
Saturday, 24 June 2017

The Village Summer Fair

Hello. The weather held out for us today, as you can see we had sunshine. It was a typical village summer fair, people came out to support their local charities. There were games to win something, stalls to buy something, music to dance to, food to scoff, and lots of chatting with friendly people. I think I probably saw all the people I know in one afternoon. I was dead chuffed when someone stopped by to say hello and said she reads this blog. So, hello again blog reader, it was nice to meet you. 

The ever popular WI home made cake stall.

The refreshment tent was busy as usual. Enjoying a cuppa on a lazy Saturday afternoon.

We did very well on the stall, I got Janet to take this photo just as we were starting to pack away, hence why there are gaps on the table, it was full when we started. I sold 11 out of 13 shopping bags, and one lady bought five cat beds. Janet and Sue did a tombola which did very well..

So, it was a good day all round, we made quite a lot for the cat rescue, and it was fun doing it.

Tomorrow will be another busy day. I'll be up early filling the Summer House with my art, must be ready to meet people at 10.30 when they start arriving.

Thanks for popping in, enjoy your Sunday. we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. It looks like a great time was had by all!,So pleased the weather stayed nice for you.I do love these sort of fetes!,So pleased that you made money for the cats aswell.Good Luck for tomorrow!Best Wishes,Debi,Leic,xx

  2. Looks like you live in a very nice village Ilona and all your hard work sewing has paid dividends for the kitties.Hoping yourself and Janet have a great day tomorrow at yours-also lots of us here in blogland wishing we could be there too x

    1. I know what you mean Flis,I would have loved to be there!,It looks a lovely place.I wish where i live it was more like used to be,about 35 years ago,fetes on the fields,at the sports center, daughter once led the parade,that used to go up to these fetes.But,nothing like this ever happens now......At least the next village to us does a Garden/Garage sale next its something to go to!,Debi,Leic,x

    2. The village where I live also has a garage sale soon-I am helping on one of the stalls -I love it x

  3. Looks like you had a fab day Ilona, well done! You actually have some good things left, will you donate them or save them for next time? Xxxx

    1. Hi. I will save them for the next event, an agricultural show in August.

    2. Just noticed your tshirt Ilona, absolutely love it!

  4. Good luck for tomorrow Illona.

  5. I'm pleased the sun shone for you and money was raised for the cats charity Good luck for tomorrow too.

  6. A fun day and a good turn out, and money for the rescue...Wonderful all around and love your t-shirt, too!

  7. Glad you had a successful day and Good Luck with your Open Garden today. I bet you'll be ready for a rest after this weekend!

    Linda xx

  8. It was me who said hello. I am lucky enough to live in the town near to you. You are as happy, chatty and fI'll of live as you are life just as you are in your blog. I have already made use of my new bag which is very well made. Your village looked really wonderful yesterday. Allison

  9. Have a wonderful, successful open day. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it won't rain. BTW I love the latest art work and I'm sure the visitors will too. Angie.

  10. So rewarding when things like your bags and beds get sold, makes all the work worthwhile.

  11. It looked like a real fun day so pleased the sun shone and you did well not only with your bags and beds but all the other bits and bobs. Trust the open gardens went well and am looking forward to seeing your photos soon.

    Hazel c uk

  12. Beautiful weather for your Village Summer Fair. Thank-you for sharing your day. What a great all round team effort. Lots of people doing their bit...a very nice sense of community. Great that you met a blog reader. I met a blogger that I follow in our local Op Shop last year and still remember how thrilled I was to meet her in person. Congratulations on a wonderful effort with your stall. Great that the bags and cat beds sold so well. (Now you can make more!!) Cheers Jo


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