buy the organic one, maybe next time then? Greetje [from the Netherlands}

    4. Hi. Yes, the one I am eating at the moment is organic. The other two are not, but they have seeds sprinkled on the top.

  4. P.S. I am quite cavalier about use by dates on other things, and use stuff out of date, so not a complete ninny! I go by sense of smell normally.

  5. When it rains my Poppy comes up to me and yells non-stop at me. It's like she is asking "Can you turn the rain off please Mum?"

  6. good YS haul!! Your cats seem as mad as mine - i've got 3, and they choose the most odd places to crash out... no point at all in buying 'real' cat beds.

  7. Greetings from one yellow label household to another....!

  8. Great yellow sticker bargains Ilona, I wish we had bigger supermarkets here but we don't, neither do we have the rainfall you've had. We had some Tuesday night but nowhere near enough.

  9. wow, even at regular price that is pretty cheap for food. Here that would have cost right around $50 dollars.

  10. One of my cats loves to sit on a bag of plastic coat hangers - not the most comfortable of places but he seems to thinks it is!

  11. Love the yellow sticker haul! I keep looking but have yet to find anything. Hope springs eternal!
    Your cats look so comfortable. They must feel secure.

  12. Love the pictures of your kitties. Seems cats are the same the world over. Sheri


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