
Saturday, 15 September 2018

Scotland Day 4

Twatt is a great holiday destination. I am sitting on a bench in front of the Church. If you fancy living in a church, this one is for sale. 

Another bimble around Orkney. Although it's a smallish to medium island there is such a lot to see. Ian and Christine are taking me out and about showing me the sights. There are some stunning coastlines.  

We ended up in Stromness, this is where the boat comes in from Scrabster. There are narrow streets and cottage gardens.

The hotel overlooking the harbour.

We had lunch in a small but very popular cafe up a side street. Leek and tattie soup plus a toasted sandwich, then we went for a wander. I like watching the comings and goings at the harbour. The Scrabster ferry behind the tall sailing ships, getting ready to go back to the mainland.

The small passenger ferry about to leave for the short sailing to another island.

There is a brand new library and art gallery, this is the view from the reading area on the first floor. Imagine relaxing there with a newspaper or book. I would be constantly looking out of the window.

On the way back we stopped to have a look at the Ring of Brodgar, a circle of stones next to the Loch of Harray.

Back home for dinner. Another enjoyable and interesting day.  ilona

PS, Some readers think I am still there, I am not. I wrote the posts, they are stored in draft form, now I am publishing them.


  1. I'm not a traveler and will probably never make it to Scotland, but it sure looks beautiful.

  2. Looks like you were lucky with the weather Ilona. Makes all the difference.
    My eldest son lives in Ayr and he's usually got several layers of clothes on when we are still basking in sunshine down here. lol

  3. What great friends you have to give you this tour around the island!.My Hubby is half Scott,and has visited his relatives over the years.Its a long drive.Buckie,east Scotland and a lovely place.I last went there over 43 years ago.On the train,on our honeymoon!.I admire you Ilona,being able to drive this far. Beautiful photos again!,I bet that you have had a lovely time!And you have driven even more than I done on the train all those years ago!xx

  4. More fantastic enjoyable photos Ilona. I have friends originally from Norfolk that retired early and moved to Skye around 16 years or so ago. They bought a plot and built a bungalow beside a loch. Their biggest problem is the mozzys and he says the tourists have increased a lot since moving there.

    1. Skye is very popular with serious walkers, the mountains there are very challenging. Mozzy season is mostly during the summer months, I wouldn't go in the height of the season, as I hate being surrounded by flies.

      There are plots of land for sale on Orkney for as little as £30,000.

    2. Re the mozzys he tells me that after 9.30am to around 4pm they stay inside! I couldnt stand that either my worst nightmare. Not sure how much he paid but it was a large plot as hes since helped build a property for his daughter next door but she's a fair way away from him. Shopping is getting better too, Tesco now deliver online orders to a local warehouse once a week where you go pick it yourself. So not much good for any bargains.

  5. Oh, how I envy you! Such a fabulous and interesting trip! I like the cooler season and coming in from the cold and having a leek and (I guess) potato soup sound so good! Such interesting stuff to see!

    1. Soup seems very popular in Scotland, all the cafe's sell it. Yes, tattie is potato.

  6. I've enjoyed seeing the photo's of your visit around Scotland and reading all the information about what you've been up to. I'm off to Settle next week to visit my brother/wife for 3 days. I remember you passed through there earlier this year on one of your walking excursions :)

    1. Hi Lesley. Yes, I did pass through Settle on a long walk, I also had three nights B & B there. If you put Settle into the search box on the side bar you will find the posts I wrote about it. A smashing place, beautiful scenery.

  7. Am just catching up with your blog - wow, Orkney - it's on my bucket list to visit. V funny though: I have started reading Ian Rankin's novel 'Standing in Another Man's Grave' - women going missing (presumed cold murder cases) and the murders seem to have taken place along the exact same A9 route you were driving up to Dornach etc. So I will keep your pics in mind as the mystery unfolds!

  8. Take me away to live in one of those little cottages and you will never see me again lol very lovely photos

  9. hi ilona beautiful scenery scotland is a great place my husbands son lives in livingston pleased you are having a great time. life is for living - thank you for the photos they are so good. amy and benny indoor pussies again today sleeping very close to each other and having as usual lorra lorra love as the late cilla black would say - bless her. love to you mayze and heidi. from liz roy amy and benny xxxxx

  10. We camped outside that church at Twatt a couple of years ago, know it well! And the ring of Brodgar, camped there too!

  11. Here's another thing that Stromness is known for -- Sir Peter Maxwell Davies' "Farewell to Stromness"!!

  12. Hya Ilona, I'm really enjoying your blog. I've never been to Scotland despite being raised in England (I'm a Lancashire lass with itchy feet that landed me in Canada) I will have to remedy that one day, it looks like an amazing place to visit. I want to see the view from that library for myself! You've really captured the feel of it well with your beautiful photography. Lovely!


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