
Saturday, 9 February 2019

Rejected, but not down

Email in my in box this morning. Applications were invited from interested people to become a TEDx speaker. Worth a go I thought, after all I have been a speaker for many years, have no fear of standing up in front of a couple of hundred people, fine with a camera pointing at me, let's give it a whirl. So I applied.

I didn't expect to get selected, would have been a buzz if I had, but I'm not going to lose any sleep about being turned down. After all, if you don't try you never know if you can do something. Like the summer house thing, sometimes you win, but you have to be prepared to lose. I am not a competitive person, I don't dwell on winning at everything I do, it's the taking part which is important. Life is a series of experiences, I live for the moment, and move on.

My rejection email.

Thank you so much for applying to our Ideas Search 2019.  We had a wonderful response of very high quality applications and it has been a privilege to review so many great ideas.
All of the applications are considered in relation to the themes for each event, and on reflection, unfortunately we felt your proposal wasn’t the right fit on this occasion.  I genuinely hope you don’t feel discouraged by this decision, and that you will continue to explore opportunities to share your idea with the world and inspire others. 
I wish you all the best for the future, and thank you very much for taking the time to consider collaborating with us and making your application.  I hope you’ll continue to follow our newsletter and social media for updates on other opportunities to contribute to TEDxLondon, and future Ideas Searches. 
Best wishes,                                                                          
Ashleigh Brown
Speaker Scouting and Applications Manager

I have two talks to do this month to small groups, but I shall give them as much gusto as speaking to two hundred. They get my full attention, they get my passion about the subject, and they go away smiling. That's all I need. ilona xxx


  1. Never mind,like you say some you win ect!.Im sure that you would have been great at it as well!.Good luck with your 2 talks this month.I would love to be able to attend them because I always find your advice on your videos so interesting.Hope that you have a good weekend.The wind is howling outside here in Leicester,so I wont be going far,just down to my mams house to make sure that her fences are still standing!xx

  2. All the best for your talks this month - may you inspire many more people.

  3. So brave of you to go for that! I could speak to a handful of strangers, but not a room full! Shame you didn't get picked. I have been listening to your You Tube vlogs as I am off sick and I think they are great. Good, old fashioned common sense.

  4. I am impressed by the kind, encouraging letter from Ashleigh Brown. She is right in saying that you do inspire others. Have fun with your talk.

  5. Sorry you never got on to the speakers last, I would love to hear you for you wiukd be enjoyable. You are very much like me I am not competitive and just enjoy taking part. I had a friend that was a very bad loser it was awful to hear her moaning about how she never won.
    The wind is very blustery today, keep warm and safe Ilona.
    Hazel c uk

  6. I feel rejection is good for our characters unless it's all the time, then it becomes demoralising.

    You are a confident person knowing your own capabilities with experience of public speaking. I'm sure you would have done well.

  7. As far as rejection letters go that’s one of the best. It sounds as if they genuinely considered you. I would love to be geographically closer to you so I could hear your talks. I hope it hope the wind isn’t battering you too much. X

  8. That's a shame. What was your 'theme' going to be on Ilona? Was it saving money or recycling or something else? I think you make a great motivational speaker. Since you put forth the challenge of walking 1000 miles this year I have walked daily exceeding my daily expectations. Just continue as you are uplifting and inspiring people and I am sure that TEDx will come and find you! :)

    1. I draw on my own life experiences. I want to get the message across that we can all design the life that we want. We can all take control of where we are going. We are all responsible for our own destiny. Whatever curved balls life throws at us there is always a way forward. Even people who have gone through great trauma in their lives can find a way to come out the other side. Think about the worst case scenario, think about lost limbs, acid attacks and think about how people come through that. Katie Piper is an inspiration to us all.

    2. Hope you try again. It sounds like a good talk.

  9. What is TEDx, I shall have to google.
    Have fun with your talks locally

    1. Yes, gooooglie it, tons of videos on yooootooob on every subject.

  10. hi ilona mayze heidi and sweet oscar - i am on your side and pleased you had a go. they dont know what they are missing. i find your blog and advice so good and stimulating. it certainly affects me personally and has helped tremendously in making me more positive. you did your best and am sorry they think like this as far as i am concerned they were wrong. thank you ilona for your great advice always and i will always follow your blog and adore your beautiful pets too. lots of love liz amy and sweet old benny.xxxxxx

  11. I would say it's their loss. You have talents in abundance and I love your confidence so keep going and thank you for all you share with us the beautiful craft and the very welcome tips on frugal living and just how positive it is not to waste money. I am joining the walking
    Challenge on Monday having dusted off my boots many thanks for the encouragement it's just what I needed. Love to the cats x

    1. Good for you. get them boots on and do it.

    2. This is what I mean thank you for the encouragement you don't know what it means just now. Am looking at the boots and trying to figure out the best way to waterproof them as it's pouring down at the moment.

  12. well, maybe another time.

    wondering, when you do your live talks, can you/do you have someone with a good video record them and publish them on you tube? If you are able to do this, let the folks at the talks (and us of course) know it is posted, as many of them may wish to watch it again to go over particular bits, or suggest it to friends.

    1. Hi. I don't have the right camera to record for that length of time, and it would take ages to upload onto yoootooob. It would also need editing to get rid of the boring/crap bits, and I can't do that. I would need to hire a professional.
      Sorry, it's not in the plan at the moment.


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