
Monday, 12 August 2019

Folk art weaving landscape.

I was working on this for most of the day yesterday. When I started it I didn't know what I was going to end up with, but as I began adding a bit more and a bit more, an idea emerged. A landscape possibly, a tree possibly, maybe two trees. 
The loom is an old picture frame, the warps are white wool. 
Keep checking the sides, don't pull the weft tight across, leave some slack. Try to get two colours with a neat join.

Now it's off the loom, knot the top and bottom warps while I add the detail. First a sun. I decided to use felt for the extras, easy to sew on.

Two trees and some French knots at the bottom. Luckily I had a red plastic knitting needle which is just the right size. Add some twisted cord to hang it. 
It is 12 inches top to bottom, and 8 and a bit inches wide. I have stitched a piece of dark blue felt to the back to hide all the messiness. I trimmed the fringe at the bottom, three inches is about right.

I'm really chuffed with this, I can see me doing some more weaving, maybe a bigger loom next time. 
Toodle pip.  Ilona 


  1. You really are so talented with an amazing imagination. Brilliant.

  2. I really loved this piece and the sun and trees are very good. I wish my imagination was like yours.
    Hazel c uk

  3. This is lovely; so much work has gone into it. I really do think I will attempt weaving.

  4. Your weaving is so neat and tidy, your stitches so uniform and lovely! I agree with everyone, your imagination is brilliant! Karla in Illinois

  5. Oh my goodness, that is so precious!!!! I agree with the above comment and I'm awed and your neat and tidy weaving and perfect stitches. I cannot do this! I'm a mess when it comes to sewing. You did a beautiful job! I adore it!

  6. you're obviously enjoying it! keep at it..and watch the tension...but on the other hand you could use "unstraight sides" as part of the design...

    1. I have this thing about being tidy, I need to loosen up a bit, maybe do one with wonky edges.

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