
Monday, 3 September 2018

Exhibition video

Here we go then, the video of the exhibition is uploaded to yoootooob. Not the best quality, shaky camera and flickering lights, but it will give you an idea of the layout.

I'll leave it with you, now I must go shopping. ilona


  1. Wonderful. Just wonderful. Were there no Atlantic Ocean between us, I would have loved to attend your exhibition...and purchase a few pieces.
    I am so glad to read that it was a resounding success. You continue to be an inspiration to me. I always, always look forward to reading your blog posts.
    Congratulations on such a wonderful and successful exhibition.
    I very much look forward to seeing what your next adventure will be.


  2. Thank you for the tour of your exhibition for those of us unable to see it in person. Also well done for the money you raised by selling some of your pieces. Great job.

  3. Beautiful exhibit, very impressive!! I love your "Trash to Treasure" approach to creating art, and your joyful use of vibrant colors. You are a woman of many talents, thanks for sharing the video.

  4. You are to be congratulated - well done !
    I produce art and textile pieces too, but would never have the confidence to do what you have done, i.e. have a personal exhibition. I give mine away as gifts.
    Can I ask, did you hang/mount all the pieces yourself ? and did you have to pay or contribute to the library for staging this for you ?

    1. Thank you. The display boards had plastic cables and hooks already, the lengths are adjustable to suit different size pictures. I attached wires to the backs to hang them.

      I paid £30 for the two weeks, less a Bank Holiday. A bargain I thought.

    2. Yes a bargain ! and well done again - by the way my favourite is the 'heart' picture.

  5. I'm glad the exhibition was a success for you, Ilona, well worth doing. I think I saw one or two exhibits that I hadn't seen before. Well done!

  6. Thank you for showing us all your exhibition!.Ive been looking forward to this and all your work looked amazing.I hadnt noticed the horse shoe before...That would be lovely to give a bride on her wedding day.Do they still do that these days?.Ive still got mine from 43 years ago,but its a bit battered now because it was made out of silver card.My Mams still got hers too,but hers was a proper one,like yours.She has had it hung on her gate for 65 years!xx

  7. That was great to watch ilona. It was interesting to see the scale of your projects up against the screens. Your work is fun and original!

  8. Ilona .... how lovely I wish I’d come I don’t live far ☹️. Your exhibition was beautifully presented and a credit to you. Also can I say that you deserved to keep the proceeds for yourself and have a reward for your efforts - how kind to give it away. Good luck for next year 😉

    1. Thank you Jenette, I wish you had come as well. I don't make art to make money for myself, I have enough with my pension. I enjoyed the experience, I'm happy to give it away.

  9. Beautiful , so much work has gone into your pieces of art , brilliant !

    1. Thank you. A lot of work. Difficult to say how long each piece took, but many hours, weeks and months some of them.

  10. Such lovely fun pictures. Beautifully exhibited and framed. A joy to see.

  11. It was delightful to see your video and so pleased you sold a lot and made a lot of money for your charity.
    Thank you.hazel c uk

  12. Well done Ilona. Your exhibit was a wonderful success and a testament to your creativity and imagination. Thank you for the video, I enjoyed it very much.

  13. Congratulations Ilona. As always, I am in awe of your talent. It was a joy to see all of your art displayed together. Sometimes I see something and think "Ilona would rescue that and make something fabulous" and sometimes I bring it home. But alas, I never seem to create. Perhaps I am best at admiring other's talents. I do so admire yours.

  14. Congratulations - it is wonderful to see all the pieces displayed together like that - so wonderfully colourful - they really put a smile on your face. I hope that you are pleased with the number that sold and it is very generous of you to donate all the funds to charity.

  15. Wowy wonderful so happy for you that it all went so well! And dont they all look fab :) very creative.You sold heaps !!!

  16. I've just enjoyed watching your video. Since you started your exhibition I've been wondering which pieces would be popular and sell, especially if they were my two favourites. On the video I could account for six, four with red dots, the first poppy felting you made being one of my favourites. Then I recognised two more pieces that you sold later, the horse shoe and the felt on the curved driftwood. Could you please show us which other ones sold?
    I have sold some of my smaller craft pieces for charity, some of which were commissioned, and also given some to family and friends as gifts, but couldn't part with my bigger art work as they were done for me to enjoy.
    There must have been some that you wanted to keep and didn't put in the sale weren't there?
    Other than that, I wouldn't know what price to put on larger pieces even if I did want to sell them, which I don't. How did you decide Ilona? People who were able to get to your exhibition saw the prices, those who couldn't didn't see them. May I just ask what your lowest and highest price was? Congratulations on raising that lovely amount for the charity. Will you be doing more exhibitions around the country in the future?

  17. Thank you for the tour. So much fun and the next best thing to being there. You did a bang up job with the art show and sold some beautiful pieces for charity. Talented and good hearted you are, Ilona. I look forward to your next adventure.

  18. Hi Ilona, OMG well done you!. WOW your first artshow did it give you happy butterflies? I am not surprised that so many people left nice comments and people purchased your art.I have a few favourites - the heart, the beach huts, the horseshoe I could go on!! Congratulations! I hope that this is the first of many art shows.You are so inspirational.*Thank you* for sharing your life/art/thrifty experiences on your blog x

  19. Just lovely! Of course, I would have loved to see it in person; however, this was the next best thing!!! Congratulations on your exhibit. Well done.

  20. Congratulations on a wonderful exhibition. Your work looked absolutely stunning in the video and I’m really sorry I wasn’t able to see the exhibition but have been away for the entire time it was on. Well done on raising so much money for a worthy cause rather than keeping the money for yourself as many would have done. I hope there are more exhibitions to come.

  21. Every single piece made my heart sing!! xoxo


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