
Monday, 14 May 2018

Mayze loves her new sun lounge

Hello. No, this is not her new sun lounge, it's the old table which is waiting to go to the tip. A piece of rusty old wire and lump of rotten wood is a sun lounge in cats eyes. 
She is only laid there because a few days ago Heidi claimed it as hers, but Mayze isn't having any of that, it's mine today so get lost. Poor Heidi. Stop flashing your tits, Mayze. What a trollop she is.

I have an audience today, visiting cats come to see what all the hammering and cursing is about. Mystery cat from somewhere around the corner and down the road.

Mickey likes his new table.

Now moving on to the next project, a new sun lounge for Mayze. A few days ago my neighbours were de cluttering their shed and offered me this dog crate. It was destined for the dump, I couldn't let it go there, so I thanked them and carried it into my garden. Hmmm, now what can I do with that.

 Of course, what a chuffin good idea. Stood on it's end it was almost the same size as the rotting wooden cat shelter. Easy peasy, build the new one in the crate. I took one side out for the opening at the front, and put four corner posts inside. Held in place with cable ties until I screwed more bits of wood to them on the outside. Attach a piece of floor vinyl to the back with screws.

Using the mesh sides as the supports for the floor of  Mayze's boudoir was perfect, cut the wooden boards slightly longer so they stuck out half an inch each side. There were some gaps so I filled them with narrow plastic strips. Amazingly I had a piece of glass that fitted the side exactly. Mayze will be able to view the garden from her bed, and I will be able to see if she is there from the house.

The floor boards are secured on each corner with a couple of pieces of flat wood. They won't slide out when I have covered the sides.

Mayze is looking suspiciously at all the activity going on in front of her.

To cover the sides I have used plastic panels which are used as wall and ceiling coverings in bathrooms and showers. They slot together and I have taped the back of them. Three on this side below the window, and four on the other side.

Around the top edges and along the corners on the back I have tacked on pieces of clear vinyl to stop the rain getting in. It should stay nice and dry inside.

The roof needs more support so I have added two pieces of wire shelving from an old mini greenhouse which has long since bit the dust. Cable tie it onto the existing wire.

Poor Mayze was getting very worried when I removed the old shelter, she couldn't understand why there was an empty space there.

I painted the side of the garage, and made a new plinth to stand it on by cutting down a big heavy pallet. Boy was that hard work, my arm was aching from all the manual sawing.

The roof is a piece of vinyl flooring, the same as the top of the small table, and the floor in the summer house. A matching set, ha ha. A few offcuts go a long way. All there is to do now is lift it in it's place. Luckily my neighbour arrived home just at the right time so he gave me a lift to move it across.

Bingo, perfect. The side panels stick out by a couple of inches but I am not going to cut them down with a saw because it wouldn't do a neat job. They are fine as they are.

I think Mayze approves. One thing I did notice was that her boudoir is a bit higher than the last one so she had to jump further to get in. If I put a door on the bottom part that might help her.

This one is carpeted as well, now she is in heaven. Thank you mum.

I cut down the old shelter and made this shelving to go on the side of it, but for now I will leave it at the front so she can get into it easier. Now I need to find something to make a door with. It would look a lot tidier if my gardening paraphernalia was covered up anyway.

I was putting off doing this job but now it is done I'm very pleased with it, and I'm happy to say it didn't cost a penny, ok, maybe it did cost two or three pennies, for the cable ties. Everything else came out of skips, or was given to me by friends. Now a trip to the tip to get rid of the scrap wood which has come to the end of it's life. I just hope I don't spot something useful which someone is about to throw away, or I might come back with more than I went with  :o(

At Crafty Club this morning I came home with more than I went with. Janet gave me a bag of fabric offcuts she doesn't want, a lovely goody bag which I shall enjoy sorting out and ironing. I also had a nose in a skip and found some useful stuff, kids toys and artificial flowers, oh my, when will it ever end!

Lunch time before I go out, so I'll say hasta la vista, till we meet again.
Toodle pip


  1. A satisfying day's work Ilona, but wicked mummy making it too high, especially now we are getting older.:-). Perhaps a ramp ladder like in chicken huts??? They obviously like the new shelter, and of course the old one was nice to sunbathe on because it smelt of them. I hope it doesn't get too hot for them with the glass and vinyl. Looks much smarter than the worn out one, but do they care, no, they just love their shelter either way.:-)

  2. I can't believe how this came together. I would never have had the imagination to try! Good job, Ilona.

  3. Its great that they have took to their new shelter straight away!!.The old tent i got for mine..well ive seen 3 of them go in it,but only one at a time and now Storm,one of the lads has just claimed it as his own!.He makes me laugh when he is in there cause its a childs circus tent and when i open the flap to it,he looks at me as if to say...What you looking at?,lol.As for the stuff you came home with...well I havent got an answer cause Im just as bad!!. The toys you can maybe sell at your Cats Stall when the Fete is on?xx

  4. Ive just reread your blog and forgot to mention that those unwanted dog carriers can also be used for keeping the cats polite!..on your herbs.Ive got one over my mint in the garden and theres lots of room in it for the mint to grow,xx

  5. Underground, overground, wombling free! Great recycling and puss cat has a new hotel.

  6. Oh Im commenting again!,I hope you dont mind !,But again from the Freebi sites,I got some wild flower seeds sent through the post today.I only sent for them last week!.They also sent me a Wild flower pack sticker page and diary page for little kids and a more adult booklet which I will use on my walks with my 14 year old Grandaughter.The younger kids one will be used when my 3 year old Great Niece comes to my house...all that great price..Free!!xx

  7. Inspired by your ingenuity! I saw some new pallets for sale in the DIY warehouse and thinking of you I thought I might have a go making something only to be shocked to find they cost £21 each.

  8. Great project! The cats are sheltered from wind and rain. Bet they will love it. You have two very lucky cats.


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