
Thursday, 20 July 2017

Waiting for the rain to stop

Hi. It's very wet outside, chucking it down in fact. Where are the cats then? Garcia is lying in the middle of the kitchen floor. I allow him to stay in when it's horrible outside. He can't get in his own house as everyone is out at work. 
Naughty Mayze. She is sharing a basket with a bag of onions on the worktop. I have told her that she is not to jump up on this side of the kitchen. This is my side, her side is opposite next to the sink.

Heidi is chilling out in the spare room aka the craft store. Oh dear, cat hairs all over my fabric.

Take it easy kids, I'll let you know when it's safe to go outside.

See you soon.


  1. Nice photos of all the cats but my goodness Garcia is so lucky to have found you! Your kitchen floor is really nice.

    We could use some of that rain here in Mid-America where it is so hot and dry.

    1. Doesn't Garcia belong to someone else? don't they mind you feeding him or don't they know that you do

      My cat was enticed away by a neighbour who fed him salmon we loved that cat and it broke my childs heart that he went to live somewhere else please think of Garcias other family

    2. Hi Tina. Garcia lives three doors away and his owners know that he comes to me for food. We joke about it. They pass my house taking the dog a walk, Garcia hangs about between our two houses. I said to them once that Garcia has had his tea, I'll send him back. They don't mind.

      They are out all day, mum. dad, two teenage working boys. He is often seen sitting on their front door step for hours, waiting for them to come back.

      It is wrong to entice a cat away from it's family, I don't do that. A cat is a free spirit, and will go wherever it wants.

    3. If I ever have a cat and lived near Ilona I would be very happy that when I was out my little cat was not alone.Seems like Garcia likes the company x

  2. Aw bless them - they know all the best places these felines. My two male cats will run straight inside with just the smallest spot of rain.

  3. They all look lovely and comfortable. natalie

  4. Your puddy cats do as they please how lovely.My dogs do too-well most of the time.When I saw Garcia I thought for a moment he was a hedgehog all snuggled up.I hope Mayze does not have any aroma from those onions.I watch Monkey World and there are some monkeys who go crazy for onions.Heidi has a good spot.I went out with the gang earlier and got soaked.Oddly I love being out walking in it x

  5. Great photos! My dog is snoozing on the sofa, ah that's the life for these animals ;)

  6. Well after a rainy start in Leic by lunchtime it had stopped.All my cats were in various positions around the kitchen and living room.Oh and one was laid on the ironing board upstairs!,I love it when all 5 of them are in.Just like you Ilona,I let them lay where ever they want...apart from on my velvet coats and jackets!!!.Bought a velvet dress at the Loros shop this afternoon.Its in a small village just up the road from where i live and all clothing is £1.So if Flis reads this...theres another one to my collection!,Lol,I think i will have to live to be about 290 to get my wear out of all of them!,Lol,Hope your all having a lovely evening,Debi,Leic,x

  7. That was a great find Debi,£1 for a posh frock!Goes to show that you don't have to spend much to look nice-plus bargains are much more fun,also less likely to see someone else wearing the same.A lot of the time I look like a crazy dog lady x

    1. Crazy dog lady is a great look Flis!!,My Daughter bought me one of those tin signs with crazy cat lady written on it,Shes thoughtful like that,Lol,Debi,x


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