
Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Heidi supervising the gardening

Hello. I'm spending a bit of time in the garden weather permitting, to keep everything tidy. I haven't touched the back hedge much over the summer, so it needs some attention before it gets out of hand. They have a similar hedge two doors down and they haven't touched theirs at all since it was planted, now they have a massive wall of greenery which will need some serious chopping back if they leave it much longer. I will not let mine get to that state because then you have the problem of disposing of all the unwanted branches. I keep trimming mine up to keep it to a manageable height. 
Yesterday the weather was fine and I was on the step ladders between the hedge and the summerhouse when I was aware of something moving about above me on the plastic roof.. I looked up and a little paw reached out. Sweet little Heidi was watching my every move. Then she decided to sunbathe on the porch extension roof, while I moved along the hedge and carried on with the trimming.  
There are still a lot of flowers in the beds.

These were blooming in the spring then they died off, but now they are back again.

Still some fuchsias in flower.

I bought this heather in a pot from Aldi last week, it was £1.69. A good buy I thought. I've re potted it so it has plenty of room to grow.

My sister made a veggie chilli when I visited last week. I don't normally .like spicy food but it was ok. She made too much, and as they thought it was too hot for them she gave me the left overs in a plastic box to bring home. I had some pea and bean salad left from the yellow stickers the week before, so I mixed it all   together and heated it up. It was very tasty indeed.

I went to the vet today to pick up Heidi's tablets, and on the way there I made a diversion along the river bank to see if I could find some driftwood. It was very blustery, and the tide was out. The ground was a bit boggy but I managed to fill a carrier bag. I want to use the wood to make a frame for the octopus picture. Not sure how I am going to do it, first it needs sanding down.

I've had a phone call from the Workaid charity collection point at Lincoln. I'm going to deliver the sewing machines on Saturday. I shall to have to find a man to help me lift the treadle machine into the car. It weighs a ton.

Off now to watch something on yooootoooob. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. glad you still have flowers blooming

  2. You mentioning a treadle machine took me back home. My Mum had one and I made all of my clothes including my wedding dress on that treadle, it was marvellous, you could sew anything from leather to silk on it.

  3. Heidi made me laugh,cause that is what my 5 cats like to do,to just be near you!!.She must love you to bits!Great that you still having flowers coming through,...I still have....but its so different from when i was a kid!..By now we would have been wearing gloves and by Bonny night have woolen hats,gloves n 2 pairs of socks on to watch the catherine wheels spin round on the line post in the garden!...i love drift wood aswell...i picked some up in Brighton last week,to made frames out of the seagull pics i love.Debi,xx

  4. Just a thought,Ilona...ive just reread your post...If the treadle machine weighs so much..just be carefull with your car,That it doesnt to do damage to it?? could recycle it by putting plants on it...or maybe just making it into a feature in your garden,..Debi,xx

    1. I didn't mean literally a ton, it's just very heavy. I've had a load of cat litter, and a hundred house bricks in there, in the past.

    2. Lol,ok...i know how heavy things can be when moving them..ive done it when my daughter moved house.Oh i do wish i had been there when getting rid of your bricks,i could have used them so much!!,Best wishes,Debi,xx

    3. Just to clarify. I didn't get rid of 100 bricks. I gained 500 bricks when someone knocked down their outhouse. I moved them 100 at a time in my car, from their house to my house.

  5. Ive just noticed on your 3rd pic have got a photo of Spike the Hedgehog who has live in our garden for the last 20 years!!,lol,Debi,xxx

    1. I meant to say...We have got the same pot hedgehog...Spike.,the grandkids named him,and we still love him to bits,Debi,xx

  6. Heidi is such a lucky girlie having a cheery garden.My garden is mainly green now,just the last of the roses and a few honeysuckle flowers.Today I bought quite a large bag of wallflowers,ready for planting at £1.50 from a market.Also I was lucky with a big bag of bananas(some were bruised,but fine)for £1 and 5 small avocados for £1.As I walked through the car park I spotted a skip and at the front there was an almost new looking briefcase/laptop bag-I nabbed it x

  7. Your garden is still looking wonderful...with my black thumb my few flower pots have given up the how Heidi is that you are giving those sewing machines away to be put to good use...I have two and should really find a good home for one of them...thanks as always for sharing your world with us!

  8. it always amuses me when my cats come out to 'supervise' me working in the garden.. funny creatures..

  9. Lovely flowers, such a cheerful sight. The nights are drawing in so really wonderful to see some colour. Your dinner looked very appetising; I've nearly emptied my chest freezer so will only be running the smaller one (4 drawers) from now: I re-read you post about 'why keep buying food' and thought 'this is ridiculous spending money on 2 freezers'. With the colder weather about to set in it will be very interesting to see what the electric bill is when the bigger freezer is dormant. Amanda

  10. Lovely garden Ilona. Well done. Just to let you know that Maisie has gone missing for three days. Have left no stone unturned but no one has seen her.

    1. Oh dear, Pat. I hope she has turned up by now.

  11. How dare you say she's sunbathing...we all know she's "supervising" ;-) Cats are experts in all things apparently!

  12. This is off topic but I was wondering if you could blog or do a video about how you keep your dental bills low. I am paying a small fortune (I live in the States and do not have dental insurance), for extractions, crowns, bridges and gum treatments. I know that you grind up your nuts and seeds but are there any other tips you could give us? I am afraid I may end up eating mush for the rest of my life if this keeps up. My pocketbook hurts way more than my teeth!

    1. Hi Lana - Sharon here. Is there any dental schools in the States that maybe give free treatment to train students. I have had free treatment in London by second year students and it has proved to be very successful and free of charge.

    2. Hi Lana. It's on the 'to do' list

  13. Ilona - we have a mirror in the bathroom, which OH stuck driftwood onto. It has lasted years and years! So I just thought you could maybe use an ordinary picture frame and do the same.


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