
Sunday, 6 May 2018

Wot I did in the garden

Hello. A day in the garden yesterday and another one today, ain't life grand. Anyone looking at my line of washing would think that a male person lives here, ha ha. Six pairs of black trousers and umpteen pair of pants. Yes, they are all mine.
Relaxing with a sandwich lunch and a glass of cheap Chardonnay. This girl knows how to live the good life.

I bought some fuschia plants to pot up and hadn't noticed that some were upright and some were trailing, for hanging baskets. I haven't got any hanging baskets, nor do I really want any, however, I do have a redundant veg steamer gizmo lying around, and a length of old Christmas tree lights wire.  All I need to make a hanging basket. Perfect.

After the planting up was done I painted a couple of big brown pots, they are now orange, and I painted a door inside the summer house.

I've just uploaded this video. You might like to take a peek, have a butchers, or have an eyeball.

Lunch is over so now I am back outside. Too hot to do my walk in the daytime so I am doing it later at around 7pm.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Hi Ilona, love what you done for the hanging basket xx

  2. Ilona, I love the planter! See, the problem with being married is that my husband would never let me save the old wire from Christmas lights "just in case"! Although I can think of several things that would also work. One thing about being married to Mike, he never met a piece of lumber he didn't like.

  3. Its lovely to have a look around your garden! It looks very relaxing and thats just what Ive been doing in my garden today..relaxing!.I got 2 lots of washing hung out and then sat drinking tea,coffee and iced water all day.I didnt even have to cook because its been too hot for a dinner,so its been salads and a slice of cake.As i was watering the plants,Ive noticed a few coming up that I thought that the snow would have killed off,so I was very happy about that!I love your idea for the hanging basket!.xx

  4. Had no trouble finding your video today, in fact I wasn't even looking for it. I googled something on crochet, and up you popped, top of the list, with crochet underneath. I'm not sure if I found the actual video you posted about the cat born with only two legs, but I found some of a cat called Anakin who is probably the same one. Such a darling.

  5. Ahhh... your garden is so nice . I love the fact there are no houses overlooking at the back - looks like trees in a field. I could just chill out in that garden in the sun - do you have nice neighbours ? Usually makes such a difference x

  6. Hello Ilona, it's so nice to see your whole garden rather than the little patches of it. Your video is so friendly , it makes me feel like you are talking to your best friend. Like you, I live alone, so I really appreciate your videos. Have a lovely day. It's a long weekend here in Queensland too, but today looks overcast with the threat of showers.

  7. I spent a few hours outdoors planting the 4 new plants I bought on Friday. I always cut back blackberry vines that invade our space. ANNOYING! I enjoyed sitting on the front step when I needed to rest my pretty outdoors and hearing the birds sing! Nice day out for!

  8. Your yard looks lovely!!! Seems private and such a wonderful place to sit and reflect. And what an ingenious way to make the hanging planter. You such a wonderful artistic way of solving things like that, making use of things you have on hand. A penny saved is a penny earned. ❤️

  9. That vegetable steamer basket idea for a planter is marvelous. I love it :)

  10. I was so impressed with your idea of making a hanging basket from the old steamer - it does the job perfectly.

  11. Nice to see/hear that you are normal ! i.e. occasionally get a bit lazy and do nothing. You're usually so busy - difficult to keep up with.

  12. there's no point having a garden if you don't take a bit of time to enjoy it.. all work, no play, as they say... I 'officially' share my garden with several other flats, but noone else really uses it. Downside is that i have a large space to upkeep myself, but far outweighing that is the pleasure of having lots of lovely plants & flowers to view, and a tiny veg plot for the odd handful of whatever i plant. Love it!!

  13. Hello Ilona, I feel that David deserves a place in the sun. He could be more of a feature in your garden, maybe surrounded by some well chosen plants. What say you?

  14. I like this garden tour the best out of all of your videos, Ilona. It is relaxing to watch and I like your honest commentary. Thank you.

  15. Beautiful garden, Ilona.

  16. Do think about your future, many people leave it too late and end up with the house and garden becoming too much for them to upkeep. I know you have worked hard for it but it does becomes a money drain on your resources.

    1. Thank you for your concerns, but I'm not worried about that. I spend virtually nothing on my house, and very little on my garden. I don't plan too far ahead, no one knows what's round the corner.

  17. Hi I have read that sprinkling black pepper on the soil around plants stops cats using flower beds as a toilet. Don't know if it works but maybe worth a try xx


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