
Sunday, 27 August 2017

A dead cool sun visor

Hello again. What do you do when your sun visor is looking a bit faded and grubby? I wear this almost every day when I step outside the door. I hate the sun in my eyes, it makes me squint and sneeze. I don't have prescription sunglasses, nor do I have lenses that go dark when the sun is out. Everyone is used to seeing me wearing a visor in my village, it's part of who I am, it's like it is stitched to my head, ha ha. 
So, this visor has past it's sell by date, and has to go. I suppose I could buy another one, but that would be daft when I can make this like new again.  
Remove the fabric, cut through the stitches with nail scissors. Underneath it is pink, the original colour when I bought it new for 50p a few years ago. Use these pieces as a pattern to cut some new ones.

Bingo, a new sun visor. I fancied purple this time. Velcro to fasten it at the back.

Don't you think I look dead cool? No one in the whole wide world has got one like this. It's a Meanqueen exclusive design.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Very trendy and I love the colours.

    Joan (Devon)

  2. I don't do sun either.I have a couple of sun visors but a bit boring compared to yours Ilona.I also slather my face in factor 50 all year and sunglasses most days as I get bad heads.Have a lovely day with your friend at the Epworth Show and hope you sell lots for the little kitties in need x

  3. Creative as ever. Don't without costing you a dime. Perfect. And I love the fabric.

  4. Well done!! Your "new" visor is wonderful! Since I have lupus, I must hide from the sun more than you need to so I wear some kind of hat any time the sun is shining. No visor for me.

    I'm currently making a mostly purple quilt for DS2 and see purple in my sleep!

    Wishing you well!

  5. Well done! Looks awesome!-Kel NZ

  6. Now that is clever - not to think of unpicking and using as pattern but to turn out such a professional one. You are indeed a skilled sewist!

  7. I like it, I bet these would sell well.

    Enjoy today it looks like it's going to be warm.

    Hazel c uk

  8. Oh I love it, that purple is gorgeous. You are so inspiring! Have a lovely day.

  9. Wow!!!! Such a wonderful idea!!! Never let anything go to waste. I love how you refurbish items and make them brand new. Everyone is always ready to throw things out and spend their life's money on new. I always calculate how many hours would I have to work to pay for any item I am considering purchasing. Most times it's just not worth it .... to me at least. Keep on keeping on, LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog. Look forward to reading it each day ����

    1. Thank you Rosie. It's good of you to call in.

  10. That's the coolest thing ever !!

  11. Groovy hippy chick!!!,Debi,x

  12. This is me loving it from the USA. You are too cool.

    1. Hello Patti. This is me loving having you here.

  13. ooh what a lovely visor. love the fabric you have used

  14. Did you use anything to stiffen the visor, if so what did you use. I much prefer one to a sun hat. Helen in France


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