
Tuesday, 28 May 2019

The most amazing voice you will ever hear.

Just had to slot this one in here. I often watch the Blah Blah's Got Talent shows from all around the world on yooootoooob. I have them on in the background while I'm doing a bit of stitching because I can carry on looking at my hands, and glancing up when a new contestant comes on.

Well this one stopped me dead. When I heard the sound come out of his mouth I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. It needed my full attention. So, stop what you are doing, click play, and be prepared to be taken off on a journey to another part of the world. If the earth could sing this is what it would sound like.

Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. If you like this there are more videos on yooootoooob. He went through to the final.

  2. Absolutely breathtaking, what a divine talent, could listen to him forever. Terry in Reigate

  3. Truly amazing that he even thought of creating this. No wonder that it stopped you dead!

  4. Haunting and beautiful, thank you for sharing

  5. Thank you so much Ilona, that was incredible and I absolutely loved it. I shall watch out for this man.

  6. Thanks for sharing Ilona - I was mesmerised! :-)

  7. Ive just listened and that is a lovely start to my day.I see what you mean when you say..if the earth could sing this is what it would sound like.The sound is like a relaxation tape,but done with his voice instead of instruments!.Amazing talent!.And he has a lovely smile!!,xx

  8. This is doing the rounds on Youtube, I've already heard it but had to listen again - amazing isn't it ?

    1. That's the good thing about yooootoooob, you find something you like, a completes surprise, subscribe to it, and similar videos pop up later, and you can watch them over and over again.

  9. Amazing, and moving. Thank you so much for linking to this.

  10. Thank you Ilona for posting this, wow it was amazing! Love your blogs and You tube posts too.


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