
Sunday, 3 September 2017

The Christmas tree is up

Hello. Life is a game, I don't take it too seriously. If I want to put a Christmas tree up in September, I will do so. I have a scruffy corner at the back of the house. The nettles grow tall and strong, I let them because they help mask the scruffy window of the shed/outhouse. It's a little room which houses stuff I don't want in the house. Tools, bicycle, cat litter, tables, and other bits and bobs. 
The nettles are dying down now ready for the winter, this is the time I usually clear them away. Nothing much else would grow there as the ground is hard. I have a plan. 
The six foot tree fits in there nicely, just the job, and it hides a bit more of the window. I'm glad they wanted to get rid of it. I don't want a Christmas tree in the house, but in the garden, yeah, I will go with that.

Thanks for popping in, enjoy the rest of your Sunday. I'm off out to inspect the skip, who knows what I will find next, ha ha.
Toodle pip


  1. Why not? My late mother had an artificial tree just outside her kitchen window as she liked to look out on something cheerful while doing the washing up on a bleak winter's day. After the snow disappeared, she delayed taking it down and to her surprise a family of robins had moved in with a nest woven of sticks, coloured string and tinsel. Now if only they would weave me a similar basket! Hugs from Barbara (Canada)

  2. That is a beautiful tree Ilona.I think you may even have the birds fooled.I love how you do as you please and what makes you happy.I have a felt Father Christmas with his walking stick that I like so much,for the last 3 years I have kept in my sitting room.In the other room I have a small twiggy Christmas tree and berries also and a a few more-perhaps odd,but I'm 58 and who cares!(I like your friend sitting by the tree)x

  3. Good idea Ilona especially if you get snow later on it will look pretty. Ladybirds love nettles, I have a clump near my shed.
    Hazel c uk

  4. Just written a comment and somehow lost it. Anyway, I think it looks fantastic and is a beautiful shaped tree. I can imagine you decorating it with some of your lovely artwork and handicrafts - different colours for each season - it's going to be a real asset in your garden.

  5. Love it. We had our fence knocked down. This followed the hedge being damaged to death. So I am hanging solar powered lights the wackier the better on the top bit of said fence remaining.

  6. Merry Christmas. I'm all for starting early!

  7. I love your attitude to life Ilona! Smiles all round.

  8. I think it looks absolutely beautiful. Early Christmas is alway good. :)

  9. I have a Branch that is a good few years old now (plucked from the garden). Every Christmas, my stitched bits and bobs go on it (i don't celebrate it really). It stands in a glass vase all year round in the hall - I have gold effect metal leaves on it at the moment that twinkle when the light catches them. So no! Nothing wrong with an Xmas tree around the place! Natalie

  10. I've got an old tree, it sheds a lot and has a wonky branch so not good enough for a charity shop. I've been meaning to put it in the garden for ages but never got around to it. My plan was to put solar lights on it in summer, and also baubles in the winter. If you don't like the window, I'm surprised you haven't given it one of your artistic paint jobs, and a net curtain will hide the interior view if you don't like that. I have nets in my shed, helps with security as well as neatmess. It's nice to know there are people out there, like me, who would happily stick a Christmas tree in the garden even in summer. After all, artificial sculptured trees are available in the shops, so why not a pretend conifer !

    1. Jean, your comments are coming through to the pending box now. You must have pushed the right buttons. Thanks, makes it easier for me.

    2. Thank you for letting me know Ilona. When I touched the "select profile" box, instead of tapping "anonymous" on the list, I tried the letters "URL", and that gave me a space to put my name, so I tried that. Yay, it worked! I've still got my L plates on concerning computer language, but that's another thing I can tick off. Thanks for your guidance. Jean.

    3. Sorry Jean, it's happened again, this one did go into the spam box.

    4. Aww! Just when we think I've got it !
      Don't know what to try next, but will keep trying. Next time I'm in town, won't be for a while though, I'll pop in the Orange/EE shop. Until then I'll just have to hope I don't get thrown out. Ha ha!

  11. Nothing you surprises me - looks lovely 😊

  12. It's a super tree and looks good there Ilona. Myself I can't deal with Christmas until the middle of December, I think it's because I had 20 years of Christmas in retail and am so glad to be out of it now!! It is just one mad spendathlon as far as the shops are concerned, I know they need to do it to survive. On Friday here it was a beautiful summer day, people were in their shorts and enjoying the beach...and in a dept store they were putting in the Christmas shop, I just can't stand looking at it until December!! But all power to everyone who does enjoy it and likes to see it.

  13. Ilona I watched a craft video where they pasted lace curtaining directly on to a window pane ...might look nice behind your Christmas tree!

  14. Very cute, like the little animal underneath it , nice touch :) xx

  15. I love your sense of fun! SueM

  16. Christmas is only in December for me but the commercial boys would have it otherwiae if you let them. I love your sense of fun Ilona long may it continue. Rae x

  17. Now the kids are back to school I'm waiting for the supermarkets to start stacking the boxes of sweets. I'll need my wall then to chuck my annoyance over. Love the idea of an artificial tree in the garden, why not.

  18. Must have felt a bit like Christmas with all those unwanted items around you? Sharon

  19. Dear Ilona,

    Nettles make fabulous and free soup! Most info on this topic says that nettles are only any good in Spring, but if you cut them back you can eat the new shoots about 9-10 months a year. It's very easy: I just fry up some onions, chuck in some chopped up spuds, some water and a stock cube or some salt, cook the spuds for 5 mins or so then throw in the nettles - about 50 nettle tops does for soups for a couple of days. It's awfully good and full of minerals because the long root systems draw the good stuff up out of the soil. Nettles also do as a spinach substitute and make surprisingly good tea. I hate hippy tea as a rule, but nettle tea really is the exception1

    T than T

    1. My dads girlfriend used to put dandelion leaves in omelette.I have bought nettle tea and should have used fresh which is free really.I know you can make a nettle brew as veg fertilizer too.I'm going to put some in my soup today T than T - thanks x

  20. I live in NZ and today I seen advent callanders in the store. Tree looks good.

  21. You can make a lovely curtain for the window
    All you're stuff is very beautiful ...
    Greetings from Bruges

  22. re your nettles: don't throw them away! chop them,put in buckets/containers, cover with water and any kind of makeshift lid; leave to 'brew' over winter and in Spring you'll have fresh liquid feed. It stinks when you lift the lids but you water it down (about 1part feed:10parts water). Brilliant and free!!!!

    1. Thank you for that reminder, yes it is brilliant and free. I have done that before. I can't be bothered now that I don't grow vegetables, but others might like to try it.

    2. I ate stinging nettles in my homemade soup last night and it was very nice-in fact I think I enjoyed it more than the spinach x


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