
Sunday, 17 June 2018

Making the job easy

Hello. Late lunch again, just having a coffee. I don't like bending down, leaning sideways, and stretching up when I'm painting. I like to do it at eye level while I am standing. This little coffee table comes in useful, given to me by my next door neighbour. Sometimes I sit on it if I am painting something which can't be moved, or I use it to elevate something so I don't have to stoop. I put the chair on it to paint the seat and the back, then moved it onto the bigger table to do the legs. Chair out of a skip, it was white, now it's blue. 
While I had blue on the brush I did a couple of pots. The easy way is to put an old plate or a plant pot drip tray upside down on the wheelie bin, and walk round and round it as you paint. I like to use a long handled artists brush then you can keep your body straight and not lean forward.

They look lovely.

I gave myself a haircut yesterday, it was getting on my nerves, now neat and tidy again. A load of washing is on the line, time to get it in, and more jobs to do outside.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. That blue is a gorgeous colour. Are the pots terracotta or plastic? My heart was in my mouth when I started to read the post. I thought you had stood on the chair on top of the table to paint something... phew.... glad you didn't

  2. Blue is one of my favorite colors in the garden. These are going to look amazing. Isn't it wonderful what a little paint can do.
    Have a happy week!
    Connie :)

  3. lifting the job up to see it properly makes sense...saving time as you do a good job... you can see it well, so no retouching.

  4. Lovely blue, what paint is it?

    1. I just had to fish the empty pot out of the bin, ha ha. It's Coverplus, soft sheen emulsion, French Blue.

  5. Looking at the blue tubs on the bin they look fairly big and heavy full of soil and plants. Doesn't it strain/damage you when you lift them ? It would me.

    1. As a lorry driver I had a lot of lifting to do. I learnt how to do it properly. Bend the knees, not the back.

  6. this sounds a bit stupid, but if it's normal emulsion paint, how come it doesn't wash off in the rain? i thought you'd have to use exterior paint for your garden things?

    1. Not stupid. All of my summer house is painted in household emulsion, it hasn't washed off in three years. It fades in the sun, and needs freshening now and again. I have been painting pots in emulsion for ages, sometimes bits flake off over time and they need another coat. All my paint is given to me, I don't buy any, except the small tester pots at 10p or whatever they are, and I get a few from the Scrapstore very cheap. If you want an outside paint job to last ten years you would be best buying exterior paint meant for the job.

    2. thx for this. I am going to get cracking with some outside painting then - have got an old garden table & chairs that I stained dark brown years ago and been aching to paint it with some zing! Exterior paint is way too costly but i've got some 1/2used tester pots kicking around so going to dig them out. Brilliant!

  7. Luv that chair Ilona.I don't think I've been to the hairdresser for 2 years.After I had a cut,blow dry,deep conditioner treatment & bought a product it was £100.I try to cut it one length now & tie it back x

    1. Flis. £100 !!! You were robbed no wonder you stopped going. Going to the hairdressers is a pleasure for me, she is a friend of mine for more than thirty years now, we have a chat and a catch up and she knows exactly how I like it cut. She rents a chair, so has little overheads. I have a cut, condition, blow dry and a coffee for £18.00.

  8. I have painted all sorts of things in the garden with allsorts of types of paint. It lasts for years before you have to give it another lick. I bought some expensive decking stain that only lasted one season. It is really first world problems.

  9. Like the plant pots lovely and bright, you have given me an idea.


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